Sentences with phrase «part of the scheme»

This can be adapted to be an assessed piece of work as part of a scheme of work.
This was taught as part of a scheme of work about inspirational people.
The most important parts of this scheme were the local parish ministers, for they occupied a position in between the ruler and the families.
It can be used as a one - off lesson or as part of a scheme on creative writing / reading skills.
Even if you meet someone, they are a willing part of the scheme and 100 % content to rip off men for money.
Many of our regional food and drink producers are part of a scheme which sets out the standards they work within.
This lesson is designed as part of a scheme about healthy living or as a stand alone lesson for age around 15.
The first part of our scheme had gone without a hitch.
But carnival character is still part of the scheme with a photo - wall of eclectic frames filled with pictures of family and friends leading upstairs.
There were more than a handful of circumstances involving murder, hired hits, or simply strangers recruiting elderly people as part of a scheme.
The past is seen as a line of distinct, distinguishable periods; the present and the future are also part of the scheme of dispensations.
Authorities allege part of the scheme included an effort to get the New York City Campaign Finance Board to supply matching funds to the ones contributed by the straw donors.
Repackaging low selling games with amiibo is I think the good part of the scheme.
Photography exhibition It's All Lies is part of a scheme created by Iniva to provide professional guidance and support to...
As discussed, fair dealing is an integral part of the scheme of copyright law in Canada.
The graduates, who are currently part of schemes at Marks & Spencer and Bakkavor, visited NCFM for dedicated training days to experience the technologies -LSB-...]
Caproni dropped an extortion charge against Percoco over payments totaling $ 35,000 he allegedly received from two Syracuse businessmen — Steven Aiello and Joseph Gerardo — that prosecutors say was part of a scheme meant to have Percoco use his influence in the Cuomo administration to assist their real estate firm called Cor Development.
Rather than revealing her identity, she allows him to believe she's dead, only to wind up part of his scheme to have her pretend to be herself so he can claim her inheritance.
As part of the scheme Elliott will be responsible for building a new school on each of the existing sites using a modular construction solution.
Good design comes into play, but enthusiasm and encouragement from the adults involved has always been a vital part of any schemes I have designed that have gone on to be a great success.
Publishers in the US including Hachette Book Group, Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster are making $ 250m (# 163m) in free e-books available to low - income students as part of a scheme announced today (30th April) by President Obama.
«Through government grants, taxpayers are footing a large part of this scheme's annual # 4m [US$ 7m] budget and they have a right to know their money isn't being spent greenwashing bad practice,» continued Picken.
The FCPF plans to pump $ 345 million into those countries - a reward for taking measures to preserve their forests - as part of a scheme known as REDD +, or «reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation».
«Roses are my favourite, so I wanted them to be a big part of the scheme.
Nine alcohol arrest referral projects will be piloted as part of a scheme designed to increase alcohol awareness and reduce repeat - offender rates.
«I hope that all puppy buyers will stop buying from people that may be masquerading as good breeders, but who are not part of this scheme and that all responsible dog breeders sign up to the Assured Breeder Scheme so vets and vet nurses can direct prospective buyers towards them knowing they'll be choosing a happy, healthy puppy.»
Prime locations in the affluent neighborhoods were also part of the scheme to gain recognition in the chosen areas.
Texture is an important part of the scheme, adding warmth and interest.
Part of that scheme includes training for local farmers and ranchers in using more sustainable practices.
The best part of the scheme was attending a completion meeting - not something that many Vac Schemers get a chance to do - it was a great chance to see a deal coming together, and gave me a lot to talk about in interviews.
The exhibition is part of a scheme created by...
The lesson is also available as part of a scheme of work that is based on the understanding of the text and its themes, as well as narrative, non-fiction and descriptive writing skills.
The lesson is also available as part of a scheme of work that is based on a full understanding of the text and its themes, as well as narrative, non-fiction and descriptive writing skills.
Verizon went along, even though it could have done the work for less, but did not know that CCS had hired consultants who worked for Lanham as part of a scheme to skim money off the project.
The crooked pair even posed as hitmen, staging a fake execution of an informer as part of another scheme to defraud Ulbricht.
As part of the scheme, Glaxo employees allegedly funneled kickbacks through trade groups and travel agencies that planned events.
The former owner of Giokas Wealth Advisors in Williamsville also admitted using a fake company, Trinity Council LLC, as part of a scheme to solicit investments he knew were fraudulent.
In its first month of operation, the LLP's user base topped 3,000, which may go some way to pacifying merchants who must pay a # 25 monthly fee to be part of the scheme.
I will argue that Cobb has blurred the distinction between actual existence and existence as part of a scheme of potential relationships.
But hey, if you like laws and sausages... (I actually know a congressional staffer who is a part of a scheme like this right now.).
What: Charged with embezzling $ 440,000 as part of a scheme to control money from Brooklyn foreclosure sales and an additional charge of lying to
Howe, a former lobbyist, is expected to testify that he was part of scheme that involved bribing Joseph Percoco, the former executive deputy secretary to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
What: Charged with embezzling $ 440,000 as part of a scheme to control money from Brooklyn foreclosure sales and an additional charge of lying to the FBI.
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