Sentences with phrase «particular buyer»

Down payment assistance often is based on location or reserved for particular buyers, such as first - time buyers.
«A website needs to focus on particular buyers,» he says.
A large - scale market survey reports that in particular buyers in the age group under 55 years are about to enter the e-bike market.
Since there are two potential development scenarios, each appealing to a different buyer profile, selling the whole project as one makes sense because we could capture more potential interest versus narrowing the focus to only one particular buyer profile.
I've been across the table being pitched to, so I understand the dynamics of what makes sense, what grabs the attention of a particular buyer.
In free market, seller of goods could freely decide does he want to sell to any particular buyer and at what price.
Must we sell to a particular buyer?
If a particular buyer is looking for the best diesel drivetrain in a midsize SUV and not wanting to make the leap to a luxury nameplate, then without question the VW Touareg TDI is it.
The books will have a watermark symbol when you purchase them linking them to a particular buyer.
This particular buyer has a 660 credit score.
This told us that these particular buyers weren't very «earnest» about buying our house.
As a real estate agent, you can prepare yourself for almost any buyer by understanding their core needs and then adapting to the needs of a particular buyer.
For this particular buyer, the Conventional 97 will not be the best fit because private mortgage insurance rates and mortgage rates for a borrower making a 3 % downpayment are slightly higher than for a borrower making a 10 % downpayment.
Additionally, and in this case, if the buyer makes their offer conditional on a SPIS then from a practical perspective the seller either has to complete one, or not sell to that particular buyer.
By selling a practice to this particular buyer, a retiring lawyer is actually recommending the purchaser.
This is particularly true of most favoured nation clauses (MFN) which typically bind a supplier to giving its most favourable price it offers to third parties to particular buyer.
The policy covers shipments made to a particular buyer or a Letter of Credit (LC) opening bank for a set of buyers.
You can choose whether or not to proceed with the particular buyer depending on how comfortable you are with these terms.
Officially diving into the real estate industry in 2003, Robinson credits one particular buyer with introducing her to Quicken Loans.
In addition to attracting the buyer, «you want the buyer's agent to enjoy showing the home,» Radice says, because even if this particular buyer isn't interested, the agent might represent someone who would be a good match.
Explain that your advice is just that and that your past experience can not guarantee what a particular buyer may do.
There are also factors that vary from house to house and sale to sale, such as what updates are typical for the neighborhood, the quality of the work, and how important the improvement is to a particular buyer.
It will give you all the clues you need to evaluate this particular buyer.
That particular buyer didn't work out, but I ended up using Darren and his team to sell my place and was thoroughly impressed.
That particular buyer
These particular buyers are referrals from a professional networking group I joined last year.
The value of the property should not be affected by the kind of financing a particular buyer could obtain.
I have stated elsewhere that if I did a CMA, and the would be seller elected not to go to market at the time, I kept those particular files at the ready, and when a particular buyer showed up creating a perfect match, guess who I called.
Sometimes our deals sell before they make it to the website because I may know that a particular buyer wants something that just came in so they are sold with a text or phone call..
And he painted a scenario about a particular buyer, but the reality of it is, and Don, we can talk about your typical customers, but the reality of it is, that there are very few people that wouldn't benefit from having investment properties.
If I hadn't done that follow - up work and talked to his agent, I would never have uncovered that particular buyer's need.
I can pretty much tell which golf course will be best for a particular buyer.
An agent should solicit cooperation of the members of the board in selling sole agency listings unless he has a deal on or has some particular buyer in sight to whom he expects to make a sale, and he should always be ready and willing to divide the regular commission equally with any member of the board who can produce a buyer for any of his clients.
Sometimes, it might not be the best program for that particular buyer.
Look at data that's relevant to the needs of that particular buyer or seller, he says, such as how long that person has lived in their current home, the price of the home when he or she purchased it, and the lead's current employment situation.
The bank statement is likely the liquid trust account that we have set up for that particular buyer so in the event they find a house they wanted to buy and the seller needed to make a decision quickly they could show they have liquid funds sitting with us to perform on their offer.
A Buyer Representation Agreement is a legal document that formalizes your working relationship with a particular buyer's representative, detailing what services you are entitled to and what your buyer's rep expects from you in return.
With 6 bedrooms and 7-1/2 baths, we targeted a particular buyer and the house sold.
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