Sentences with phrase «part of the zeitgeist»

It's just part of the zeitgeist of the American religious imagination that there is a very angry God from which Jesus can possibly be the one that would save us.
Smoothies have become part of the zeitgeist, as people have realized that they provide a great way to mix up nutritious foods in a convenient - to - consume way.
I was part of the zeitgeist when online multiplayer reached critical mass as a result of games like
Before «brand» was even part of the zeitgeist, Champagne had it down.
Back during the Internet boom, crazy work hours and blurred boundaries between work and leisure were part of the zeitgeist along with teenage millionaires and dogs in the office, but burnout wasn't a big concern.
Without that conception of the content of the code, Schrödinger's insight was merely part of the zeitgeist, a hint of what was to come rather than a breakthrough that shaped all subsequent thinking.
Genre classics like Ocean's 11, The Italian Job, and The Great Train Robbery ensured that heist films were a viable box office endeavor, and they've been part of the zeitgeist ever since.
«Reservoir Dogs,» «Kids» and «Hoop Dreams» were officially part of the zeitgeist and Madonna was posing for photographers along with fellow Gotham Award guests Ted Turner and Jane Fonda.
Try Twitter: If «brevity is the soul of wit» (thanks, Shakespeare), it's also part of the zeitgeist of our time, for better and for worse.
I was part of the zeitgeist when online multiplayer reached critical mass as a result of games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Gears of War and Halo 3.
We can debate how seriously one should take Trump's baiting of Kim Jong Un (or vice versa), but for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear war is part of the zeitgeist.
A confident multiculturalism and relaxed, mongrel Britishness was part of the zeitgeist.
Early Obama years: As Woodman puts it, «It became a part of the Zeitgeist that purple is not red state or blue state but a middle ground.»
What we tried to do was select the role that finally made an actor a part of the zeitgeist; the turn that made it clear we'd be seeing a lot more of them.
Talks about making a film about transgender issues when the subject is so relevant and such a part of the zeitgeist.
So far Lady Bird is not divisive, is well - loved across the board, and captures at least a part of the zeitgeist.
«We had no idea it was going to be this much a part of the zeitgeist,» said Baker.
And like the aforementioned song, Baumbach takes both a sending - up and a celebratory tone, skewering both the naive idealism of youth and opportunity, while also digging in at the tired, out - of - touch older couple, who no longer find themselves part of the zeitgeist yet remain focused on notions of credibility.
Richard Prince is an artist and he found the images we and our girls publish on Instagram as representative of something worth commenting on, part of the zeitgeist, I guess?
Fahlström was part of a Zeitgeist that wanted to redress static and authoritarian narratives and make the world a place that can be manipulated by everyone.
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