Sentences with phrase «particular cases using»

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Fitness trackers, in particular, are the leading consumer case for wearables because most consumers use wearable devices to record their exercise and health statistics and progress.
Since that's the case, customers can continue to use Dropbox without any external factors pushing them towards a particular way of using the product.
It might sound counterintuitive, but there are situations where the total dollar cost of the loan might best help you fit the loan to a particular business need or use - case.
One of the ways they're doing it is by focusing on specific loan types, loan terms, and other criteria that match particular business use cases.
«So in many cases,» says Doug Gurian - Sherman, a plant pathologist and director of sustainable agriculture at the Center for Food Safety, «the particular genes used will only work well in certain genetic backgrounds and environments.»
But I think, looking out a decade, the ones that will survive will have a particular use case where there is value added by applying this technology.
This use case in particular is my favorite and it's probably what attracted me to Abra the most.
That's why the network might only be used only for particular use cases.
Whether using fully autonomous military drones is morally permissible will thus turn on the facts of the particular case» e.g., how effective such drones are in killing the enemy, how accurately they distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, and so on.
According to the CNS, the document simply says that «the use of psychological consultation and testing was appropriate in «exceptional cases that present particular difficulties» in seminary admission and formation»; it also makes clear that «psychological evaluation could never be imposed on seminarians or seminary candidates.
It is not the judges right or duty to express his personal opinions or beliefs while sitting on the bench, especially while giving a verdict.Judges are there to make sure due process and a fair and impartial hearing or trial takes place for all those involved.this particular judge's rant on the muslim world based on his views from serving in the military had absolutely no bearing on the case and should not have even been brought up much less used to chastise the victim with.
In one particular case was over 30 years ago, and this pastor and his wife (no names used as requested) are STILL trying to bury the truth.
While Holmes frankly admitted that he hated facts and used them only as pegs on which to hang legal principles, Brandeis, as a practicing lawyer, immersed himself in the facts of a case to show that a particular outcome was the more just.
While not necessarily taking a particular position, these two do illustrate and, in the first case, compound the array of complex and confusing discussions of drunkenness, sin, and the uncontrolled use of alcohol and drugs.
Without saying that it is particular religious acts or practices, such as prayer or the use of Scripture for guidance, that make one's function pastoral, I believe that a case can be made for an identifiable pastoral function as well as a pastoral way of thinking about that function.
He theorized that religious thinking evolved at some point (ironically, you might say) and that in some cases tribe leaders were able to use this to get people to stop fighting and to form bigger, more powerful political units, which in turn won out over isolated tribes, thereby facilitating the spread of a particular religion.
Free for All Cooking, my most recent GF Cookbook, has a recipe for a flour blend that offers many different options for each ingredient, in case you don't have one on hand or can not use a particular ingredient.
In particular, new sparkling wine offerings likeBlanc de Blancs from Rathfinny in Sussex, which uses similar methods tochampagne production, are poised to hit the market soon, expecting to hitproduction targets of over 80,000 cases by 2025.
This characteristic often depends on the particular brand of flour used, so kinda has to be determined on a «case by case» basis.
The idea is that a particular part of a circuit has an alternative layout that either makes the lap longer or — most likely in the case of the WTCC — shorter, which every driver can use on a certain number of occasions throughout the race.
You must be on Wenger's payroll... that is the absolute worst case scenario... if Giroud is used as anything more than a sub or for particular FA, Carling and Europa matchups it will be a clear sign that this team just doesn't care about getting better... I really wonder if you even watch our team or you simply sit in your room staring at your poster of Wenger in is favourite zippered coat
I like the idea of small manufacturing arms, they seem analogous to the notion of microformats in that they bridge the gap between materials and the end user in small ways which work for a particular use case, audience or need rather than the Model T Ford, Taylorist approach.
In this particular case, if the gate will be used often during the day, then you will need a device that can be opened and closed as quickly as possible.
The first - line treatment for the majority of separation anxiety cases is psychotherapy; cognitive behavioral therapy in particular is used with great success on mild to moderate cases.
The issue in the case referenced in the quote is that a foreign nation used covert and illegal means to do so, while allegedly conspiring with one particular side in the process.
A particular achievement was the ground - breaking First - tier Tribunal case of LH Bishop Electrical Co Ltd which laid down a set of principles that HMRC have now used to define the categories of exemption from mandatory digital record - keeping and reporting.3 Anthony Thomas commented: «I began my five years as LITRG Chairman straight after finishing as President of the CIOT and it has been a privilege to work alongside such skilled and dedicated staff and volunteers for so long.
CDI's platform is especially helpful in constructing panels for biomarker discovery, because researchers can begin by using patient samples or banked samples to compare immune profiles of cohorts that show particular symptoms (or no symptoms in the case of control samples).
