Sentences with phrase «particular age and health»

We assist you with finding not only the best coverage for your needs, but will also find you the most affordable carrier for your particular age and health circumstances.
We will help you find, not only the best coverage for your needs, but also the most affordable carrier for your particular age and health circumstances.

Not exact matches

Now, Google has invested in a company called Calico, which it says will focus on health and well - being — in particular, the «challenge of aging and associated diseases.»
Seniors look for products and ways of shopping that are more focused on their particular needs, with 54 % of those aged 65 and above using food and drink to improve their health.
- Peter, from Tottenham, had been diagnosed with diabetes and was a heavy smoker before visiting the «Spurs Nurse» — who delivers Health Checks at venues such as libraries and shopping centres within the community, using the appeal of the Tottenham Hotspur brand to engage middle - aged men in particular that are reluctant to visit their GP.
It is not clear why a father's age is linked to later development of neurological conditions in particular, but McGrath told ABC Health and Wellbeing he suspects these disorders could be the «canaries in the gold mine».
In particular it promotes baby foods for use from too early an age, contrary to Department of Health (DH) and World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations on exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, followed by the introduction of complementary foods with continued breastfeeding.
«Since the increase in opioid use among women has been accompanied by an increase in adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, including neonatal abstinence syndrome, reproductive - age women should be of particular concern in public health efforts to combat the opioid epidemic.»
This exposes young people in particular to tobacco dependency at an early age, increasing the chances of cancers, infections, and other health - related issues.
After adjusting for various factors, including age, demographic factors, health behaviors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, physical activity, medical conditions, and socioeconomic status, the researchers found that black workers in general — and black professionals in particular — were more likely to experience short sleep than whites.
With the high levels of obesity in children, and its associated health risks being increasingly evident at a younger age, understanding why certain people turn to particular types of food at times of stress or anxiety could help in encouraging healthier eating practices.
In particular, anthocyanin the antioxidant pigment that gives these foods their indigo shades has been linked to maintaining long - term brain health, extending the sharpness of memory and overall cognitive functioning that tend to decline with age.
The SEAD liaison would be knowledgeable about social - emotional development, health and physical development, and cognitive / brain development for the particular age groups for which he or she was responsible.
And because of their age and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get And because of their age and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get it.
Our doctors don't follow a «one size fits all» protocol for immunizations, but rather treat each patient as an individual and recommend the best possible protocols for that particular pet looking at their risk factors, age, and overall health.
Important: When choosing a collar it is important not only to give preference to a particular brand, which is time - tested and the experience of other breeders, but also to study the characteristics of the product carefully and take into account age - related features of your dog and its health.
Whether or not a particular pet gets vaccinated against a specific disease depends greatly on their exposure to that disease, age, and overall health status.
In particular, your pet's species, age, general and ocular health, and previous medical problems are of major importance when we design the plan for your pet's care.
Traits of a responsible breeder include: • Breeding for health and temperament, not «looks» or a fad • Practicing genetic health testing • Keeping a puppy until eight weeks of age / not letting it go too early • Having only one or two breeds • Having a manageable number of dogs / breeding only one litter at a time • Willing to take the dog back, should at any time you be unable to care for it • Questioning you to make sure your family is a good match for the breed or a particular puppy • Willing to answer your questions regarding the breed, health problems to consider, and your particular puppy A responsible breeder can be a valuable tool to help you decide what type of dog is right for you, and can provide a healthy well rounded puppy!
Your dog's particular sleep needs may vary around that range, depending on his age, size, breed, activity level, and overall health:
It is important to note that our doctors don't follow a «one size fits all» protocol for immunizations, but rather treat each patient as an individual and recommend the best possible protocols for that particular cat by looking at their risk factors such as age, overall health and lifestyle.
