Sentences with phrase «part of the eye»

The lens of the eye is situated behind the iris, the colored part of the eye.
Also, basic knowledge of which colors and shades are meant for different parts of your eyes helps.
Now you will have a fine line from the inner corner of your eye, ending at the outer part of your eye.
The abnormalities affect either the front or back part of the eye or a combination of both.
That's just part of an eye - catching installation that consists of ceramic works in glass cases, paintings on the wall, and the palm tree structures behind the currency exchange booth.
These conditions lead to impaired vision in the central part of the eye.
Don't rub you lower part of the eye, just tap it lightly with a sponge.
That's where — according to new research — a waste product of the retina fuels part of the eye that powers the rods and cones that help us sense light.
They can grow entire limbs, tail, and even parts of their eyes, hearts, and central nervous systems.
There are two distinctive diseases affecting two distinctive parts of the eye.
The top of this vault is just below the center of gravity of the head and behind part of your eye socket.
The shade is so good for highlighting different part of eyes or high points.
Applying lashes toward the inner part of your eye can often look too heavy.
Apply a thin line of dark shadow and liner (often referred to as the «mirrored effect») on the lower part of the eye to combat the lifted appearance.
Blue eyeliner makes the white part of your eyes look whiter, and you'll love the effect it has in photos.
The slit lamp allows the veterinary ophthalmologist to examine the front part of the eye which includes the eyelids, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, and lens.
Glaucoma will result from a lens that is displaced into the front part of the eye if the condition is not treated surgically.
The AAO goes on to say that vitamin A also serves as an eye moisturizer to keep your cornea and other parts of your eye lubricated and nourished.
The redness may be in the white of the eye, in the clear part of the eye called the cornea, or within the eyeball.
Additional risk factors included presence of disc hemorrhage inside the retina of the eye, thinning of the cornea and also atrophy in part of the eye.
The macula, the center part of the eye responsible for detailed vision, can swell, too, causing vision loss.
If this third eyelid can be seen covering part of the eye it probably denotes a cat health problem.
Body Material / Material Body at Konzett, Vienna as part of Eyes On / European Month of Photography.
The iris is the coloured part of your eye and controls the pupil, the hole that lets light inside the eyeball.
«We also want to use our instrument to measure opacities in the eye's crystal lens and the vitreous to better understand how various parts of the eye affect the deterioration of vision,» said Grulkowski.
This time his bloodwork was far less normal; the white part of his eyes looked a tiny bit yellow; and, his ultrasound showed a large blocked gall bladder and a little fluid around his liver.
Corneal dystrophy: this condition affects the outer transparent part of the eye.
The algorithm can even take into account more serious eye problems, such as cataracts, by splitting the image into segments and placing the segments at focal depths that avoid the damaged part of the eye.
However, all types can damage different parts of your eyes leading to things like macular degeneration and cataracts.
The research team found that when it increased levels of E-NTPDase2 in tadpole embryos that consisted of only eight cells, they could cause parts of the eye to form not only on the heads of the amphibians, but also in tissues in other parts of their bodies, including their tails.
The iris, the colored part of the eye encircling the pupil, is pale, whereas the pupil itself may appear red.
These glowing layers reveal the complex structure of the retina — the photoreceptive part of the eye — in a mouse at one month old.
A new review is the first to directly examine the role of various stem cells in the healing of wounded cornea, the outermost part of the eye.
In the study, Prof. Polat employed his expertise in improving vision by retraining the brain and the foveal part of the eye, using exercises in which speed is a key element.
This may be related to the effects of DHA on color, or pigment, in a specific part of the eye, called the macula.
Among the carotenoids, lutein is perhaps best known for its supportive role in eye health, and in particular, for its ability to protect different parts of the eye from potential damage by light or oxygen.
A side parting frames the face, with some of the hair just onscuring part of the eye for a touch of mystery.
The most light - sensitive parts of our eyes (those we need to see dim objects) are on the edges of the region we normally use for focusing.
In an affected dog, the membranes fail to break free, whether on the frontal part of the eye or behind it, causing varying degrees of vision impairment depending on placement and concentration of the strands.
There are 3 main parts of the eye which can be affected by cloudiness: The Cornea (the outermost layer of the eye, covering the iris); cloudiness of the fluid in the front chamber of the eye; and cloudiness of the lens (situated behind the iris).
In just a few cases, the lens will pass into the posterior part of the eye or will float from one area to the other.
This works in the white blood cells several days after infection and in conjunctival (the pink part of the eye area) swabs up to 21 days after infection.
Cloudiness in dog eyes is generally related to a loss of vision, involving parts of the eye meant for the entrance of light into the eye.
The suite of 24 untitled drawings by Willem de Kooning is part of Eyes Closed / Eyes Open: Recent Acquisitions in Drawings, which also features work by Franz Erhard Walther and Martha Rosler.
Babies develop jaundice, a yellowish discoloration of their skin and the white parts of their eyes, as bilirubin builds up in their blood and skin.
«The amount of melanin in the iris, the colored part of the eye, determines what color a person's eyes will be,» says Douglas Fredrick, M.D., a pediatric ophthalmologist at Stanford Children's Health in Palo Alto, California.

Phrases with «part of the eye»

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