Sentences with phrase «particular agent»

So if you get a rejection letter from one particular agent at an agency, it doesn't necessarily mean that another agent at the same agency wouldn't be interested.
Most in particular the agents who get those books into small presses who pay the authors small presses.
One particular agent said «'' I met with a client recently and was able to engage her in the discussion as never before.
This time he points out that such action always faces two wholly singular, unrepeatable realities: first, the singular character, here and now, of this particular agent; and, second, the singular, never - to - be-repeated circumstances of the here and now.
Wenger tries to avoid having dealings with this particular agent, who seem like he would sell is own child while he gets is percentage cut
Labs have often made provisions where a person would [temporarily have someone else] carry out work with a particular agent or chemical.
That particular agent didn't end up becoming my agent but forging that connection helped me land this opportunity.
One of the tricks to a good query letter is to write each one specifically to the needs of a particular agent, after you've done in - depth research to see what she's looking for.
Do your homework before you start contacting people because, depending on your genre and the particular agent you're pitching, what they want to see will vary.
If you have a particular reason to sell to this particular agent / editor, state it here, too.
How can you be sure if this particular agent is really right for yo... -LSB-...]
Your query letter needs to tell the agent: Why you're writing to that particular agent, what your book is about (in three - four sentences max), and who you are.
Don't blow what might be your one chance with a particular agent.
Literary agent Chip MacGregor says that two to four months is typical, while he's heard of books being sold after eight or nine months of submission to a particular agent — but cautions that six months is probably long enough before it's time to keep looking.
You can find out what those clients like about that particular agent and in what ways the agent has helped them with their career.
Also, if possible, throw in why you're pitching your book to that particular agent.
and include a short paragraph about why you've chosen to approach this particular agent.
Here you express your interest to be represented by a particular agent.
Should one submit a query to a particular agent, or to his or her agency?
Take your time, follow that particular agent's instructions (some agents want to see a first chapter right away, others just want a pitch), and do your research (make sure they represent your genre).
You can also add how you learned about that particular agent.
Identify why you've chosen a particular agent or publisher, pitch your book, identify your market, sell yourself, thank them for their time.
Multiple submissions are fine (say it's a multiple submission), and you don't have to individualize every query, but at least give the illusion of targeting the particular agent whom you are querying.»
3) Personality: Many websites say that it is important to follow the submission guidelines of a particular agent or agency exactly, and I agree with this.
What would change would be the sentence (s) about why you approached that particular agent.
Often rejections mean exactly what they say: this isn't right for that particular agent at this particular time.
The entire process of a pet being sensitized to a particular agent in food and the complicated antibody response that occurs in the intestinal tract in pets with food allergies are not very well understood.
You assume the position of a particular agent named P - Three, who is distributed in...
It's easy to contact your particular agent, and it's simple to get a company representative on the phone.
One good idea is to choose your life insurance agent by referrals given to you by a close friend or relative that has been happy with their purchase from a particular agent.
Also ask about their rapport with a particular agent.
Do you want a particular agent on call for you?
As these Olentangy River Road customers realize how helpful a particular agent will be, they will share that name with family members and friends who might be looking into the same type of purchase.
The seller insists on using a particular agent for the transaction.
If it is decided to use antidepressant therapy, the selection of the antidepressant should be based on the mother's prior response and experience of adverse effects with a particular agent, risk of interactions with concurrent medications and published adverse effects associated with a particular agent on breastfeeding mothers and their infants.
I'm sure I've probably mentioned this before, but a good majority of the REO agents around these parts are in bed with some of the wholesalers (not literally, that I know of), and this particular agent is in bed with one of my wholesaler buddies, so I didn't even bother to make an offer on it, because I don't like wasting my time.
Have you ever met a prospective buyer who said they're just looking and prefer to remain uncommitted to any particular agent?
By studying the achievements of a particular agent, Till Eulenspiegel (see chart), here are seven conclusions you can draw:
Just as hosts are now finding an easy way to rent out properties by side - stepping licensing requirements, so too is it inevitable that many of these particular agents will be practicing without any accreditation.
Every Thursday, CENTURY 21 Award also posts an article from the RREIN content library that is not branded to a particular agent.
Do I or my regional managers or even my brokerage managers really have time to find out if a particular agent contacted a lead today?
«I can say something almost off the cuff, not understanding how it will impact a particular agent, and what they do is watch what I do.
But of course the particular agent didn't attend office meetings.
First of all, a particular agent's personal right to the commission will be governed not only by the listing agreement, but also by the specific employment contract that he entered into with that brokerage.
This means consumers have to look at that particular agent's card and perhaps photo 10 times as they pull it out to be stamped at the coffee shop.
After a sole - agent previewing by a particular agent who had a habit of not replacing lockboxes properly, and I wanted to re-engage the alarm system, I watched from a distance and when he left I entered to see that the sliding door walkout had been securey closed, among other things.
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