Sentences with phrase «part of you sticks»

When his larynx grows bigger, it tilts to a different angle inside the neck and part of it sticks out at the front of the throat.
When the larynx grows bigger, it tilts to a different angle and part of it sticks out inside the neck.
There are no fit details to be seen so once again this is the kind of dress that falls from whichever part of you sticks out the most, aka the bust.
I love how so many parts of it stuck with the Mario series though — like Lugi's jump, Shy Guys and Birdo!
They trade barbs, with Timberlake in the part of stuck - up diva and easygoing Segel insulting in an accidental way, each referencing the other's various works.

Not exact matches

Stick to an exercise routine that replenishes you, whether it's individual activities (like walking, biking or working out at the gym) or group sports that build your confidence as part of a team that works together towards a common goal.
Top executives should be encouraging employees to share best practices or else the company will be stuck with what Hollis calls «incessant competition» with different parts of the same company.
So vetting us, and making sure we're going to stick around, is part of the deal here.
To really make the learning stick — and your investment in human capital pay off — you need to make business education part of your culture.
«They're to stick with a more or less passive strategy if they still have the explore part of their portfolio.»
«If they have a lot of moving parts in a portfolio and things don't work out, it's hard for them to stick to their strategies.
Learn from one entrepreneur's story of how not sticking to an important part of his startup plan landed him in a sticky situation.
The important part of this forgive - and - forget model is you have to be intentional — you need to talk it out and stick with that plan.
When they feel like their voices are heard and that they're a part of building something, they are more invested and more likely to stick around, he concludes.
She helped me set aside a chunk of time each day for high - priority, big impact tasks (not routine stuff like answering email or booking meetings) and suggested sticking to that timeslot throughout the work week so that it became part of my regular routine.
Ford's commercial, which is part of its ongoing «Go Further» marketing campaign, features a montage of clips of people getting stuck in various scenarios, from a stalled ski lift to a major traffic jam.
There's both a carrot and a stick element to the bundled payment system, which is part of the medical care reimbursement reforms authorized under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).
So it's strange that the practice of science has, for the most part, been stuck in the dark ages.
That's one reason researchers think the microbiome might be a crucial part of not only obesity and diabetes, but also some of society's most pervasive mental health problems — the very illnesses that, too often, leave doctors stuck and patients frustrated.
It must become part of the organization's communication and feedback DNA, rather than some temporary, superficial supplement that sticks out like a sore thumb.
The most important part of saving for retirement is doing it and sticking to it.
That sticking point comes with other hard issues still on the horizon, including dairy, auto parts, the dispute resolution system and the U.S. push for a review of NAFTA every five years.
«I think it rather stuck in the throats of the leadership in Beijing that large companies had to go overseas to list and not in Hong Kong, which they view as part of home,» said David Webb, publisher of the financial and corporate governance website Webb - site and a deputy chairman of Hong Kong's Takeovers Panel.
«Whether you're a true friend of the crown or stuck in the pit of misery, there's no denying the success of the «Dilly Dilly» campaign and how it has become a part of culture,» he says.
It's part of an ongoing shift in the industry in how consumers pay for their service, with more people actually opting to pay for their own smartphones because it can lead to lower monthly charges down the line if you stick with the same device after two years.
Meanwhile, the available mortgage rates stick closely to quotes in other parts of the state on similar loans, and the banks we surveyed made practically no adjustments in rate between Cleveland and Columbus — despite a towering difference in the median listing price.
The only thing more terrifying than being stuck on a roller coaster, is being stuck at the highest part of the ride.
And most of the fuel delivered as part of the relief effort was stuck in San Juan because roads weren't passable and truck drivers couldn't get to work.
The art part of it for me is sticking with companies / brands that I know or use regularly, and relying on dividend index funds for the majority of my investments in case my individual stock picks go badly.
Here's the important part though is you have to stick to the plan because I see too many people go down a path of like two or three years of potentially qualifying for public service loan forgiveness, but then, they deviate and they start doing other things.
Trump jarred Chinese officials on Sunday by saying the United States did not necessarily have to stick to its long - standing position that Taiwan is part of «one China.»
The 17 - country eurozone is currently stuck in a recession and is not expected to recover until the latter part of this year.
And if Trump sticks to his campaign promises, his administration may very well end up swimming in red ink: according to reputable estimates, if carried out, Trump's spending and tax plans, including his plans for infrastructure spending and wall - building, and his promise to retain some of the most expensive parts of Obamacare, will boost government borrowing by roughly a third within a decade, and could double it by 2036.
However, when equity market volatility increases to a point that makes us uncomfortable, it is often this stable part of our portfolio that quells the inclination to make rash decisions, allowing us to stick with our asset allocations when times get tough.
Once in a while, people are given a third - person point of view and are asked by the author to act on that knowledge, but for the most part, we are stuck in first - person.
I tend to think the need for vision is part of any community — don't want to be stuck in a desert for 40 years do ya?
A lot of the music he likes, a lot of the parts from the music he likes, but not sticking to one in particular.
But when we turn the Bible into an adjective and stick it in front of another loaded word (like manhood, womanhood, politics, economics, values, marriage, and even equality), we tend to ignore or downplay the parts of the Bible that don't fit our presuppositions.
From the aisle seat where I was sitting I could have stuck out my foot and tripped him up, and might easily have done so, had my attention not been arrested by a still, small voice, as it were, asking, «Coffin, what part of that sentence are you objecting to?»
A couple of the artisans are college - educated, but they're stuck working part - time housekeeping jobs.
JFK understood that the space race with the Soviets was a key part of a military contest that we were stuck with taking with dead seriousness.
Just when you think those days were just a part of the weirdest gold digger test (that is: send a few winged reptiles and see if your boo thang will stick around long enough for the good stuff) guess what happens on days six and seven: even bigger birds!
The best part of the book is pages 80 - 84, where I believe he touches on the dire need of all churches worldwide, not just in the sticks, but also in cities.
the worst part of all of this is if the head line read «man to be put to death for his beliefs» no one would care but you stick christian in there then its shocking
Most of these were workers stuck in part time jobs, and women were more likely to be among the working poor, as were blacks and Hispanics (
Whether this impulse is a trace of some particularly vicious strain humans inherited from simian ancestors or whether it is the worst blight of original sin, we seem to be stuck with it as a part of human nature.
I agree, but the only part I'm stuck on is «a lot of what I didn't say is».
Part of that is the complacency that comes from the belief that Jesus (or some other messiah, depending on your religion) will come down from the sky with a big stick to put things right, whereas the truth is that the Christ needs to appear in individual hearts, so we have to get busy letting that happen.
No, thanks... I'll stick with the possibility that we are part of a higher intelligence known as God and that I have somewhere to go when I die pretty much because evolution is a by product of mankind and they haven't even ventured very far in the universe not have they even explained even the tiniest portions of the fossile records to support the diversity of life on this planet.
The inertness and passivity of the stick or stone as a corpuscular society gives us no grounds for positing a similar inertness or passivity on the part of the protonic and electronic occasions of which the society is composed.
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