Sentences with phrase «particular dog does»

Being turned down for one particular dog does not mean you are not a great potential pet owner....
«This particular dog did very well with a Thundershirt,» she said.

Not exact matches

Mooshwalks are socks with ears and faces, socks that have names, backstories and personalities, socks that don't look like any particular animal, but are a hybrid of dogs and cats, birds and pigs.
My idea of «dog» fits all cases of dog and so does not include any particular size, shape, colour, location and so on.
I did nt see all the hoopla about that particular blog.But his recipes are good.Your dog is adorable BTW.
Why is a «beauty contest» incompatible with judging how a dog can do its particular job?
Now it appears these ancient Arctic dwellers did something even more remarkable: They may have been among the first humans to breed dogs for a particular purpose.
Dogs can do that because their noses contain 900 different types of olfactory receptors, chemical detectors in cells that respond to many different kinds of odor molecules in particular ways.
Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs both in animals and humans alike when two stimuli are repeatedly paired (such as the bell ringing and the feeding, or a particular behavior and the electric shock), so that the response originally elicited by the second stimulus (the secretion of saliva that originally occurs in the presence of food or the unpleasant sensation that follows an electric shock) is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone (meaning that after a number of repetitions, the sound of the bell is enough to make the dog salivate like it does in the presence of food and the engagement in unwanted behavior is enough to make you feel the same discomfort an electric shock would cause).
I don't have a particular dog in the print - vs - eBook fight; I like print books and haven't yet felt the need to buy an eReader, but I see the appeal of eBooks and am generally just glad that people are reading, no matter the format.
Getting renters insurance with a dog doesn't have to be difficult just because of the perception of that particular breed.
If there is a particular toy and / or chew that your dog likes a lot, do not give it to her every day.
Knowing that you will shower him with attention when he exhibits a particular behaviour (in this case barking), Fido will learn that every time he sees another dog all he has to do is bark.
It is a good idea to either take special classes or pay a professional to do your longhaired dog's grooming especially if you want your dog to maintain its particular breeds «look.»
Just because most dogs (labs and Golden Retrievers in particular) are good swimmers does not make them good pool - goers.
Dogs undergo daily training sessions and work with multiple trainers, which ensures that your pup actually learns to respond to proper commands and doesn't get attached to one particular person.
Although we do not discriminate based on breed, size or color, we have a particular interest in helping bully breeds, black dogs, dogs with medical needs and other «hard - to - place» dogs.
All this being said, there is no question that elements such as presentation and ringcraft certainly naturally also come into play in the show ring as influencing factors in the judges» decisions; but certainly not in a way that suggests grooming skills or a particular handler's ringcraft are awarded for being pleasing or impressive to a judge, but rather simply because excellent presentation and a handler with superior ringcraft skill do better to show a dog to its best advantage than do poor presentation and a handler with weaker ringcraft skill.
The dog or puppy learns how to do basic commands and acclimates to the home or training facility and becomes easier to handle in those particular enviroments, so says pro dog trainer Eric Gilbert.
A companion dog is one that is kept solely for companionship, as opposed to breeding and training a dog for the purpose of making him do a particular kind of work.
Those wanting a dog, especially, one of a particular breed needs to do some research before getting one.
There are some chronic health conditions that may affect our choice of medication for a particular dog (such as epilepsy or liver disease), but this has more to do with how the medication might be processed by the body than any inherent danger of the drug itself.
While some of our dogs have gone on to be very successful service dogs, we do not as an organization recommend a particular dog for this purpose as we are not professionally trained to do so.
So now people who have done research and want a particular type of dog, with certain characteristics, will have to go to breeders.
It is possible that the incidence of autoimmune diseases follows particular lines of dogs but does not always manifest as the same disease.
Although many of the dogs we rescue may have had some obedience training or house training in their past, because we often don't know their history, every dog is a bit like a puzzle that we have to put together one piece at a time to solve the mystery of that particular dog.
Puppy «millers» usually can not answer questions about the dogs they sell, have no idea what proper dog care is about and do not have any med certificates (to them it's cost) or health guarantees and have no or very little history of breeding a particular breed.
