Sentences with phrase «part of the dispute»

Now, I'm part of the dispute resolution practice group mostly doing the e-discovery stuff.
And communication seems to be a big part of the dispute.
(c) making an oral request to withdraw all or part of a dispute during a neutral evaluation, pre - hearing discussion, settlement discussion, preliminary conference or at a hearing.
They listen to their community and their various parties who are part of the dispute resolution.
That is exactly the claim that has led a court in Iceland to order Bobby Fischer's body exhumed as part of a dispute over his estate that has been raging since he died in 2008.
As Bloomberg notes, PTAB challenges have a very high rate of success, with at least part of a disputed patent getting invalidated in 87 % of all PTAB cases.
General Motors donated $ 17,000 to Gov. Cuomo's re-election fund months before the company was picked for a self - driving car test in New York City, which is now part of a dispute with the de Blasio administration.
The buy buttons which Amazon had removed as part of a dispute concerning new pricing arrangements have been re-instituted for all...
Buffalo Grove officials had planned to use part of the disputed parcel to build a new municipal water pumping station.
Part of the dispute centers around the belief that point (c)(clearing its orbit) should not have been listed, and that those objects now categorized as dwarf planets should actually be part of a broader planetary definition.
In our experience, a large part of dispute documents sent directly from consumers are rejected under one pretext or another.
All three credit bureaus have outsourced at least part of their dispute programs to contractors abroad, says consumer lawyer Leonard Bennett.
Advisory work is now an integral part of dispute resolution work, in addition to court work.
Adam Silver Qualified: 2002 Made partner: 2013 Key cases: Representing Avonwick Holdings as part of a dispute between Ukrainian clients and a Russian individual and his associates.
More than a year after Apple and Samsung dropped all lawsuits against each other in jurisdictions outside the U.S. (i.e., numerous neutral jurisdictions as well as Samsung's country, Korea), it's time they also put aside the U.S. part of their dispute.
70.1 A party may seek permission to withdraw all or part of a dispute by: (a) serving a request to withdraw on all parties; and
Resolved customer issues and disputes with invoices as part of the Dispute Team along with Account Executives and the Finance Department.
Determining when a community ends is a critical part of disputes over property division.
The office portion of the building, owned by Golub & Co., is open and not part of the dispute.
It came months after the project raised a record $ 232 million in a token sale - the proceeds of which are now part of the dispute.
The buy buttons which Amazon had removed as part of a dispute concerning new pricing arrangements have been re-instituted for all Macmillan titles.
(This explains why someone at Microsoft went public with at least part of the dispute; a possible negotiating tactic.)
I am certified to act as a mediator and as an arbitrator, and I was recently appointed as a Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO), as part of the Dispute Resolution Officer Pilot Project in the Newmarket court.
Mediation is now widely accepted in North Carolina as part of the dispute resolution landscape and the divorce process in particular.
Members of the union will join firefighters, civil servants and local government staff in the protest on Thursday, part of a dispute over pay and other issues.
Part of the dispute is a claim by Niagara County to receive a share of the money for county government projects and another part had to do with restructuring the local commission charged with allocating the money.
Part of the dispute is jurisdictional — the Assembly version amends environmental conservation law, the Senate bill changes general business law.
One of the first sessions I attended was called «the art and science of persuasion,» which was part of the dispute - resolution track.
You may want to consider judicial review if you were a part of a dispute resolution proceeding at the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) which did not go in your favour and you believe that the decision made by the arbitrator at the hearing was unreasonable or unfair.
The Academy of Law is part of the Dispute Resolution Authority (DRA) which also comprises the DIFC Courts, the DIFC - LCIA Arbitration Centre (DIFC - LCIA), and the DIFC Wills and Probate Registry (WPR).
[10] The Working Group further agreed that the term «settlement agreement» should refer to «an agreement in writing, that is concluded by parties to a commercial dispute, that results from international conciliation, and that resolves all or part of the dispute
Med - arb has been a part of the dispute - resolution toolkit for labour arbitrators for a long time.
Applicants for help may seek advice for all or part of their dispute.
If your matter is a motion to change (see the section on Motions) and you are appearing, in Ontario, your case conference may be conducted by a Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO), as part of the Dispute Resolution Officer Program.
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