Sentences with phrase «part of the particular group»

from the Mayo Clinic explains, spina bifida is part of a particular group of birth defects that are known as neural tube defects.
As a fact sheet from the Mayo Clinic explains, spina bifida is part of a particular group of birth defects that are known as neural tube defects.

Not exact matches

In connection with the 2012 spin - off of Kraft Foods Group, Inc. (now a part of Kraft Heinz Company («KHC»)-RRB-, Kraft Foods Group and the company each granted the other various licenses to use certain trademarks in connection with particular product categories in specified jurisdictions.
On Being a Young CEO «It's never quite clicked with me that I'm part of any particular age group,» says Karp, 22.
Groups elect their own leaders, so if the group wants someone with a particular quality to be part of leadership it can elect that person.
The charity said in a statement that it continues to receive numerous reports of violations against such groups, in particular those located in remote parts of the country.
I judge that the greatest short circuit in the whole hookup of denominational and world church agitation for charitable mission lies in the failure to provide for the process of forming a convictional consensus on the part of church groups so that they own particular projects as their God - given task and opportunity.
Whatever disciplining behavior may mean these days on the part of churches, there are no possible powers except exclusion from the particular group (which, in a heterogeneous society, is not being made a pariah) and possibly influencing public opinion.
So if you are firmly part of one particular tradition and want to push and promote it on others, this discipleship group will not be a good fit for you.
Its not different than a group saying to be part of it, you have to beleive in Zeus and you have to belive this and that particular ceremony of Zeus in order to be let in.
Discriminatory purpose, as defined in Bray, implies that the agent selects or reaffirms a particular course of action in part «because of» and not merely «in spite of» its adverse effects upon an identifiable group.
The origin we choose and to which we refer our sensible perceptions of things «we call here: our location in a particular part of space round which we group the whole Universe is the essential fact of our bodily existence» (IM 91).
A world leader in packaging line engineering, Gebo Cermex, part of the Sidel Group, is renowned for its particular expertise in end - of - line, palletising equipment and intralogistics.
In particular, learning about the group called RAID (Researchers in Agriculture for International Development) was one of those «ah - ha» moments as part of the scholar days as it linked, for me, the opportunities and possibilities of how volunteers and experts can contribute to a multiplier effect in capacity building within large projects.
targeting specific population groups — each part of the borough has its own particular ethnic mix and this needs to be reflected in services
I think by being a part of breastfeeding groups in particular, I got a lot of more information from other breastfeeding moms which really helped me get more confident when I did have those questions, where I didn't feel defensive.
In particular, a formula - feeding group may be atypical in studies carried out at a time (ie, in the early part of the 20th century, when bottle feeds were predominantly cow - milk preparations)(15, 16, 24) or in cultures where breastfeeding was widespread (32).
As for «political speech» that seems to be a big part of this entire mess — the laws seem vague enough as to what these groups can and can't do that I find it hard for anyone to properly enforce them regardless of particular political leanings.
The whole episode is part of a wider trend of restricting free speech in the name of protecting particular identity groups.
The problem with focusing on the particular group these people claim to be part of, whether they're Corbyn supporters, Tories, Scottish Nationalists or Ukippers, is that it detracts from the perpetrators themselves.
But $ 15 «has become the standard» for labor groups in part because of the advocacy of fast - food workers in particular, said Mary Kay Henry, international president of the Service Employees International Union.
Protesters highlighted one incident in particular as part of the group's continuing effort to push for police accountability.
«The allegation that the Nigerian Army selected a particular ethnic group from the South Eastern part of the country is completely false and has no bases.
«Not to say that the legislation might not still have merit, but I can't be a part of anything that espouses hatred of one particular group
As part of the International Visible Trait Genetics Consortium, he and his colleagues examined the DNA of five groups of people to see whether any particular variants of a gene were associated with each trait.
As part of his training he became involved in neuroscience research; in particular he was part of group that was using new imaging techniques to see how different parts of the brain worked together in real time.
Workout splits, or how often you work a particular muscle group, can be one of the most confusing parts of a new strength training regimen.
Each of the workouts target particular muscle groups that hone in on specific parts of your body.
