Sentences with phrase «particular element»

It is a mode of the causal presence of particular elements of the past that had emotional intensity and originality of content.
Another factor in its growth, I would venture, is its resonance with particular elements of the popular culture.
Within your brand, you can highlight particular elements of your brand that match the needs of particular employers.
When you think about how satisfied you were with that investment, which particular element do you consider first?
We can ask questions about whether or not particular elements of the protein are integral to the phenomenon we're looking at.
And can we hear particular elements or anomalies in the data?
What we've seen thus far of the title has never showcased particular elements of vegetation, so that could be a component of novelty in anticipation of the next gameplay trailer.
Every kind of document, including different kinds of letters, must have particular elements present for it to be able to do its job properly.
But I do think many managers enjoy it overall, even while finding particular elements of it frustrating or difficult.
No matter what particular elements you are battling this season, there are eco-friendly ways to keep your car clean for spring.
Additionally, when word study activities occurred, they were not limited to any one particular element of the lesson cycle.
Some books will be about the history of the game \'s creation, some will focus on particular elements like level design, story, and music, some will investigate the subculture that has formed around a game, some will bring in outside art, science, and media, some will have a strong autobiographical element.
The four design patents all claimed designs for particular elements of the Microsoft Office graphical user interface (GUI).
DS: Are there particular elements, of the Sunporch, of Glyndor House or Wave Hill in general — architectural, for instance, or historical — to which you are speaking in creating this installation?
When particular elements in the traditional teaching about the nature of things have been challenged by demonstrable scientific findings, the whole structure of religious dogma has been called into question.
In past models the waves always peaked at the same points around the ring, and this eventually caused fatigue which weakened particular elements.
Red Sparrow was one of Jennifer Lawrence's more intensive movies, and there was one particular element during filming she found challenging.
One is an Impact phials which uses explosive damage to stun, and Element phials will dish out a heavier attack using the weapons particular element.
Formative assessment may not be new, but it certainly has begun to crystallize into particular elements and components that are currently in the spotlight.
The researchers also used teachers» scores on particular elements considered by the TES observation system to discern relationships between more specific teaching practices and student outcomes across academic subjects.
As a brilliantly complex experience that's filled to the brim with quality content, the Switch's portable factor greatly enhances particular elements, catering to a copious amount of addictive playstyles.
The state's visual vocabulary includes: oaks dripping Spanish moss, sandy sunny days, shell strewn beaches, palmettos, cypress knees, loud and flashing thunderstorms, Drawing from this vibrant natural landscape, the artists have chosen particular elements to abstract and amplify.
Two galleries will have group shows focusing on how artists use particular elements in their work — color in abstract art at Artist's Proof Gallery and layered imagery at Cross Mackenzie Gallery.
In Moneyball Lewis explains that when people wanted to analyze the statistical relationships between particular elements of play and game outcomes that the leagues weren't maintaining, they had to compile them themselves.
The authors separated particular elements of a CBT approach from such non-specific aspects as interest and positive regard to evaluate effectiveness.
SEO isn't guesswork, there are very particular elements that create successful SEO.
From a Whiteheadian point of view it seems that these other approaches have focused on particular elements of the world that comes together in experience.
Many scholars did so conclude and others still do.10 However, the presence of two particular elements in that passage invalidates such a conclusion.
Under the fixed fee arrangement the law firm and the client agree upon the fees to be paid for all of a client's work or all of a client's work in a particular practice area or for particular elements or tasks, or for various phases of work.
Upon receipt of your career documentation, your assigned expert Senior Executive Services resume writer will conduct a needs analysis; he / she will begin to query you, via email and telephone, about particular elements that will help build a solid case of evidence of your qualifications.
Recognizing the value of particular elements of agrobiodiversity with exceptional nutritional and health properties can provide opportunities where smallholder farmers have economic advantages, Prof. Johns argues.
If you're disregarding this particular element of SEO then your site's ranking might be suffering in the search results.
The hierarchy is built up from the most complex, particular elements to the most simple, generally applicable ones.
The early founders of the Boy Scouts of America, who were mostly deists or liberal Protestants themselves, made this particular element of Baden - Powell's vision even more central to their organization.
Here it is appropriate that formulations of what we believe will need to be developed, which select from a much wider heritage those particular elements that one needs to know first.
Finally, there is the danger of denying proper proportion or patterning, in such a way that one particular element or aspect of the relationship is made so central that its wholeness or totality is denied or at least called into question.
But when further issues of organization and discipline arose, factions within the church tended to argue their cases by elevating to pre-eminence a particular element of the formula: restoration, freedom or union.
The countless experiments and results, facts and data of any particular element, to me, is like working out the dynamics of a bicycle created by the hands of a man who poured countless hours forming its structure.
The rules state that the first time a car is fitted with the fifth version of a particular element results in a 10 - place grid drop, with five places for the second use of a fifth element and so on.
Because it's a formation that generally provides the most balance when everything is done well and without any glaring weaknesses and without putting too much emphasis on any particular element.
We here at Squawka have singled out seven other coaches that have taken a particular element of Guardiola's system and adopted it as a central tenet of their own.
The programme will operate in coaching blocks with each of the sessions designed to have a positive impact on a particular element of the individual's game led by coaches who are specifically trained to influence each individual through detailed challenges.
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