Sentences with phrase «particular connection»

Do you feel particular connections with the other artists's practices?
The works range from large - scale paintings to small works on paper, accompanied by a number of photographic prints, which, as Cramerotti explores in his essay for the catalogue, reveal not only some of the complex dynamics at work in Scully's practice as regards relationships of colour and form, but also encourage viewers to consider the notion of «edges», and in particular the connections between edges in his paintings and those in architecture and in nature.
«We were really surprised to find that consolidating many interactions down to a single particular connection for the protein was sufficient to support development of the cells to the next stage, which involves many complicated processes,» Koide said.
;) The weather system does sound interesting, and if a lot of the bugs are gone that would be brilliant — in particular the connection problems I had on PS3.
Its suggestions still hold good, even if we can not agree with the hypothesis of the analogia entis, however attractive it may be in this particular connection, and even if we can not accept the view that the movement from praeparatio evangelica in classical thought via the Logos to the Christian revelation is an unbroken line from nature to grace.
This particular connection between poaching and terrorism has been crucial in situating illegal poaching in Africa on the agenda of the United Nations, who identified the issue as a regional security threat in 2014.
Alec Slatky, a policy liaison with AAA Northeast, said the fee «should be considered a tax» because its amount «does not have a particular connection to public safety.»
Instead, they identified a subtle flaw (in the form of «side channels») in the Linux software that enables attackers to infer the TCP sequence numbers associated with a particular connection with no more information than the IP address of the communicating parties.
When I answered it, it was, I think, theDaily Mirror, who had somehow got this particular connection.
Cystic acne has a particular connection to hormones, but that's risky for men, so because it's also strongly connected to inflammation, I would double down on anti-inflammatory strategies, and taking an MSM supplement is a good one to start with.
Glad I inspired that particular connection!
Whilst I have no particular connection to any long established cultures, Whale Rider still managed to push all the right buttons when it came to exploring traditional notions of history, family, culture and belief.
A Favorite Poem Students explore a variety of poems, find one poem they feel a particular connection to, and share that poem by reading it aloud to their classmates.
And, though you might have a wish list of big names, if you don't have a particular connection to them, don't make it a priority.
Here's the thing: if you don't have a particular connection to that person, or persons, I would not make that a priority.
None of which bothered me in the least, as I feel no particular connection to any of them.
At the Phillips, you wait for your own evolving reaction to make some kind of sense; at the National Gallery the room itself is designed to be evolving, and if you leave it without any particular connection, there is always the promise that next time, perhaps, the whole thing will be different.
Arani Bose: We were always kind of interested in art in the theoretical sense that we would go to galleries and museums and then I had a particular connection to the art world in India particularly because of my father and my uncle who was Arun Bose.
A particular connection was established between Cologne and New York.
Do you feel any particular connection with ideas developing in Art?
Though used as a symbol of climate change in that film, that particular connection is tenuous at best.
The deceased left her estate of 486,000 pounds to three charities, with which she had no particular connection during her life, and cut out her only child Heather Illott, who had eloped and married as a young woman.
Your search probably didn't help them much, but if you searched for Britney Spears, they would probably start highlighting that particular connection.
A description of any roots or connection to any community, and in particular the Edmonton community, noting any particular connection to business, cultural or social organizations;
upon application from a court of another Member State with which the child has a particular connection, in accordance with paragraph 3.
There is a particular connection between fashion and social media, especially Instagram, which will make protecting hashtags for Class 25 goods very important.
It's a cute setup, but an audio cable that short and with that particular connection relegates it for use with powered speakers or Bluetooth speakers (maybe one of our favorites?)
Which account to do you search from when looking for a particular connection?
They don't know each other, but there is a particular connection between them.
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