Sentences with phrase «particular belief»

Its just a group with particular beliefs performing a ritual meaningful only to them and having no impact on the souls of anyone.
Nor would I want to be cut off from the broader church community, only able to fellowship with those with whom I shared one particular belief because of my orientation.
They also hear an understanding of faith as involving particular beliefs or as involving claims for the exclusivity of particular historical events that they can not accept.
You have selectively chosen particular beliefs to follow because you either were taught that or formed it yourself.
We're all born into families that have very particular belief systems and relationship patterns.
The emergence of each structure is a historical phenomenon closely correlated in most instances with particular beliefs.
About the latter, for example, they imply that Christian support for Israel relies on particular beliefs about biblical prophecies while they ignore more prudential arguments in Israel's favor.
I would suggest anyone can pray to God ~ their own concept of God of their own particular belief system ~ not just Evangelical Christians.
While the path to neighboring well is not always clear, teenagers and emerging adults consistently described how much they care about their church's process or journey for arriving at particular beliefs, positions, and statements.
Rather, it is the existence of a certain universalistic quality in the jurisprudence, the scholarship, the media and the religion that is decisive — a universalistic quality which, precisely because it transcends particular beliefs and practices, can bring the particulars of that situation under critical scrutiny.
I used to think it was just particular beliefs that would be bowled over and knocked down and cleaned away.
But the impact of oriental religion coincides with a long history of religion in the West in which particular beliefs have been rendered questionable but the significance of religion and myth in human action has been reaffirmed.
We studied to what extent individuals and groups tried to act upon these logics as to reinforce or influence particular beliefs and — the other way around — how these logics structured the social interactions related to mentoring.
The courts have vigorously resisted giving preference to particular beliefs over others (i.e. does not favor Judaism, Christianity etc. while disparaging Cargo Cult or Asatru).
Pattern - identification also is informed by both content and categorization biases in the databases of origin; thus, for example, the Facebook dataset has particular demographics and reflects particular beliefs about what makes someone a «friend.»
Certainty is bound up in my mind with particular beliefs, and I am suspicious of those who claim to be certain about anything.
De Waal Malefijt maintains that myth and ritual are intimately associated, not because either is derived from the other, but because both are based on particular beliefs about the cosmic order.27 A ritual presupposes a world - view, a set of assumptions within which the ritual makes sense.
However, in some studies (23,24), a relationship between metabolic control and self - efficacy and learned helplessness was found, suggesting that particular beliefs about controllability of events might be relevant to the coping process.
no need to involve others in one's own particular beliefs.
It's the fundamental republican base that has an issue with his particular beliefs.
Atheists are basically people trying to deal with their own powerlessness by resorting to a particular belief system.
If we hold to it, we are just a bunch of zealots, each hammering on our particular belief, unwilling and unable to learn.
And it doesn't make the particular belief un-reasonable either.
It shows a lack of understanding for someone else» privacy and it demonstrates that your particular belief system feels a need to impose what they believe on others.
Rigid adherence to a very strict set of doctrines is not limited to any particular belief, religious or otherwise.
i don't know everything you have faith in... perhaps you could share that sometime and why you hold those particular beliefs
I neither discount any particular religion nor do I embrace any particular belief.
Accepting or not accepting a particular belief can rip relationships apart in an exceptionally painful way.
Meetings or groups that insist on a particular belief system not only turn me off, I think they can hurt newcomers.
The religious persecution of the gays is pure bigotry.It's well oast time some churches learned that their particular beliefs do not apply to people not of their particular group.
And when I say religion, I do mean the organised network that promotes a particular belief system.
Shazza, I like your definition of religion as «organised network that promotes a particular belief system».
If a particular belief system was the Answer to sobriety, one has to wonder how any person who subscribed to that system ended up a drunk in the first place.
I know pacifism isn't the issue pre se here but I find many principles of either pacifism or NVR are giving with examples that seem to fit that particular belief and men are lauded who successfully utilized it - but rarely are those circumstances repeated.
Even if he is a Christian, for example, he can set aside all the particular beliefs about Jesus Christ, God, miracles, salvation, and eternal life that he recognizes as peculiar to that tradition.
Depending on your particular beliefs, you get tortured even if you never heard that there might be rules, or were given a different set of rules.
Religious freedom does not mean you can't question a particular belief or practice.
Theologian Martin Marty, as early as 1961, suggested that the communication of the Christian faith under such conditions is difficult because the essence of Christianity lies in its particular beliefs and affirmations, not just in its general ones.
But Barrett cares only for his own inalienable freedom from any particular belief or permanent commitment.
Those of us who do not share a particular belief system should be respectful of others who have such a value in their lives.

Phrases with «particular belief»

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