Sentences with phrase «particular environment»

Just like in trading, some trading tools and indicators are best used in particular environments or situations.
This is a perfect example of breeding done artificially: we have a new breed which is less suitable for living in particular environment.
It may be somewhat useful to make comparisons to that period of time to see how certain interest rate sensitive asset classes such as junk bonds, REITs, dividend - paying stocks or bonds performed, but my guess is that particular environment doesn't do a great job of showing investors what a typical rising rate scenario would look like (assuming there is such a thing).
There are fortresses, snowy villages, camps, cities, castles, and more, and you'll discover distinctive things about particular environments, such as enemies being able to track footprints that you have left in the snow, and you'll also come to realise that there are pros and cons to undertaking a night mission.
The Nano is a great idea, as a temporary stop - gap and for very particular environments like in India and China.
To quote Jessica Dillard, the founder of Dillard & Associates: «It doesn't replace the resume, but in particular environments [it can] go before it.».
The Good Work Toolkit, created in 2004, draws on real - life situations from original in - depth qualitative interviews, and educators and professionals at all levels have since incorporated the materials into classrooms and conferences as a way to get communities thinking about the nature of good work in particular environments and institutions.
Then create content that fits each particular environment.
But I often wonder if, in this particular environment, the cost of NOT following him is actually greater.
[12] The process of evolution means that animal's bodies and organs have purposes that accord with their particular environment, any body part that does not serve the animal's existence in that environment is counter to the animal's welfare and so evolution results in organs having purposes (whether by Darwinian selection or some other means).
Then nature selects those mutated organisms which can accommodate themselves most readily to a particular environment.
The reasons of things are always to be found in the composite nature of definite actual entities — in the nature of God for reasons of the highest absoluteness, and in the nature of definite temporal actual entities for reasons which refer to a particular environment.
If a person was raised in a particular environment and has rejected that upbringing and «gone over to the other side,» what are the main factors which contributed to this «conversion»?
We're losing cultures — that whole web of intelligence that tells us how to survive and live well in a particular environment.
So if there was a culture and a situation in which women in leadership might have impeded the Gospel, he would say, let's not have women leading in this particular environment.
If an architect wishes to make a particular environment a symbol of the holy, it is absolutely required that the place be one of beauty.
The notion of «subsistence» is transformed into that of «actual entity»; and the notion of «power» is transformed into the principle that the reasons for things are always to be found in the composite nature of definite actual entities — in the nature of God for reasons of the highest absoluteness, and In the nature of definite temporal actual entities for reasons which refer to a particular environment.
We hesitate to abandon laws because, for a particular environment, they are useful in systematizing other uniformities.
Systematic import is relative to a particular environment, and the ease with which a generalization is abandoned depends on its usefulness and this, in turn, depends upon the specialness of the environment.
Later in Process and Reality Whitehead presents his categoreal scheme in which he gives what he calls the ontological principle:»... the reasons for things are always to be found in the composite nature of definite actual entities — in the nature of God for reasons of the highest absoluteness, and in the nature of definite temporal actual entities for reasons which refer to a particular environment.
These varieties, or «land races,» called «Chimayo» and «Espanola» adapted to particular environments and are still planted today in the same fields they were grown in centuries ago; they constitute a small but distinct part of the tons of pods produced each year in New Mexico.
These varieties, or «land races,» called «Chimayó» and «Española,» had adapted to particular environments and are still planted today in the same fields they were grown in centuries ago; they constitute a small but distinct part of the tons of pods produced each year in New Mexico.
These varieties, or «land races,» called «Chimayo» and «Española,» had adapted to particular environments and are still planted today in the same fields they were grown in centuries ago; they constitute a small but distinct part of the tons of pods produced each year in New Mexico.
We can also customize a complete In - Room Coffee Program for your particular environment.
Maybe it is in this particular environment where MLB teams are clearly already looking ahead to next winter's free agents, and Hosmer is just doomed to be the luxury item on a disappointment.
This is when Graco Pack»n Play Playard Bassinet comes into play since it allows your baby to associate a particular environment to one where it can both nap and play.
To explore why, researchers trained mice to fear a particular environment, then gave some mice access to running wheels, since exercise is known to stimulate neurogenesis.
And for animals attuned to particular environments, the consequences could be particularly extreme, Robock said.
To use reconsolidation to wipe out drug memories, Lu and his team first taught rats to self - administer cocaine and heroin, so that they learnt to associate a particular environment with a drug high.
That's because bacteria thrive in particular environments,» Segre says.
The motion of individual cells in the body or the transport of charge carriers in energy storage systems can be understood only in the context of the particular environment.
Diffusion is a universal physical phenomenon, describing the motion of particles in their particular environment, whether solid, liquid or gaseous.
The latest findings offer new focus points into how these genes and others may be modified to fine - tune a wheat variety for a particular environment, which will result in less crop and food loss due to changing environment.
The team used a measure that describes whether walleye can spawn and their young can survive in a particular environment, compared with the relative abundance of largemouth bass.
Now it seems environmental change rather than a particular environment made us who we are
He said animals that can migrate — like whales and birds — are more likely to adapt, while species bound to a particular environment, or food source, will face greater challenges.
This is really what Darwin was getting at, what we call fitness, how fast organisms can reproduce under certain conditions, and as you can see, the descendants do a better job in this particular environment than their ancestors.
Mingzhen Lu, first Princeton author and a graduate student in Hedin's research group, said that if root traits do in fact determine a plant's ability to withstand a particular environment, these findings could be valuable in conserving endangered species or projecting how plants might adapt to climate change.
According to this view, our genes determine the environment our microbiome occupies, and each particular environment allows certain bacterial strains to thrive.
McLean said a complete picture of the diversity of arsenate - reducing bacteria in a particular environment could lead to improved land use practices and awareness of human activities that may exacerbate the problem.
On those rare occasions when, due to a particular environment, the altered properties of the cell provide it with a survival advantage, the cell passes that trait on to its progeny.
Changes that provide an enhanced ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment
Surprisingly, when they placed the real plants on the graph according to their actual nutrient travel distances and total branch lengths, the plants fell almost perfectly on the Pareto curve, meaning that plants» networks of branches are finding the best balance between cost and performance for their particular environment.
You do have to consider your particular environment (like if you have neighbors living below you).
It's always been a belief of mine that what grows naturally and abundantly in a region is designed to best fuel those living within that particular environment.

Phrases with «particular environment»

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