Sentences with phrase «particular arena»

If my math is right (and remember, my skills in this particular arena leave much to be desired), Lazio blew through more than $ 300,000 over the past four weeks, spending all that he raised — and then some.
After studying the performance of the top companies in a particular arena, other companies emulate the leaders» best practices seeking the same level of success.
For the moment, it seems like Dell is winning in this particular arena, but the rest of the tablet looks pretty decent as well — boasting a screen resolution of 2560 × 1600, RealSense digital photography technology (that is able to create a depth map of an image, giving a rudimentary understanding of object positions located across 3D space instead of only a 2D plane), and an Intel Z3500 quad - core CPU (running between 1.33 GHz to 2.33 GHz depending on the model).
That particular arena is built to complement their design.
Fighting takes place in 20 in - game locations and particular arenas can be visited both in daylight and when it is dark.
Changes to a particular arena could be somewhat small (like a player knocking down a stack of pipes or blowing up a car) or positively massive (floods, collapsing buildings, earthquakes).
What got you focused on this particular arena, given how many things a structural engineer can do?
Of course one could argue that 27 percent is better than nothing, which is pretty much where Microsoft is now in that particular arena.
In house position focus more on a single product and may ask for extensive knowledge in their particular arena.
Perhaps you are sought after by leadership for your level of expertise in a particular arena?
The advent of numerous tools, technologies, and processes has created ample opportunities in this particular arena.
Working in any position requires consummate skills in that particular arena.
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