When owners can't walk their dogs, they want a professional dog walking service — to ensure safety for their best friend, to provide the proper level and type of activity for the particular dog's age / breed / health, to encourage development of doggie «manners,» to reinforce obedience commands, to make sure any socialization with other dogs is supervised carefully — AND, of course, to make sure the dog has fand type of activity for the particular dog's age / breed / health, to encourage development of doggie «manners,» to reinforce obedience commands, to make sure any socialization with other dogs is supervised carefully — AND, of course, to make sure the dog has fAND, of course, to make sure the dog has fun!
The purpose of said act is: ``... to protect the health of Nova Scotians, and in particular young persons, by restricting their access to tanning equipment in tanning facilities in light of the risks associated with the use of tanning equipment», in short, to restrict those under 19 years of age from access to tanning beds and the act includes not inconsequential penalties for those who facilitate people under 19 gaining access to tanning beds.
Restrictions will be imposed on employers based on the type of work being performed by the employee and the employee's age with particular emphasis on the health and safety of the employee.
«Due to the particular demographics of the target population (described above), the most common concerns presented are related to aging... [T] he majority of calls have been from judges and court staff seeking advice about how best to approach a bench officer exhibiting signs of declining mental acuity due to age, depression, or other health problems.»
Free Online Life Quotes: Here, you simply enter the information that is required which is usually the amount of the benefits, your age, any particular health issue and other pertinent information and you will receive a free quote from the company for that particular policy.
For life insurance purposes, top rated companies are those which are known to be financially sound and provide the lowest cost life insurance for your particular health, age and height / weight ratio.
This particular term life insurance plan offers premiums that are guaranteed to stay the same for the entire term you select — premiums are based on your age, health at the times you purchase the policy and will cover you until you reach 85 years of age
And because of their age and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get And because of their age and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get and health, it can be a particular challenge for them to get it.
Of course, this will depend on various factors such as your age, occupation and health status, as well as the particular insurance company.
Underwriting categories for permanent coverage can be more advantageous for the insured as well, with some insurance companies offering special rates based on age and particular health issues.
A particular amount of the premium has to be paid during this term period, which can vary with the age and health of the policyholder.
Other aspects, such as the particular age of the person, health and fitness position and the type of Insurance policy plan taken out, figure out the costs that the client gets.
This is a problem in the lists provided: there can be no justification for putting off work on «Strengthening preventive care with particular focus on Indigenous health» until after «Ensuring the sustainability and affordability of private health insurance» or «Aged care reform».
Each section of this module begins with a table listing healthy social and emotional indicators for a particular age range, related to social health and attachment, and emotional health and regulation as well as vignettes to illustrate healthy and at - risk behavior.
Aboriginal Australians experience multiple social and health disadvantages from the prenatal period onwards.1 Infant2 and child3 mortality rates are higher among Aboriginal children, as are well - established influences on poor health, cognitive and education outcomes, 4 — 6 including premature birth and low birth weight, 7 — 9 being born to teenage mothers7 and socioeconomic disadvantage.1, 8 Addressing Aboriginal early life disadvantage is of particular importance because of the high birth rate among Aboriginal people10 and subsequent young age structure of the Aboriginal population.11 Recent population estimates suggest that children under 10 years of age account for almost a quarter of the Aboriginal population compared with only 12 % of the non-Aboriginal population of Australia.11
First, millions of people have gained health insurance coverage as a result of the ACA, and the uninsured rate among women of reproductive age fell by more than one - third over the first two full years of the law's implementation.7 With increasing numbers of their clients obtaining health insurance, abortion providers — and specialized providers in particular — may have new incentives to establish relationships with insurers.
The SEAD liaison would be knowledgeable about social - emotional development, health and physical development, and cognitive / brain development for the particular age groups for which he or she was responsible.
Because the CIS is a global measure of impairment, these data can not be used to investigate particular aspects of child emotional or behavioral problems, such as depression or anxiety, and how they may vary by paternal mental health status, and they apply only to children ages 5 to 17 years.
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