Sentences with phrase «particular geographic area»

In fact, some groups get together on their own in particular geographic areas to continue their learning, to continue their reflection and questioning and work on behalf of kids.
Further consultation will aim to capture voices that may not have been heard yet, whether that is from special interest groups or particular geographic areas etc..
In contrast, some skills are useful only in particular geographic areas.
Researchers created six «average climate change» scenarios for the Pacific Northwest and then downscaled the scenarios to create higher - resolution climate projections for particular geographic areas.
Each DTTL member firm provides services in particular geographic areas and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates.
It's designed to allow people in a particular geographic area — they have to be within five miles of one another — to chat with each other.
A bank could refuse to renew because they don't like the economic climate of a particular geographic area or even a type of industry a business operates in.
Science is highly specialized, and the chance of finding a job in your specialty in a particular geographic area can be slim.
[2] Unlike cutaneous melanoma, which is more common in southern and coastal states, mucosal melanoma has no consistent predilection for any particular geographic area.
Also, for college - educated job seekers who are limiting their search to a particular geographic area, this information could help them expand their search to nearby states that will offer them more opportunities for finding a job in their career field.
Because charter schools in many states and districts aren't bound to a particular geographic area, they have more leeway than traditional public schools in deciding where they can locate.
It features «cradle - to - grave» social services focused on a particular geographic area.
It sometimes can be nothing more than living or being from a particular geographic area.
For those who seek a franchise in a particular geographic area, a franchise resale may be the best option in cases where new franchise territories are limited
On this score, unless your particular geographic area has already developed resistance to this product, Seresto Flea and Tick Collars are very likely to be an effective way to treat fleas and ticks on your dog.
We do not limit adoptions to any particular geographic area and, in most cases, you can leave with your new best friend the same day you visit us!
When lawyers graduate from law school and complete their state BAR exam, they often feel limited to a particular geographic area.
District court: A court of the federal government or of a state, having jurisdiction over a particular geographic area.
Trademarks are names, logos, or short slogans that help distinguish a good or service from other goods and services in a particular geographic area.
«As an experienced traffic ticket lawyer in the Seattle area and business owner, I understand that it is sometimes difficult for motorists to find a qualified lawyer in their particular geographic area.
«As an experienced traffic ticket lawyer in the Seattle area and business owner, I understand that it is sometimes difficult for motorists to find a qualified lawyer in their particular geographic area.
Area Sales Managers are responsible for sales operations in a company and oversee the activity of employees from a particular geographic area.
A court's legal authority to hear a case, and issue enforceable orders and judgments within a particular geographic area and / or rule on certain types of legal cases.
Through blog posts, social media channels, e-newsletters and video posts, you can position your brokerage as the go - to source for information about a particular geographic area, niche market, home - buying basics, or a combination of all three.
They might buy a few hundred or even a few thousand properties and tend to concentrate on a particular geographic area, he adds.
But, the court said that while using Koreatown as a reference to a particular geographic area would have been permissible in a housing ad or building name, using the word Korean in relation to his buildings indicated that the landlord was seeking Korean tenants.
TIP: Because costs are lower and more of the viewers in the area would be prospects for a real estate company in a particular geographic area, television ads are often a better choice in smaller markets than in major metropolitan areas.
Economic development organizations (EDOs) are an important part of the equation for bringing jobs and businesses to a particular geographic area, be it a city, county or state.
It contains tons of advice and points you to the right resources to learn more about the real estate market conditions in a particular geographic area.
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