Sentences with phrase «particular approach»

Parents participating in the study felt that racial socialization in early childhood promotes school readiness, but were not sure of the best timing and particular approach for success.
It may help to do a little research together into the discipline subjects you differ on, consulting an expert or books about the pros and cons of particular approaches and techniques.
They aim to enable, rather than prevent, individual agencies to create their own particular approach based on evidence that this is the most appropriate way to meet the child's needs.
I can understand why you would want to control your employees to a certain extent or have them follow a very particular approach.
And one particular approach just might do the trick.
Ultimately, the competition results reflected no explicit endorsement on the sponsor's part of blended learning, or charter schools, or any other particular approach.
Whatever particular approach or strategy you choose, always ask why.
One important ingredient is that the final investigation or task should enable students to follow their own particular approaches to the learning.
While some of his iconography is recognisably from the world of childhood, and could be said to have a deceptive simplicity, his work, and in particular his approach to his work, is infinitely more complex.
In stead of promoting 1 particular approach as better than all the rest, I think that we can actually tailor our dietary choices to our specific needs and based on our health status (or disease status as the case may be).
Three particular approaches stand out: mark these products in some special way, offer displays exclusively calling out these items, and utilize holidays and patriotic events to put those displays front and center.
The exhibition brings together and celebrates the work of seven artists with distinct perspectives: the artists demonstrate very particular approaches through their chosen medium and as such they can complement and challenge each other while questioning notions of a consistent narrative / common ground.
In this exhibition in Europe, Krisanamis shows four large scale paintings which continue to draw on his experience of moving to the United States from Thailand several years ago, and in particular his approach to language.
A lot of the evidence for the success of particular approaches is not as strong as we would like, and we think that further research is one good activity to fund.92 But it is also likely that at least some current approaches, and possibly nearly all of them, are among the best ways we can now use significant amounts of resources to help animals.
There's a brisk sense of invention to the film, and it feels like it is breathlessly told, something that is due in large part to Justin Lin, who has been developing a very particular approach to blockbuster filmmaking.
«We know that our particular approach to open source might not be right for everyone — there's more than one way to do open source — and so these docs should not be read as a «how - to» guide.»
That particular approach may be too dramatic, Nazar says.
«There are over 600 crowdfunding websites out there, but we have a particular approach that we are going after.»
What do you recommend in terms of linking reasons to invest with a particular approach.
While you are right to suggest that the texts must eventually be examined and their truths «asserted, weighed, accepted, [or] rejected,» your particular approach betrays a distrust of the commentary — a distrust not uncommon in Evangelical Christianity (or at the very least Evangelical Christianity in the Americas).
Now the problem here is that this is an officially - funded Government body insisting on a particular approach.
I can easily think that my particular approach is the right one, the godly one; the one that God likes.
Historically, theological «liberalism» refers to a particular approach to reason and revelation, but in popular usage it can simply mean «someone who has gone fluffy on the Bible».
«30 This implied recognition of the harsh reality of original sin on the part of the nonacademic man does not imply, however, that Niebuhr's particular approach was a correct one.
I really don't advocate any particular approach.
Why would a healthcare professional be promoting any set of procedures or any particular approach to a health issue?
Unfettered by any particular approach or philosophy, Circle of Life is a place where every parent can feel at home.
Here are three examples of homeschool associations that are focused on homeschoolers who share a particular approach to homeschooling.
In addition, if the homeschool curriculum takes a particular approach, such as being literature or text - based, it may not be the best approach for teaching biology or chemistry, which are lab - based sciences.
On the other hand, there is «social mutualism» involving a particular approach to the organisation and delivery of public services, where both employees and those using public services can acquire greater control over their management and operation.
Hence the Lib Dems must not endorse this particular approach to fiscal policy, a compromise made for the purposes of this coalition, as Party policy for the next election.
Since so much information was presented, no consensus was reached on any particular approach, but another public meeting will be scheduled, featuring a panel of local architects, land - use planners and engineers.
The IDC allows interactions with colleagues to find out not only what they are working on, but also to understand their reasons for taking a particular approach to a problem.
Or perhaps you have changed research strategies too often and have not put sufficient effort into a particular approach to have reaped any scientific results.
Soneja said he's done similar work for the United Nations Foundation previously, but that it's not uncommon for organizations to invest in projects without any evidence that a particular approach will work.
«But if a particular approach proves too expensive [to be commercial], one should be prepared to take it off at the next exit ramp.»
And the focus must be on the science — on the problem you aim to solve — not on the scientist or a particular approach.
Packer says that this particular approach has done well in Kenya, but it is only feasible when lions are relatively scarce.
«This will bring us one step closer to demonstrating this particular approach to fusion,» said Dick Majeski, principal investigator of the LTX.
Therapies are selected based on a consensus of opinion, rather than just one physician's particular approach.

Phrases with «particular approach»

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