Libyan technicians had analyzed residue within the vial using a technique called a Western blot, a quick and dirty probe for the presence of particular antibody proteins — in this case, ones that bind to HIV.
«If you had a hunch that a certain type of neuron might be important for a particular behavior,» he says, «you could use this technique to see if that's the case — to find out whether activating those neurons elicits the behavior artificially.»
In this particular case, the researchers used DESI mass spectrometry imaging to look at the distribution and amounts of fatty acid substances, called lipids, within breast tissue and normal tissue from 61 samples obtained from 14 breast cancer patients that underwent mastectomy.
In the case of the speech recognition network, Belinkov and Glass used individual layers» outputs to train a system to identify «phones,» distinct phonetic units particular to a spoken language.
In some cases the conflict between the role of science and traditional knowledge has been difficult to resolve, and there is a worry that discourse about adaptation may be used selectively by powerful stakeholders to advance particular pathways and political agendas.»
The crops most widely used in the world for food in many cases depend on particular combinations of soil type, climate, moisture, weather patterns and the infrastructure of equipment, experience and distribution systems.
Pembrolizumab, in particular, has been used to treat melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and in some cases, head and neck cancers.
Using a cohort of 193 ME / CFS cases and 196 controls, at 5 % FDR we observed eight mtDNA SNPs to be associated with 16 symptom categories and three haplogroups associated with six symptom categories, suggesting that the mitochondrial genome of an individual with ME / CFS can affect the type and severity of particular symptoms.
Synthetic fuels have one particular advantage over batteries or hydrogen as a route to low - carbon transport: by dropping in exactly where fossil fuels are used now, they can reduce emissions dramatically without the need for major new infrastructure or changes in consumer behaviour, which may be decisive in certain cases.
Within this wider problem, urinary - tract infections associated with catheter use are a particular concern: in 2001 a US study found more than half a million cases each year, accounting for approximately 40 % of all HAIs (Int.
The exploration of the therapeutic potential of stem cells requires the characterization of their biological properties, the deciphering of the mechanisms that underlie their pluripotency and their capacity at differentiation, by the understanding of the signals that direct their fate towards discrete cell phenotypes... Their therapeutic use requests further, in particular in the case of substitutive therapies, the analysis of their capacities of integration in injured adult tissues and of their potential tumorigenicity, as well as the development of original ways of delivery.
If it is the case that this particular witch hazel contains non-GMO alcohol, can I use it in this recipe OR should I just use 100 % witch hazel with no other ingredients?
In rare cases, cheese manufacturers use certain insects to give particular flavors and aromas to specific cheeses.
In case you're curious, on this particular day, I used Kehoe's Kitchen Fermented Paleo Mustard Pickles (it has a lot of cauliflower) and Kehoe's Kitchen Beetroot & Ginger Sauerkraut.
They are general exercises I use with my clients that have worked well, but keep in mind they are applied differently depending on each client's particular case.
The first salt produced in what is now the United States was made, of course, by native people, though in many cases we don't know the particular techniques used.
The relationship between an athlete personal best in competition and back squat, bench press and power clean 1RM was determined via general linear model polynomial contrast analysis and regression for a group of 53 collegiate elite level throwers (24 males and 29 females); data analysis showed significant linear and quadratic trends for distance and 1RM power clean for both male (linear: p ≤ 0.001, quadratic: p ≤ 0.003) and female (linear: p ≤ 0.001, quadratic: p = 0.001) suggesting how the use of Olympic - style weightlifting movements — the clean, in this particular case, but more in general explosive, fast, athletic - like movements — can be a much better alternative for sport - specific testing for shot putters (Judge, et al, 2013).
An example of common and dishonest marketing may be viewed below (in this case, Water OZ Silver Solution, though many silver protein peddlers use similiar disinformation tactics); we doubt that this particular distributor knows the truth about the product they are marketing:
In the case of the title to this particular post, I just couldn't find anything using the words «may» and «blue» from my staples like Depeche Mode, Joy Division, Duran Duran, or OMD.
And this particular work — it was authored in 1823; any work authored prior to 1923 is available as «fair use» to the public (free to use without permission); even according to current copyright laws and as for any work, copyright expiration occurs 70 years after the author's death — in this case the author died in 1863, meaning his copyright would have expired (if applying current laws) in 1933.
By the way, in most cases, they do not use additional accessories, putting the emphasis in this particular hairstyle on the decorative braid.
Also, to access the site, you can use your login — We are very handy if there is something you are looking for in particular and in this case that would be an older woman or a younger man.
In this particular case Mom Finder is being used to promote and market a dating site that we have reviewed in the past called
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