Sentences with phrase «particular condition»

He didn't become a generalized humanity — he became human under particular conditions of time and space.
The time may be specified as a particular date, as the time when particular conditions are satisfied or particular circumstances start to exist or in any other way.
However particular conditions and circumstances can lead to a higher requirement.
Nonetheless, there are particular conditions where spending for a cheap whole life plan can be more valuable than a term plan.
Under particular conditions, certain species of mushroom form perfect circles up to 30 feet around.
For auto insurance quote consumers, having the basic knowledge between this existence can make them decide on the best quote that will benefit them in particular conditions.
The problem has always been manufacturing the damn stuff, particularly at any kind of scale, because graphene needs to be grown under very particular conditions.
As I travel throughout India and the United States to research yoga therapy, I notice that even masters who write books and articles recommending specific sequences for particular conditions often don't use these sequences when they work with students.
The Institute also offers education sessions focused on particular conditions such as Lyme disease, cancer recovery and remission and thyroid conditions.
For more specific help with particular conditions, you can go to the medical assocation for that conditon
The grain - free trend in pet food, for example, inspired the introduction of grain - free treats, and like many pet diets on the market today, there are now treats designed and marketed to address particular conditions or concerns, from obesity to joint mobility.
Since disorders of the ear often cause discomfort, a pet may need to be sedated or anesthetized to better assess and treat particular conditions.
All communities of people may project their «collective representations,» as Durkheim had it, but how they do so — and whether in the manner of Rousseau's civil religion — depends upon particular conditions.
Add to that a pair of pit zips that offer temperature regulation and you know this is a jacket capable of being adjusted to fit particular conditions or personal riding styles.
But Eastoe and other chemists are creating genuine supersoaps by finding ways to get surfactant molecules to lose their foamy properties [pdf] under particular conditions so that the foam can, in effect, be turned off and on at will.
Only 7 % of the owners could not define particular conditions that preceded the TC.
The diagram labels by two red dots the location of an ESA Cluster satellite and NASA's IMAGE satellite on 15 September 2005, when particular conditions of the magnetic field configuration gave rise to a phenomenon known as «theta aurora.»
Even a style like Kundalini Yoga (in the style of Yogi Bhajan), which recommends specific sequences (called kriyas) for particular conditions, suggests that teachers use their discretion in deciding when a kriya is appropriate and whether the recommended timings should be modified.
Here's how it works: A sample of your blood, skin cells, or saliva is sent to a laboratory that runs tests on it to look for gene mutations associated with particular conditions.
Without those traditional go - betweens, the way is paved for «smart contracts»: computer code which automatically executes certain actions when particular conditions are met.
But in that form there is a strange dichotomy to this display: while things like your Instagram feed won't have the sheen that all other top smartphones offer, the Pixel 2 XL's display works really well in particular conditions.
Scientific knowledge always depends upon particular conditions, but risk regulation often naively assumes that large - scale institutions can be controlled as simply as an experiment in a laboratory.
Sweet potatoes store well only in very particular conditions, which are dry, dark and around 55 °F (like a traditional root cellar), where they can be stored for 3 to 4 weeks.
Of course, water is no different than most other substances — they all CAN exist in three states, but the problem is that they exist in only one state at a time under particular conditions of pressure and temperature.
So no - strings - attached out and out small business grants are relatively rare and are always attached to particular conditions.
If there were only a derivation from the primordial nature, the particular conditions of each nascent occasion could not be taken into account.
The change in the apportionment of power in the direction of decentralization must be accompanied by a continuous change in the nature of power, and political Government transformed into social Administration as far as the particular conditions permit.
For his purely naturalistic approach ultimately winds up giving priority to the open - ended, contingent, particular conditions of nature at the expense of the rule of reason.
Such action requires a means growing out of our particular conditions and opportunities.
This basic aim, however, is expressed in specific purposes appropriate to the particular conditions and opportunities confronting us at particular times.
It is clear that an ethic which is based upon the ideal of man or humanity could present concrete requirements of how love must be practised, what one must do — at least under particular conditions — in order to make man or humanity happy.
In vain did the Northern Christians argue that the passage applied only to the Jewish people in their particular condition.
Certified coffees are produced under particular conditions.
The Heart - Check program is not a dietary solution for any particular condition or disease.
This book describes when a particular condition constitutes an emergency, gives conservative guidelines on using supplements with children, and offers herbal and homeopathic remedies with specific dosage instructions.
This particular condition can affect men, too.
An example would be if the triple or quad screen blood test showed elevated odds of a particular condition.
Therefore, if there is a development delay or a particular condition, I recommend asking your doctor, occupational therapist or physical therapist beforehand.
My midwife suggested that i saw someone that specific that deals with this particular condition, I saw someone which unfortunately I had to pay for who does «Bowen Technique» if you have the money to try this I'd highly recommend it.
Over time, evidence has built up that for a particular condition, a certain treatment tends to work.
To better understand your baby's particular condition, take our at - home assessment.
The important thing is having a trusted model that you can trust to doing your sterilization all baby's bottles and fit on your particular condition.

Phrases with «particular condition»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z