Sentences with phrase «particular actor»

We have a bunch of brief news items for you in one handy article regarding particular actors being interested in particular projects.
Roles are beefed up, tailored to the strengths of particular actors.
Asked whether there is anything in particular actors should keep in mind when doing voice work, Unkrich has to admit he's finally come around to treating voice performances the same way he would those in a live - action film.
You can explore the cast list and pick out details on particular actors, including viewing their filmography and photos.
The events at Daguragu are located in a precise time, in a precise location, with particular actors: but these events also hold an emblematic quality.
When you read the typical after - action analyses, which try to make sense of these seemingly «abrupt» changes or the «surprise» upsets, they are almost always directed toward studying how well or poorly the particular actor, entity, or business fared as a result of the inability to anticipate or mitigate the nasty changes brought about by its own deliberate actions.
One particular actor and I hit it off as friends and started talking.
If you guys do get asked to do a third movie, is there a particular actor or actress you would like to come in as a new voice?
He even dares to hope that moviegoers will feel the same regardless of a particular actor or the quality (or lack thereof) his previous work.
When 21st Century superhero movies started to become the gigantic money - making enterprises that they are now — back when our beloved Tobey Maguire was Spider - Man — they mined a formula: they focused on a single hero's origin story and allowed a particular actor to bring his or her talents in to contact with a legendary role.
My analogy was, since actor's can play various genres and many people go to the movies because they like a particular actor, that it might be the same for writers.
Would it be any different than wanting to see a particular actor's version of Hamlet, or a director's version of a particular play or movie?
But say you're doing an article on the obesity epidemic or a particular actor or something else personal — you can't just include any photos you want of people without the subject's explicit approval.
The voice work by a particular actor can lend a lot of character and personality to those characters.
The story pack originally launched with a slightly different story cut in place - one that did not include the appearance of a particular actor.
Briefly put, the paper deals with the way state actors borrow or steal techniques from others at the same level, and thus create a web that is difficult to trace to any particular actor.
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