This isn't to say that your dog is absolutely fixated upon digging; but terriers, and Jack Russells in particular, do enjoy it and were originally bred for it.
Some dogs tend to be very particular about when they urine mark, and might only do it in response to certain situations that arouse them in some way.
You want to talk to the trainers that have worked these dogs, preferably in competitive obedience or in Field Trials, or individually where they did private lessons with that particular dog.
Don't let anyone tell you your young dog will «just grow out of it» or that it's just the breed or your dog's particular temperament.
Dogs often tolerate particular things for a very long time — for instance, they will allow a veterinarian or their adult owner to touch their paws, but will cease to tolerate it when a child with unpredictable movements does the same thing.
We don't want to miss the opportunity to track and identify a sudden increase of intake of a particular breed type (which may hint at a community shift or potential mill activity), a shift in the euthanasia of breed types, or the ability to illustrate the inherent risks individual dogs have simply because of what they look like.
Fortenberry does not explain how this particular small mastiff was able to reproduce itself — perish the thought that it was bred to the lowly spaniel — but one of the traits one discovers in talking with breeders of American pit bull terriers is that they consider the dog capable of almost anything, including virgin birth.
The dog or puppy learns how to do basic commands and acclimates to the home or training facility and becomes easier to handle in those particular environments.
I don't have any particular feeling about that dog because I work with him,» Grammer says.
Please don't adopt or buy a dog unless you know it won't trigger your allergies (some people may be able to find a breed or particular dog that doesn't trigger so many allergies) or unless you know you can live the next 10 - 20 years suffering with your allergic reaction to the dog, even if it worsens.
An informal, yet conclusive summary of (Taken from KC DOG BLOG — «While it seems that lately, several media outlets have been treating them like they have a particular knowledge on the subject of dog bites and attacks (I'll get to a possible «why» on that later in the post), it doesn't erase the reality that is simply a website run almost entirely by an individual person who has an expertise in web design, access to google, and a desire to seek revenge on an attack that happened to her several yeaDOG BLOG — «While it seems that lately, several media outlets have been treating them like they have a particular knowledge on the subject of dog bites and attacks (I'll get to a possible «why» on that later in the post), it doesn't erase the reality that is simply a website run almost entirely by an individual person who has an expertise in web design, access to google, and a desire to seek revenge on an attack that happened to her several yeadog bites and attacks (I'll get to a possible «why» on that later in the post), it doesn't erase the reality that is simply a website run almost entirely by an individual person who has an expertise in web design, access to google, and a desire to seek revenge on an attack that happened to her several years.
If you take a closer look at the dogs on this list, you'll see that they don't appear in any particular order according to size, appearance, or purpose.
Before you decide on a particular breed, do some research and talk to breeders about what type of food your dog will do best on.
But before you can begin training your dog to perform a new trick on cue, or to avoid a particular bad behavior, there's one very, very important thing that you must do first and foremost...
If you require a particular size, or if you need a dog who is good with children or other pets, we do our best to meet that criteria.
Dog Owner's Guide Profile: The German Shepherd 10 Reasons You Do NOT Want a German Shepherd Dog German Shepherd Dog Shopper's Guide Then figuring out the particular «flavor» of GSD I prefer.
If a behavior is inherently pleasurable (eating, playing, chasing, etc), or if doing a particular behavior gets something pleasurable for the dog (like food, attention, or social interaction), the dog will repeat that behavior more and more often.
I don't let myself be pigeon - holed into any particular method because then you aren't reading the dog and establishing a good relationship.
In addition, if the volunteer involved in the meeting with you and the dog, does not feel you are a good fit for the dog, you may be denied adoption of that particular dog but you may be allowed to adopt another dog.
If you have your heart set on a particular breed of dog, you don't necessarily have to purchase one from a breeder.
This particular brand / flavor doesn't seem to go over well with either of my dogs.
This article isn't written to justify why a particular dog or breed attacks, but to explain the possible reasons why the attack occurred, and then what would follow would be: what can be done to prevent future attacks.
Does your dog howl when he hears particular sounds?
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