Sentences with phrase «participation levels»

"Participation levels" refers to the amount or degree of involvement or engagement that individuals or groups have in a particular activity, event, or situation. Full definition
«We've seen school involvement more than double since last year and this year marks the highest participation levels in the event's eight - year history,» he said.
This marks the fifth straight year that the Show has had increased participation levels since the lows of the recession in 2009.
Like many school districts, they found it hard to maintain participation levels during the transition.
Like many school districts, they found it hard to maintain participation levels during the transition.
For example, a large class size may affect participation levels.
Nevertheless, family structure and access to networks do matter to parental participation levels.
Good curriculum pulls kids into what they want to learn, making participation levels increase.
The market participation levels in 2014 hit a low that had not been seen since 1962, although there is recent evidence that small investors are coming back to the market.
Ire over cap - and - trade is helping conservative groups grow their Rolodex of supporter e-mail addresses this summer as their online advocacy efforts enjoy unprecedented participation levels.
Schools applying for a Fuel Up grant must have support of their school principal, district school nutrition director and school nutrition manager; school enrollment must be at least 500, with a breakfast participation level of less than 40 percent, and applicants must demonstrate an opportunity to raise breakfast participation.
Given (1) the popularity of TNR (as demonstrated by participation levels) over lethal roundups, and (2) the limited resources of most municipalities, this seems to be wholly inappropriate.
Berwick & Bellotti12 reviewed father participation levels in different activities in Head Start programs as one approach to answering this question.
Generates high participation levels as there are so many different possible answers for each picture.
Specifically, the NJDOE is arguing that the US Department of Education would use powers it has under the No Child Left Behind law to cut Title I funding for any schools that fall below 95 percent student participation levels on the PARCC.
Schools applying for the grant program must have support from their school principal, district school nutrition director and school nutrition manager, have school enrollment of at least 500, have a breakfast participation level less than 40 % and demonstrate an opportunity to raise breakfast participation.
On the other hand, the 10 percent participation levels don't seem all that much different from those I've observed in my own experience on listservs or at conferences.
As good as 2003 was, I believe we need to continue raising the RPAC participation level.
This seemed to dramatically increase church participation levels.
Sweepstakes: Share your thoughts on how «Be a Star with School Breakfast» has impacted your school breakfast participation levels along with your plans to celebration NSBW, and you will be entered for a chance to win the participation sweepstakes.
«Whether these future voters can be persuaded that voting matters will have a major impact on democratic legitimacy and participation levels across the decades to come.»
The impact can affect everything from voter participation levels to dissuading some people from entering public service.
Every UK region noted improvements to its sports participation levels over the past ten years, with London and the South West seeing the biggest increases at 2.7 percent and 2.3 percent respectively.
For last school year, 187 Georgia schools did not make «adequate yearly progress» under federal law solely because they fell short of the required participation level.
This partly explains figures from Sport England which suggests grassroots participation levels within football have dropped considerably over the last 10 years with one in three being put off playing football because of poor playing surfaces.
Across these three states, school leaders» plans for future participation largely reflect current participation levels.
Guidestar Exchange, the national program that monitors non-profit organizations for legitimacy, has recognized SNSI at its Gold Participation level.
Under One Nation Off the Grid, you sign up on the site, and whenever there's a critical mass of participation — at launch there 232 of 2081 US counties, in 34 states, already have the requisite participation levels — 1BOG's group solar pricing for that area becomes available.
SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Elevated students» class participation level by 60 % through effective counseling and implementation of student motivational strategies • Conducted the annual student's day for grade 4 successfully in the absence of the teacher • Identified a special needs child with multiple learning disabilities and referred him for further assessment and support timely • Earned the best classroom assistant award thrice
The largest participation level in RPAC history was reached in 1988, when more than 28 percent of NAR members contributed.
News that the government in South Korea may issue prohibitions on Bitcoin trading, futures contracts, and an outright ban on ICOs will no doubt affect participation levels.
The Foundation ensures that grants are awarded to the areas that need them most, which makes for high participation levels all ‑ year round.
The aim of the Fund, which is managed on the mayor's behalf by the Foundation, is to increase participation levels in sport in London through the funding of affordable, good - quality facilities within local communities in every London borough.
«Textures, flavors, the experience of it dissolving in their mouths — it changes their participation level completely.
Monetary Sponsorships begin at $ 2500, but we can create packages based upon your participation level, we can even put together a sponsorship - in - kind!
During sign up you'll be asked to select a participation level; there are three levels of participation to choose from:
Many school districts participate in the federally - funded School Breakfast program, but participation levels are low.
Brenden Cusack, the new principal at Huntington who attended the Caring Schools sessions as assistant principal, plans on trying out another low - burden suggestion: creating lunch discussions between faculty, staff, and students of all grades and all participation levels.
«The participation level in this activity is high.
Going forward Changing the sporting behaviour of a generation is not a challenge we underestimate, not least because of the current trend in participation levels and the tough economic climate.
The more teachers broaden their curriculum and allow multiple entry and participation levels, the more students they are likely to reach.
On occasion, targeted celebrations are held at the end of sessions for youth who have met specific attendance and participation levels.
You can assess the following: completion of tasks, the ability to work with and listen to others, participation levels, respects self and others, ability to discuss, explain, make connections, debate, support opinions, infer, reason, re-tell, describe, report, predict etc..
When schools involve young people at the participation level, students are clearly part of the fabric of the school.
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