Sentences with phrase «particular agreement»

While I can't comment on the specifics of any particular agreement, we have certainly been assessing this shift toward protectionism, how it might affect the outlook for growth in Canada and its trading partners and ultimately what it would mean for the conduct of our monetary policy.
Treaties are signed all the time by the executive level without Congress involvement but because of the ramifications that this particular agreement can have in the entire World, I believe that our Congress should at least have the opportunity to discuss it at large and give inputs as of how it should be implemented.
This issue is the articles in this particular agreement.
«This particular agreement deviates from the norm.
You should seek the help of a professional adviser, especially if you are considering consulting for the first time or if there are significant, atypical financial or legal issues involved in a particular agreement.
It is important to consider the possible changes over a 3 or 5 year period, whichever the particular agreement is.
Know what your options are before entering any particular agreement.
For example, the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) precedent agreement of purchase and sale (I wonder how much easier real estate transactions became when the industry settled on a particular agreement?)
Once again, while Russell J.'s conclusion on the particular agreements alleged appears to be sound, his reasoning is problematic.
Simply having a checklist of the key elements of a particular agreement will, for example, ensure that you will have reviewed and reflected on each of those substantive elements in preparing your agreement.
The advantage of this approach is that, once you have settled on the standard wording of your various boilerplate clauses, the task of those drafting subsequent agreements will be easier, as they will already have the framework in place and will need to focus only on the substantive clauses that are unique to their particular agreement.
For example, where a particular agreement is likely to give rise to issues of a technical nature, it may be prudent for the agreement to provide that such disputes must be referred to an independent expert for a binding determination.
State Bar Associations (SBA) tend to offer similar health care options which may be better suited to solos based on the particular agreement entered into with insurance providers.
A lender may consider requiring the guarantor to give an «all monies» guarantee — this is a guarantee which covers all monies owning from the debtor at any time and is not limited to monies owing under a particular agreement.
In other words, the ability to tailor a standard or precedent agreement or clauses to fit the specific needs of a particular agreement is far more valuable than the standard agreement itself.
The usual approach to precedent drafting is to try and gather the appropriate subject matter experts around a table, start on page 1 of the particular agreement, and hope to get as far as possible.
This particular agreement has proven a serious point of contention within the U.S. insurance industry.
The thing to understand about these particular agreements is that they are all situation dependent.
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