Sentences with phrase «particular cultural questions»

still, with respect to particular cultural questions, we can usually identify one attitude as dominant.

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Not only does the pluralism in question characterize past and present construals of the Christian thing and their respective social and cultural locations; it also characterizes particular theological schools, the practices that constitute them, and their respective social and cultural locations.
These are the questions that young people, in particular, will need answered in order to resist the cultural tide toward cohabitation.
But I've come to see the question as mostly the fault of the Orthodox themselves, who have not quite figured out how to convey that Orthodoxy — being Christianity — is for everyone and doesn't require a particular cultural identification.
Awareness that there are particular cultural situations rather than a universal culture within which the gospel takes form raises, of course, the obvious question: what is the gospel?
This is yet another question on which the university in particular is increasingly a backwater suffering from severe cultural lag.
Waiving for the moment the far from settled question of the extent that Gandhi's techniques of nonviolence were adapted to the particular social and cultural situation in which he found himself, we still must ask whether we can really see the vindication of hope for the higher values in a cumulative and secure achievement of orders of persuasion over brute force.
If culture is the way people think and feel and behave as a people, and if spirituality is the way we live out the life and teachings of Jesus in this particular culture at this particular time, then the questions for thinkers, writers, theologians, and religious professionals must become: What cultural realities are challenging the Gospel now?
As a Jewish convert, Ruth Rees came to the Faith, and to the Rosary in particular, with a lot of unanswered questions relating to her cultural and religious heritage.
Chapter 2 focuses on the cultural heritage value - and in particular on the question of how a designer can achieve a translation of the cultural heritage essence of a site into concrete design principles.
Pay special importance to the dates in question and analyze the effect of that particular historical event against social and cultural background of the times.
She often combines ceramic elements, beautifully handcrafted, with utilitarian items, such as toilet plungers or buckets, to create pieces that call into question the cultural and historic meaning of particular objects or images.
Each of these series investigates particular regions or precise moments in our recent history with an aim to answer the artist's social and cultural questions and contemporary geopolitical scenario.
The 1st is is that the tendency to adjust the LR based on the cultural identity of the source of information can be viewed as a particular instance of how the species of motivated reasoning in question operates — one of the specific mechanisms that motivated reasoning comprises.
Nevertheless, against the background of the history of previous non-recognition; the subsequent respect accorded to native title by this Court and by the Federal Parliament; and the incontestable importance of native title to the cultural and economic advancement of indigenous people in Australia, it is not unreasonable or legally unusual to expect that any deprivations and extinguishment of native title, so hard won, will not occur under legislation of any Australian legislature in the absence of provisions that are unambiguously clear and such as to demonstrate plainly that the law in question has been enacted by the lawmakers who have turned their particular attention to the type of deprivation and extinguishment that is propounded.
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