Sentences with phrase «particular author»

When you purchase school essay on the web, you will have the capacity to pick your own particular author.
They all like to read books in certain genres or by particular authors, and they have shared that information with Facebook.
We all know the readers in our social group and most of them follow particular authors and devour anything they put out.
He also had particular authors whose work he loved — George Herbert, T.S.Eliot, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Julie Matysik, Editorial Director, Children's and Education, Skyhorse Publishing: «The German publishers we met were so dedicated to their lists and you could feel the passion they had in talking about particular authors and projects and that's something that I believe every acquiring editor needs to have.»
«I don't remember one particular author which fostered my interest in the occult and the paranormal, but I definitely remember the books.
One particular author motivated to write for the audience described above — the audience of creative, innovative, driven people who just need to know how to navigate the crooked, difficult, and infinitely rewarding path of independent authorship.
If you admire particular authors, follow them on Twitter or interact with them on Facebook.
In particular the authors give the impression of a significant debate in the literature as to the current state of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet.
In particular the author states in the penultimate sentence that Parliament intended to prohibit mortgagees from «exact [ing] a penalty» on a defaulting mortgagor.
This narrowness arises from the idiosyncrasies and timidities of particular authors, of particular social groups, of particular schools of thought, of particular epochs in the history of civilization.
Literature and poetry often serves as a starting point for her work, in particular authors like Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, Doris Lessing, Helen Cixous, and Amy Lowell.
If a particular author's book is just one of thousands available to a subscribing reader, for example, the idea of a refund doesn't apply anymore because there's no individual purchase being made.
It must be evident by now that to put the Bible all on one level, to be accepted or rejected without regard to what each particular author is trying to say, is not only to do violence to the historical method but also to lose much of the great spiritual truth and meaning God is seeking to have us grasp.
Do certain passages, or even certain books, reflect the structural procedures of a particular author?
Virtual Book Club for Kids is a monthly book club that features a particular author or well - loved book.
Traditionally, authorship has meant writing, and the ordering of authors» names in group publications has reflected conventions about how much writing a particular author has completed.
«We think that the oil and gas industry is using far more water than they will admit, and applaud the California legislature, in particular the author of the bill, Senator Pavley, for recognizing the need for transparency,» said Miriam Gordon, California director of Clean Water Action.
For limited personal and noncommercial uses, you are free to download our materials and share them with others as long as the materials are not altered in any way and are properly attributed to The Education Trust and, if applicable, a particular author.
Being a talented and marketable eLearning designer doesn't stop at being proficient with a particular authoring tool.
Are you hoping to meet a particular author?
If a student has really enjoyed a story written by a particular author, they are usually always enthusiastic to read another book by the same author.
This particular author did finally go out and get a job — for awhile.
They are influenced by a variety of factors, including relationships with authors or literary agents, size of advances, potential sales, future of a series (if there is one), competitive titles, size of potential readership, and how promotable a book or particular author is.
I don't have a particular author or book that influenced me.
That said, it sounds like there were real communication problems, from things like authors of nonreturnable books getting less space than promised to a volunteer mistakenly referring to the «aspiring authors» room to difficulties for readers who wanted to find a particular author and didn't know which room to go to.
While the Publishing Basics book provides a general foundation of the book publishing business, it is not targeted to a particular author's specific needs.
However, the new AMS dashboard (located inside the KDP dashboard on the lower left after clicking Reports) will show the author how many clicks resulted in sales in order to demonstrate the viability of the program for that particular author and title.
I make one exception to this, and that's if there's a particular author I wish to support with my money, and his or her book is only available electronically via Amazon.
Usually collaborations focus on older, backlist writing that serves as a useful introduction to a particular author's work.
For a giveaway to be meaningful, it should be tied to a particular strategy for a particular author at a particular time.
Indie authors have been lobbying for a SUBSCRIBE button on Amazon, which would allow a customer to essentially authorize a purchase of any new book from a particular author.
No particular author inspired me, but I've been reading sci - fi since I was 7 years old, so I'm sure there's plenty of influence.
However, this particular author went one better — or worse, depending on your point of view — than most.
You can create a folder and put a particular author, series, or genre of books in one category!
I've purchased every single book by a particular author since she started writing in the late 1990s and while I was doing some minor venting / fan - girling with a friend on Twitter about her newest book, the author herself tweeted directly to me that she was glad I'd read the book and was having fun talking about it.
If you dig a particular author, genre or book series, you can get new options to expand your literary horizons.
Last year I discovered one particular author that resonated with me, Justin Cronin who wrote «The Passage»
A good line editor is skilled at understanding what makes a particular author unique.
This particular author never even replied back with an apology or a thank you for the advice.
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