Sentences with phrase «particular church tradition»

The «orthodox» theologian, for example, is content to find sufficient warrants and backings for his or her theological statements in the «beliefs» of a particular church tradition.
Modesty has undeniably enjoyed front - page headline status in Christian conversations about sexuality for decades, almost irrespective of particular church tradition.

Not exact matches

Although the Church has preserved a tradition as a patron of the arts for more than a millennium, and the great mediaeval cathedrals in particular have portrayed Christianity through their paintings, sculptures, and perhaps especially their windows, Catholic teachers are now refocusing on literary, cultural and artistic beauty as a conscious resource for the transmission of the faith.
Although Eriugena himself is a marginal figure, he is the inheritor of an interesting and far from marginal tradition in the Church's theology, which is of particular interest to those involved in the Faith Movement.
After lunch, Father Ed settles down to talk to me about his remarkable spiritual journey to the Ordinariate — the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow former Anglicans to become Catholics, bringing with them some of their Anglican traditions — and about what he sees as its particular mission, to revive authentic, English spirituality in the Catholic Church.
In particular, we may note that there are three points at which the Kingdom teaching of the synoptic tradition tends to differ both from Judaism and from the early Church as represented by the remainder of the New Testament: in the use of the expression Kingdom of God for (1) the final act of God in visiting and redeeming his people and (2) as a comprehensive term for the blessings of salvation, i.e. things secured by that act of God, and (3) in speaking of the Kingdom as «coming».
And so too with the particular election of these baby boys, which, according to the Church's tradition, at least, was an election to heaven as the first martyrs for Christ.
On these grounds Matt.11.12 has a very strong claim to authenticity: it stands in the earliest stratum of this particular tradition and it reflects the attitude of Jesus to John rather than that of the early Church, to which he was at best the Forerunner (Mark 9.
In the final analysis, the churches» ability to teach the ethic of eco-justice to the public depends on the assessment we make of the religious and ethical significance of our public traditions — in particular, the civic tradition of participatory democracy.
I wrote the book out of love for and loyalty to the Christian tradition in general and the Roman Catholic Church in particular, and out of a desire to support the church's moral authChurch in particular, and out of a desire to support the church's moral authchurch's moral authority.
We may begin, for example, with a certain tradition within the Church of England, in which the minister or priest performed his liturgical, homiletical, and pastoral duties, and perhaps even did spots of reading about them, but in which his serious continuing intellectual work along some particular line might have little or nothing to do with theology.
It is also important to recognize that the real meaning and ground of the resurrection faith in the primitive church was not particular items in the tradition nor particular views as to how Christ's victory over death was accomplished.
I quite agree that the new Christian immigration is very diverse, and many of the new arrivals might well be comfortable with the church — state arrangements they find in the U.S. Mexicans in particular have a long tradition of official church — state separation in their home country, however often the principle is violated in practice.
We in the liberal churches must rediscover our own particular traditions and celebrate them as authentic expressions of Christian faith.
In addition, it must be observed that all the Churches which reject universal tradition as a rule of truth in the interpretation of the scriptures and insist on their own particular tradition as sole criterion of truth, do not adopt a credible point of view.
Constructive theology, aware of God's continuing revelation in the present, is a hermeneutical mode of reflection that, by exploring our particular historical, social and cultural situation in the light of the church's tradition, attempts dialectically to make sense of both our contemporary experience - knowledge and our tradition.
With regard to the second problem, namely, an agreement on «Tradition» (with a capital T), its hermeneutical assessment, and its binding force, it is desirable that the Tradition of the as yet undivided Church of the first millennium, especially its Christological and Trinitarian doctrinal decrees and its status as a communio ecclesiarum, be given priority over the later confessional developments of a particular Church.
Consequently, it is the role of every particular church's theologians, pastors, and educators to reflect upon this tradition and remind the wider church of its importance.
They can nourish a substantial segment of the nation's future leadership, coming out of the churches, in their particular traditions and perceptions of the challenges of the future.
Because when the Church entered the Hellenistic world, and later helped create the world of the modern West, it became indissolubly linked with a particular historical tradition.
Regarding the church in particular, Christian tradition has provided several options for understanding what it is, how it works, and why it is important.
A church - state conflict arises when government adopts a policy that has the effect of restricting freedom of conscience or of imposing on all a policy essentially based on the ethos of a particular religious tradition (example: a law outlawing contraception or mandating devotion to Mary in a public school).
It might be thought that the staff, the Greek gospel, and the Cardinals wearing dalmatics are of esoteric interest, but Mgr Marini's explanations show how these particular aspects of the papal Mass demonstrate continuity with the tradition of the Church's ancient liturgy as a model for liturgythroughout the Church.
In a third concentric circle we may place those traditions which are peculiar to a particular grouping of people such as the Orthodox Church in the East, the Catholic Church m the West or one of the many Protestant denominations.
But this, to some «quaint» tradition, also serves to assert the superiority of Christianity and the Church of England in particular at Westminster.
In particular we have a long tradition of our lawyers being actively involved in local charities, churches, schools and politics.
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