Sentences with phrase «particular episode»

My favorite feature by far, though, was Siri's ability to search for particular episodes of a show by its guest star.
TV Time has compiled data from the in - app voting of its 12 million registered global users this year to track which TV characters audiences have gravitated toward the most in particular episodes.
One particular episode really caught my eye and instantly I knew that I HAD to do it, and that was an episode based in Harar in Ethiopia about a native man hand feeding wild Hyenas.
My research has shown that the underlying (and growing) awareness of the harms of pollution may escalate into violent protests when particular episodes (acid leaks, explosions, or other severe events) bring it to the fore.
Every time someone mentions Nintendo Labo and its cardboard accessories, our minds are called back to one very particular episode of Spongebob Squarepants.
He recalls one particular episode regarding a paper published twenty years ago in the journal Ecology.
You can easily play shows from Netflix, YouTube and other supported apps using just your voice, however again in practice this could be better since you're unable to specify particular episodes and it will default to picking up where you left off.
Welcome to a really particular episode of The Game Informer Show podcast!
One of the featured ingredients on that particular episode was a new and still fairly uncommon food product in China: Canadian lobster.
To illustrate the practical application of the inflation - targeting framework in Australia and its flexibility, it is useful to focus on the operation of monetary policy in three particular episodes (Graph 2).
Iâ $ ™ ve NEVER watched the show before, but for some reason I watched this particular episode.
The sacramental action need not be a literal replay of particular episodes in the life of Jesus.
In retrospect our enjoyment of the whole novel depends upon our having dwelled within the particular episodes which, felt in isolation from the rest of the narrative, are often absurd, unintelligible.
On one particular episode, my third or fourth I think, I was demonstrating three easy ways to enjoy avocado.
The dish for the particular episode was Key Lime Pie.
The whole premise behind this particular episode was that Dave had leftover rotisserie chicken to use up.
Be sure to take a listen to the podcast AND read that particular episode's show notes get get the full details.
This particular episode should provide a unique lens into the mindset of Vince McMahon, who was the mastermind behind the draft and ultimately decided which personnel were sent to either Raw or SmackDown.
Of this I am certain: whilst I hope that we do collect the silverware necessary to diminish the horror of this particular episode; if we do not, then it is very much time for a rethink in the summer — either in terms of technical input and techniques adopted or personnel — or both.
I wanted to write in to thank you for a particular episode.
In the particular episode I watched, Super Nanny was helping a family where one of the boys was a difficult child, especially around meal time.
In his discussions of particular episodes, he typically starts by recounting some background and then presenting one or more important documents.
I have a kind of personal question about this particular episode and your own health practices.
On this particular episode Jon says that a high fat low carb approach is best for testosterone but Ray Peat / Danny Roddy is high Carb and protein?
I've heard from so many women who have found Flipping 50 TV and love a particular episode, or love them all and can't choose!
While in this particular episode, Carrie wore lots of sequins and sparkle, ironically enough (ironic because I'm obsessed with anything glittery and sparkly) my favorite look was one without a single sequin.
«David Lynch's cult - classic TV series about duality and darkness in a small Northwestern town has always resisted literal interpretation; offering a synopsis of any particular episode is a bit like trying to explain a dream upon waking, a flattening of the primal and symbolic into the comprehensible and superficial.»
I haven't seen this particular episode, but I have seen Robert Osborne interview Borgnine in person at the TCM Festival, and he's quite a good interview.
The Indian edition of the movie lays a lot of emphasis on battle scenes, and there is one particular episode that has been spectacularly captured from a bird's eye view.
Though Dark Boo and Sol are not in this Podcast, their icons for this episode for some reason aren't brightened, which goes for members not in a particular episode.
I fear I've become repetitive when it comes to calling a particular episode of Lucifer «fun,» but that's exactly what...
In that particular episode of Hyphenates, we reviewed the brilliantly funny New Zealand horror - comedy What We Do In The Shadows, and because Madman is so great, they're also throwing that into the mix.
Also on this particular episode are Spooks: The Greater Good's Peter Firth and Kit Harington (see above), who talk horses, running up walls and surviving the Oscars.
Each pie is a behind - the - scenes clip pertaining to that particular episode.
Turns out, not all that much usually, but one particular episode of We Bare Bears shares a sizable amount of narrative and aesthetic DNA with Peele's film.
If this whole thing is beginning to sound like another «Franco being Franco» joke, it's worth mentioning that the 38 - year - old also directs this particular episode (and one other).
I fear I've become repetitive when it comes to calling a particular episode of Lucifer «fun,» but that's exactly what «High School Poppycock» is.
Too many echoes leave the movie feeling like it's adding very little to the plot of this particular episode and to the overall saga.
They're static, silent, and simple, featuring various emotions of Alvin and the choice to play a particular episode or the entire platter.
This particular episode of the radio - style talk show, available for free download from iTunes, originally followed a Utah public television broadcast of The Ape Man, a classic 1943 fright film.
Then a door that had images of barbed wire on it — created especially for this particular episode, I assume, to evoke life in an internment camp — opened stage right and out came an eight - year - old boy, who was apparently my brother.
Talk about their site, mention a particular episode that you like, or that one of your fans recommended to you.
Whether or not Apple eventually produces a 7 - inch tablet, that particular episode illustrated the cycle of rumor and official refutation that traditionally marks Apple's relationship with the media.
I love it, but was wondering if there was a particular episode I could turn to for advice that suits me: I work in mental health and I'm graduating in April with my masters.
I am posting this particular episode because he features an animal we happen -LSB-...]
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