Sentences with phrase «particular challenging situation»

In a calm moment, you can help your child think through which options are likely to work best in a particular challenging situation.

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Well in some situations, generally more challenging ones, we can get ourselves really bent out of shape over a particular situation, pulling ourselves apart over the «what might happen» or «what could be» possibilities, very few of which we have any control over.
In particular, he found much help in these words of Frankl: «When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves».
Although to do so is to lose the pungency of the original, we may certainly understand it as «even the smallest particle of trust, if it is real trust... «So the appropriate response to the challenge is trust;, trust in God, but trust in God in the concrete situation and in the particular instance, trust in relation to the specific challenge.
Parents should allow their athletes to experience losing, process the situation, and deal with that particular challenge in their life.
However, I have decided on this day to make you aware of some of the challenges and rot we inherited, since the minority who are supposed to know the true situation of the Board has resorted to peddling of misinformation, half - truth, concocted stories and blatant lies in some instance just to throw dust into the eyes of the public in general and farmers in particular.
Actors, in particular Cary Grant and James Stewart, performed as stand - ins for the director himself, who on film interacted and made love to beautiful, elegant women, and performing in challenging situations with confidence and self - assuredness.
Each chapter is devoted to a specific challenge and concludes with a «parenting prescription,» or a brief outline summarizing specific actions to take and topics to discuss with adolescents when particular situations arise.
These discriminations and lack of opportunities affect the most impoverished, in particular youth / children, first nations, afro descendants, women, rural and coastal peoples, older adults, persons with special situations and challenges.
The material covers both the preventative and management aspects of dealing with challenging behaviour and can be adapted to suit particular situations.
It's an unfathomable situation given that Italy, and Modena in particular, is home to some of Europe's gnarlier and more challenging roads.
Digital comics On a related note, Shaun Huston ponders the challenges of making «comics as we know them» work on digital devices: «While there's some latitude to read full pages on the iPad, and the Fire at 4.7» x 7.5» (or the Nooks) affords that option more realistically than the iPhone or similarly - sized devices, in all of these cases there will be situations where most readers will shift to Guided View in order to effectively see some particular detail on a page.
The most common admission essay topics are: events and achievements which contributed to the self - development, situations in which you assumed significant responsibility, your strengths and weaknesses, working with other people, career aspirations, challenges you faced, academic interests, role model, past experiences, causes of particular university or college choice, and personal information.
The challenge lies in getting the right advice for a particular situation.
While the game can be completed simply by clearing all of the stages, it's worth seeking out gems hidden (sometimes deviously so) throughout the game for a purpose we will stubbornly refuse to reveal here, and it's also worth taking on the optional challenges that require you to handle specific situations, bosses, and stages in a particular way.
-- and one, in particular, is amongst the best puzzles I can remember in an adventure game; while not challenging, it's unique, hilarious, and perfectly fits the characters» situation (1).
The resolution called for one panel discussion on identifying challenges and ways forward towards the realization of all human rights for all, including the right to development, in particular those in vulnerable situations, as well as the measures and best practices to promote and protect human rights that can be adopted by States in addressing the adverse effects of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights, and another panel discussion on how climate change has had an adverse impact on States» efforts to progressively realize the right to food, and policies, lessons learned and good practices.
With that background set out, it is apposite to turn to the particular situation at hand, namely, an administrative - based challenge to a government decision to exclude from its insurance plan a treatment desired by a patient with a rare disease.
No matter how challenging your particular situation may be, you can rest assured our legal team is committed to offering you top - rated legal counsel, care, and representation.
As noted above, one way that attorneys distinguish themselves as strong in - house counsel candidates is by regularly demonstrating business savvy and sharing practical solutions for a challenging situation rather than simply reciting the statute and case law developments in a particular area of the law.
Challenging return to work situations might be managed if key players who represent or make decisions about claims are able to identify situations when procedures are working particularly well and conversely, when workers may be at particular risk of not being able to complete their expected return - to - work trajectory.
But the right approach is now surely to recognise, as de Smith's Judicial Review, 7th ed (2013), para 11 - 028 suggests, that it is inappropriate to treat all cases of judicial review together under a general but vague principle of reasonableness, and preferable to look for the underlying tenet or principle which indicates the basis on which the court should approach any administrative law challenge in a particular situation.
The patience and communication strategies you rely on will need to transfer to callers in emergency situations, and you'll need to convince potential employers that you're ready to handle a particular set of challenges and demands.
As a student, the discussion boards are a key source of insight into the issues, concerns, and challenges of a particular industry or professional situation, and it's a great place to observe for a little while.
But it's normal for children to behave in challenging ways at different stages and in particular situations.
The material covers both the preventative and management aspects of dealing with challenging behaviour and can be adapted to suit particular situations.
When you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed or challenged by a particular situation, or life in general, you may be considering seeking professional help.
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