Sentences with phrase «particular choice»

The exterior features new styling in particular a choice of two spoiler wings which gives the car much needed stability when traveling at high speeds.
At the same time, women may make particular choices in one context for reasons that are similar the choices men make in other contexts.
Yet, gender may be central to better understanding why women, and specifically women, make particular choices.
You will want to compare prepaid funeral policies with other options to see which particular choice is right for you.
These things are helps to users to choose specific groups and particular choice of friend through online dating sites.
One difficulty grows out of the presence of something in Jesus» teaching, namely, a certain strenuous and uncompromising quality; the other difficulty grows out of the lack of something, namely, light on what particular choices should be made between available alternatives in many concrete situations.
Far Cry 5 is the latest game that lets you avoid most of its action by making one particular choice early on that triggers the credits to roll.
Slamming other methods of publishing doesn't do that — I guess it's a way for the slammers to justify their own particular choice.
These are divided up between three particular choices — basic carriers, options for newborns, and even a ring sling choice.
I'm putting aside the fact that you are exagerrating the deaths in these countries while ignoring other countries with other state religions, which are arguably the problem, and not the particular choice of «religion».
But if human choices are free, uncaused, then a particular choice may or may not occur; the event and its consequent effects would be purely contingent.
If marriage is viewed as a right, rather than a particular choice of lifestyle, is it not just an arbitrary arrangement that yields benefits to people only because they decide to get married?
How can I do God's will in this particular choice?
This Word - flesh typology was at the heart of the controversy at the Council of Ephesus, wherein the orthodox Cyril of Alexandria insisted that Jesus was the Word made flesh, not the Word united to a human man — a subtle distinction, but one that places the emphasis on the complete assumption of human nature by the Word rather than the particular choice of a man by God.
We may be bothered with the problem of whether this or that action is a violation of the sacredness of life; or we may be worried about whether a particular action is just or unjust; or whether a particular choice is the violation of a promise, etc..
The process of character modification continues; it develops or deteriorates, but always in relation to the particular choices Trinity makes and the particular circumstances the church encounters.
Also, don't feel beholden to my particular choices — sub.
As far as precautions or the particular choice of treatment that would be best for them.
If you do not have any particular choice, going for the middle ones is a wise option.
It's just so weird and sad to judge other people about this particular choice (or any parenting choice that doesn't harm a child for that matter).
Picking a unisex name for your baby is a particular choice that not everyone loves but it can be made simpler with the addition of a male or female dominant middle name, think Robyn Grace or Jude William...
Just because I don't share your limit in this particular choice doesn't mean I'm some hippie - pushover with no sense of boundaries or discipline.
«Unlike many problems in public life, where you struggle sometimes between the pluses and minuses of a particular choice you make — and leaders here all know and business leaders all know what I'm talking about — the choices of climate change offer an unprecedented number of pluses, and frankly, almost no downside,» Kerry said.
Please provide justification for these particular choices of experiments.
Regardless of how hilarious that particular choice of music worked out for that scene, it's a strange feeling hearing that genre of music while watching gun - toting cowboys.
But comic performances are so rarely acknowledged at all, much less in the lead category, that I'm not inclined to begrudge this particular choice, if only because Hoffman is having so much fun.
Thanks to the particular choice of a particular 17 - year - old (whose dad has a high - profile job in Washington, D.C.), a lot of the world is talking about gap years.
The particular choice will depend on your location, the size of tyre you're using, and the weather you're expecting to drive in, but whatever you choose, make sure it's a good brand.
This particular choice should give it, in theory at least, a small advantage over the BMW M4.
What subjects and themes are illuminated via these particular choices?
My mom always wanted to be a nurse and I think that influenced that particular choice of books for me.
«This «happy buyer's remorse» is in part due to customers feeling that circumstances out of their control drove them to a particular choice and that options weren't totally clear,» said Craig Martin, director of the mortgage practice at J.D. Power.
I'm not sure how to evaluate this particular choice (Security Benefit TVA) against competitive products.
Before adopting a German Shorthaired Pointer from breed - specific rescue or purchasing one from a breeder, make sure to do your homework in investigating if your particular choice of pooch has a history of genetic or acquired ailments and always strive to get the healthiest possible dog.
Yarrah has a wide range of different doggy treats and foods, but this particular choice is ideal for small dogs because it takes into account their nutritional needs versus their size.
The big bonus about this particular choice is the tree houses.
In addition, they discussed the particular choice of art direction and colors to make sure that the game looks good, but the characters are still well - differentiated from the background and playfield in the borderline psychedelic title.
I remember taking whatever portable system I had at the time and more often than not I would be playing one of the Zelda series game Oracle of Seasons being my particular choice.
I look forward to helping you revisit some of the finest pieces of entertainment released over the last twelve months, whether you agree or disagree with my particular choices.
Ask about their practice, ask why these particular choices — you can be antagonistic, slightly.
Stott et al. (2006c) compare observationally constrained predictions from three coupled climate models with a range of sensitivities and show that predictions made in this way are relatively insensitive to the particular choice of model used to produce them.

Phrases with «particular choice»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z