Sentences with phrase «particular government»

21... Some administrative tribunals are closer to the executive end of the spectrum: their primary purpose is to develop, or supervise the implementation of, particular government policies.
Both remember times when the church has sanctioned particular governments and policies, and both are reluctant to move in that direction again.
«We understand that we are not going to beat these problems overnight and in particular no government in modern times has ever been left with such a terrible economic inheritance,» he said, insisting that unlike a «chronic short - termism in government» under Labour the five - year coalition deal would allow long - term decisions.
Wright told Premier: «Obviously, there are lots of issues going on in the world but we have seen in the recent year, a real back - slide by particular governments and regimes in terms of their legal protection for women as well as funding for women as well».
He did not mention which particular government agency was responsible but expressed concern that the government had resorted to self - help instead of allowing the court to resolve issues before the court.
Areas that need particular Government attention and focus include: A clear commitment to the free movement of skilled people, which the engineering and technology industry urgently needs, including some sort of fast - track procedure for skills in particularly low supply within the UK.
The EC, meanwhile, will monitor the loan provision, and in particular the government guarantees, to ensure that they do not extend into the realm of «state aid» classification.
The report is also a tool for readers — in particular government officials, HVAC&R managers of commercial buildings and grocery stores, and consumers looking for climate - friendly cooling options — to draw information on HFC - free technology.
Based on data investigators have been accumulating, it's likely a «non-state actor» rather than a particular government group carried out the hacking, according to a Wall Street Journal article quoting Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper's comments on Tuesday in New York at the Council on Foreign Relations.
It has never been easier for the average person to see just how much of the world's increasing wealth they're missing out on, or how much their particular government is screwing them.
Granting any particular government access to encrypted communications would no doubt lead to other governments — ones that may have less stellar records of protecting human rights — demanding the same privilege.
I cite those examples, not to point the finger at any particular government but to demonstrate that taking up the cross is not something limited to the first century.
It can and quite often does occur that a particular government's policies contradict God's will, which seeks the protection and enhancement of human life.
Perhaps that's what gives the notion that when I'm working within a particular government or within a particular dispensation, it becomes so glaring.
As Wearing makes clear, the issue is not party political, or unique to this particular government.
Changing global configurations of power also suggest that it is increasingly difficult to pin down agents, such as a particular state or a particular government within a state, that could be held responsible for the conditions within which people attempt to craft their lives or which people try to change by moving.
«Countries like China, Malaysia or Singapore have achieved more because they kept a particular government that was doing something right to continue.
The concept of a «sanctuary city» or «sanctuary district» does not carry legal weight, referring instead to a policy whereby a particular government entity — for example, New York City — won't arrest or otherwise penalize residents for being undocumented.
The primary function of a Departmental Select Committee is to scrutinise and investigate the activities of a particular government department.
«If you're on record to have described a certain government appointee as corrupt and you're now being appointed as an independent person to go look for corruption in the whole place... you either prove your initial assertion that it is only a particular government that had all its appointees as corrupt or you're not able to do that then you control yourself as having lied to the world.»
STATE OF GHANA and not any particular Government.
But the Abuakwa South lawmaker in a sharp rebuttal described Ayariga's argument as unfortunate and hollow, arguing that the constitution has not spelt out guidelines for the appointment of Ministers under a particular government.
But in a rebuttal, the Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South constituency, described Ayariga's argument as unfortunate and hollow, arguing that the constitution had not spelt out guidelines for the appointment of Ministers under a particular government.
Non-state actor: An individual or organization that has significant political influence but is not allied to any particular government.
Marías has stated that he does not want «to be seen as an author who is favoured by any particular government,» and has criticized the Spanish government for neglecting gifted writers (including his own father) in the past.
In the aftermath, the galaxy is full of planets unclaimed to any particular government.
It's fascinating to see how researchers, policymakers, private industry and hobbyists are manipulating datasets, especially location - based data, to make linkages and discoveries that a particular government department might not have the capacity, expertise or mandate to discover on its own.
The interesting fact about this case is that the court held when there is space booked for non-academic extra-curricular use, there is no implementation of a particular government policy or program.
The Queen that, when deciding whether a particular government act violates the rights of citizens, «it is not only appropriate that [a Court] answer the question; it is our obligation underthe Charter to do so.»
experiences, as, I suspect, did many others who were similarly trying to access information from some particular government web sites.
In particular the government is concerned with issues such as standardizing serving sizes and potency, child - resistant packaging requirements and standardizing health warnings.
Government actors (including judges), by contrast, usually are the only available source of a service, and often consumers have no choice but to interact with that particular government actor.
However, when a company breaks a record for paying out the largest settlement in a particular government agency's history, it might not actually be something to be proud of, especially if that settlement is related to violations of consumer protection laws.
Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.
First, the official must have acted within the «outer perimeter» of his official duties; second, the particular government function at issue must have been «discretionary» as opposed to «ministerial.»
Typically, this will consist of either a direct burial or a cremation, as chosen by the particular government that is handling the case of the individual.
Ultimately, what this will be about will be making the body «government proof» so that the dictates of any particular government can not destroy the integrity of the representative body with the stroke of a pen and a slash of the budget.
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