Sentences with phrase «part of the artwork»

Her more recent work has shifted to explore social practice and collaboration, with the audience as an integral part of the artwork.
Learn about each of the artists and their creations, how they came to the Gallery, and why touch is such an important part of each artwork.
This can be used for the more minute and delicate parts of any artwork.
I realized then that I had been an unwilling part of an artwork she began in 1971 that ended up continuing for 27 years.
Beginning in the 1950s, the process of artistic production itself became an increasingly fundamental part of artworks with the advent of actions, happenings and performances.
His paintings, graphic rural landscapes with scattered industrial debris and machine parts, are often framed in really massive, almost architectural frames that form part of the artwork.
The space itself is always an important part of the artwork.
A fly - covered cow's head, part of an artwork by Damien Hirst entitled A Thousand Years, in the Tate Modern
The term «found object» is a literal translation from the French objet trouvé, meaning objects or products with non-art functions that are placed into an art context and made part of an artwork; what we now call «the readymade» is an updated version of that idea.
The exhibition and workshop program is part of ArtWorks for Freedom ACTION DC!
Artist Statement «Nature is a big part of the artwork that I create.
Finally the film, the last part of the artwork's triptych, will be made using images from both the polar trip and the Central Park performances and will be shown as part of next year's Whitney Biennial.
The artist whom one object has definitely marked the whole career, Günther Uecker for the first time used nails as a most important part of his artwork in 1967, simultaneously exploring the avant - garde ideas of Suprematism or Unism.
The Storm King execution of the piece will follow the artist's proposed enlargement for outdoors, which allows visitors to enter a central «viewing platform» of the work — becoming part of the artwork as they experience Storm King's landscape.
I went from this 1970s Trans - Am to a Puma 550 robot arm, which is part of an artwork.
Do not alter the logo in anyway, including changes to the color or design, or removal of any words or parts of the artwork.
It's interesting to see one part of that artwork become a reality now.
The piece also gives visitors the chance to become a part of an artwork that aims to ask more questions about art than it can answer.
Erwin Wurm's work often invites the viewer to interact and participate and become part of the artwork.
HERRON: Do you consider the physical process of breaking down books as part of the artwork itself?
But the hardest door at Frieze New York isn't found at a private lounge or a collectors» retreat; it's part of an artwork.
«That's what I'm interested in as an artist, when the spectator becomes the artwork or becomes a part of an artwork», says Deller.
Over the years, the artist has developed a unique style in creating photo artworks — by putting them together in a collage, where each photograph plays an integral part of the artwork, and has little sense on its own.
Her recent work collaboratively brings the audience into sharper focus as an integral part of the artwork, between artist, vocalists and audience, demonstrating how cultural differences might be articulated, mediated and enjoyed.
I was so fascinated with this damaged woman's story, I completely forgot it was meant to be part of an artwork in the Turner prize.
When these conceptual artists presented text within the context of an artwork, they were forcing their audiences to become a part of the artwork by imploring them to read the composition, almost like a script that adds an element of the theatrical.
Other than that, I can usually cut them to make them part of the artwork.
It is unclear what is going on in the embroideries at first but that is all part of the artwork, inviting you to create your own story.
Visitors are invited to be a part of the artwork, whether it be sitting amongst the work's many colours and textures, or relaxing in the hammock which looks out to sea.
Agar is a Spanish curator based at MARCO Vigo, where she recently curated Entering the work, part of a cycle of exhibitions including artists such as Wilfredo Prieto and Rubén Grilo that analyze the condition of the public as an integral part of the artwork.
The title pays tribute to Denise René's history - making exhibition Le Mouvement (1955) while referring to the osculating colours and forms that invite the viewer to be a part of the artwork as an active participant.
In Clark's propositions, the name given to her ephemeral performances, she gave up control of the artistic process to free the observer's experience, whose body and actions became part of the artwork.
Can a display, function as a frame for a picture and become part of an artwork or is it an independent work that should be removed from the artwork itself?
The water - purification system is an integral part of the artwork and allows for the nonpotable water to be reclaimed, purified, and consumed by the public.
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