Sentences with phrase «particular bill»

If we have no reason to worry about a particular bill, that helps our clerks decide whether to devote their collection efforts elsewhere.
Was this particular bill what drove the economy to «flower?»
You have the opportunity to receive a discount if you pay a particular bill early — if the resulting discount is significant, you can cover the bill with your line of credit while you wait for cash flow to catch up.
Cruz, speaking Monday on MSNBC, called the criticism «political sniping» and stood by his vote against Sandy aid: «The problem with that particular bill is, it became a $ 50 billion bill that was filled with unrelated pork,» he said.
No other item fits this particular bill better than this Evenflo Portable Babysuite Deluxe Playard.
«I think the public and CSEA and anybody else is free to always to assess who is worthy of their support and support should not come as result of a vote yes or a vote no any particular bill
When the parliamentary stakes are high enough, a determined government with tough whips would know that votes on a particular bill are subsumed in noise at election time.
It means that throughout the parliamentary debates on any particular bill the government of the day will face the prospect of a potential English veto ruining everything.
«On that particular bill, I think there's room for compromise on something that works for both houses.»
Community engagement on Twitter can be anything from responding to @ - messages or asking your Twitter followers for their opinions on a particular bill that is being debated in committee, to having a Q&A session with the Twitter community.
I have invited them all to write for ConHome explaining why the have chosen to introduce their particular Bill, so I hope to be able to publish some pieces from them in the not too distant future.
The commission advises created another new criminal offense of «undisclosed self dealing» by elected officials who don't tell the public they may have a financial interest in a particular bill or policy.
Foot dragging on this particular bill has to do with Republican suspicions that Spitzer's real power point is to keep them out of office next election — in New York, curtailing contributions from folks who do business with the state is a real career killer.
Are you suggesting that a Senator «accomplishes» something if and only if s / he writes a particular bill and it gets passed?
Even replacing him as in Mr.A would still require the will of the Speaker pro tempore, for this particular bill.
Bills are numbered and often times opposition to a particular bill will arise.
«They are not a single package but a menu from which choices can be made to suit the circumstances of a particular bill,» the report states.
«I have no reaction to that,» said Silver, who says «support should not come as the result of a vote yes or a vote no on any particular bill».
But the particular bill that passed had been introduced in May, five months after legislation dealing with the same topic had been proposed by freshman Assemblywoman Latrice Walker.
A few of them who were on the fence were paid off, the most famous was the Cornhusker Kickback for blue - dog Ben Nelson (NE) and that kickback didn't make it into the final bill, but it's still an example about how a senator on the fence on a particular bill can get something nice for his constituency on a close vote.
That particular bill never passed through the state Legislature, but it helped spearhead the discussion about legalizing ride - hailing services in the state.
It would then be for Members of the House who wished to serve on a particular Bill committee to make representations to the elected Committee of Selection, and the latter would be free to interview such applicants if they so wished.
«We'll be referring this particular bill to the Codes Committee,» said Election Committee Chair Fred Akshar (R - 52).
That particular bill would allow future lawmakers to determine, by amending statute, exactly which types of public employees — teachers, cops and firefighters are currently exempt — might lose their pension if convicted of a felony related to their job.
But if it is just that the President did not give assent, we have to look at the merit of the particular bill if it meets the standards and if the court matter is not going to impede what we are going to do.
«We might not want to trigger that conversation at a particular moment for a particular bill for any number of reasons,» Garodnick said.
They are not a single package but a menu from which choices can be made to suit the circumstances of a particular bill.
«We'll be referring this particular bill to the Codes Committee,» said Election Committee Chair Fred Akshar.
The commission advises creating another new criminal offense of undisclosed self dealing by elected officials who don't tell the public they may have a financial interest in a particular bill or policy.
«Cabinet has proposed to have a special session to look at this particular bill because of the importance that it has before we then pass it and take it to Parliament... The bill is before Cabinet.
Robin Vos, Speaker of the Assembly, will discuss the past legislative session, particular bills that were enacted, and those bills that should be addressed in the next legislative session.
Said Paterson: «On this particular bill, there are a lot of other issues related to it.
Even more fundamental than the passage of a particular bill is the question of what, exactly, the «deeply concerned» Miller and his colleagues understand to be the policy problems involved in universities» treatment of postdocs.
«It is difficult to imagine a single piece of legislation which more comprehensively attacks the sanctity and dignity of human life than this particular bill,» Cardinal Keith O'Brien, archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh declared last week.
Unfortunately I don't think this particular bill will do much of anything since kids aren't the ones buying the games and a lot of parents are probab...
Due to Jackson's treatment of Native Americans, this particular bill was suggested for the change.
It also doesn't mention a particular bill.
One particular bill could create a new method of funding public education through an application program for additional funding based on local needs.
*** HOWEVER if the case is that your particular billing site «only works with Internet Explorer» due to an ActiveX Control requirement, you may be hosed because at this point only devices running a desktop version of Windows will have this functionality.
This particular billing site only uses IE and not Safari.
Average Daily Balance The amount computed by determining how much is owed on a debt for an average day during a particular billing period.
Because you pay in advance, you're not worried about the check arriving on time or whether your spouse remembered to pay that particular bill in a timely manner.
If you invest in stocks today and you suddenly realise that you need the money to pay a particular bill the following month, there is a tendency that you might sell the stock at a loss.
That does not mean a creditor who is owed money on a particular bill will not show up to a 341 hearing, a court - order meeting of the debtor with a bankruptcy trustee and any creditors who choose to attend.
We are considering selling off personal items to pay for this particular bill before we file, but our bankruptcy attorney advised against this.»
While you must pay your bill every month, the amount depends on how much you borrowed during that particular billing period.
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