Here you'll find information on which food groups to focus on and why particular foods are recommended as part of a keto diet.
Part of the Center Theater Group's second annual Block Party, director Ryan Bergmann's superb remounting of the Celebration Theatre's 2017 production of Charles Busch's camp classic is lavishly realized in every particular.
And, as part of their remit, Ofsted inspectors will pay particular attention to the outcomes for specified groups, including children with medical conditions, reporting on whether or not the arrangements for safeguarding children are effective.
We encourage states to focus on the lowest - performing students, but the lowest - performing students aren't always part of a particular racial or economic group, or even a particular curricular subgroup.
My favorite part of these team meetings is when students recognize that a group member is struggling with a particular task, they will often assign themselves to the struggling student's card to assist them.
The Download (comprising 4 files, within one zip file) includes: - A PPT Containing a Full Lesson - A complete lesson plan covering: objectives, key - words, differentiation, and lesson timeline - Double - sided A4 worksheet - A3 Silent Debate group worksheets - A Homework Task The topic of the lesson focusses on the following part of the specification: Human Concerns [Duties / Virtues / Yamas] • Hindu understanding of the concepts of free will, suffering and virtue, including their relationship to karma and samsara • The meaning and importance of Hindu virtues / moral duties (yamas), including harmlessness / non-violence (Ahimsa), compassion (daya), selfcontrol / restraint (dama) and giving (dana) • The relationship between virtues and particular elements of dharma • Common and divergent emphases placed on human concerns by different Hindu groups, including which virtues are identified as of core importance • Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Hindu groups Sources: Mahabharata V 39 Bhagavad Gita XVI, 1 — 3 Bhagavad Gita VIII 8 — 12 This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course!
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that the new rules will stop «secularist campaign groups» from targeting faith school admission «as part of a particular agenda».
We may do our particular share of this work locally, with a particular group of students, in a particular community, but we must keep sight of the links between this local action and the global enterprise of which it is a part.
As part of that merger, the department is considering a reshuffling of OESE itself... grouping together employees with similar skills, as opposed to having separate offices focused on particular programs, said Elizabeth Hill, a department spokeswoman.
The technical explanation, in part, is that test designers try to build questions that avoid Differential Item Functioning (DIF)- items in which students from different groups (commonly gender or ethnicity) with the same underlying achievement levels have a different probability of giving a certain response on that particular item.
Like Aronson's Jigsaw, each student in Jigsaw II, after preparing in an «expert» group, teaches his or her peers a particular part of the subject matter.
A group or country identifier: This part of the number identifies the geographic publisher grouping of which a particular book's publisher is a part.
Every time I accepted a friend request, I tagged that person as part of a particular list or group.
Scholarships come in many forms including awards for outstanding sports and other abilities, having specific traits, or being a part of a particular organization or group.
Tracking is a characteristic of our curriculum that gives students the option of focusing their studies in the latter part of the curriculum on a particular group of species to gain more in - depth training.
These groups tend to live in particular parts of the country, with the north and west being largely Spanish and Indian areas, Belize City and the adjacent coastal and riverine settlements predominantly Creole.
Aiming assist is important for players and is part of a bigger plan at Blizzard, with the company trying to make sure that it offers different balancing on each of the devices that are suited to the particular needs of each group of players.
Suh's works take items such as uniforms and army dogtags that identify individuals as part of a specific group, and while challenging the authorities that confine individuals within particular frameworks, develops these items into installations that are metaphors for the enormous power generated when the small, individual power of nameless people is combined.
Lower, lighter reliefs congregate at the top of the prints, while larger, higher, darker elements collect near the bottom, suggesting gravitational pull or the way certain groups of people bunch up in particular parts of cities.
He was a key member of groups including Der Blaue Reiter, Dada, and Abstraction - Cre ́ation and embraced collaboration as part of his practice, in particular with his longtime artistic partner and wife, Sophie Taeuber.
In particular Mark Rothko and Milton Avery, and Clyfford Still was part of that group.
Other non-linear connections between parts of the painting may be revealed, such as the repetition of a particular tone or the grouping of close tones in one part of the painting that form a powerful shape.
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