Sentences with phrase «particular email»

I'm referring today to all writing, but in particular email, since it's a big percentage of the writing that most of us do.
Need to mail files frequently to a single particular email ID?
One particular email seized stood out and said «Our goal is to force Amazon to return to acceptable sales prices through the establishment of agency contracts in the USA.»
Despite knowing this, I decided to answer one particular email solicitation.
I look forward to Return Path's participation in our joint efforts to implement specific solutions that mitigate cyber risks and in particular email fraud,» said GCA President and CEO Philip Reitinger.
However, one particular email caught my attention the most because it posed the question of whether jobseekers could benefit from Pinterest.
The information in that particular email originated from the FBI, which meant that the FBI had the last word on whether it was classified.
He notes, «as the bill stands today it could still permit the collection of email records from everyone who uses a particular email service.»
This particular email shows a shot from the October catalog.
To explain first with a day - to - day scenario, we have seen emails scanning the messages we receive and determining through some specific programs whether a particular email is SPAM or not a SPAM.
There are two user - definable shortcut keys which offer up the camera and voice control by default and are easily switched to those apps you want, be it Twitter, Facebook or a particular email account.
While the recent email didn't get me to take your survey, it did get me to open that particular email.
I didn't receive that particular email but I would not have dismissed it for using that sentence in the subject matter line.
This way, if you need to find a particular email, you can utilize Gmail's excellent search features.
Subscribers appreciate descriptive subject lines since it helps them quickly decide upfront whether they want to read a particular email.
One very important thing that those with access to your email address need to know is that if they are going to forward a particular email to a lot of people, they should forward it by using the BCC option.
One, the feature will now offer an explanation for why a particular email has been marked as important.
If I can gain access to a mail server, either as «root» user or the username of the mail folder, I can easily change the content of a particular email after it has been read.
Tapping the notification of an email doesn't open that particular email.
Simply select a particular email from the drop down box at the top, select Home, then select your home address to save it.
From now on, emails received from that particular email address will be automatically deleted.
«And say we don't have the statutory authority to serve an NSL to find out the subscriber to a particular email handle or what addresses were in contact with what addresses.
Provider can not guarantee that any particular email and / or text will be read and responded to within any particular period of time.
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