Sentences with phrase «particular human way»

As might be expected from a religion which is not the product of any particular human way of thinking but the result of a planned revelation, Christianity is of universal application.

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The resulting fruit developed a resistance to ring spot, in much the same way that humans develop a tolerance to a particular illness when vaccinated.
There is a fundamental shift in the way startup companies, and in particular how private «unicorn» companies (those that are valued at $ 1B +), manage human resource rewards and stock grants to attract and retain top talent.
Of course, there is still a long way to go before this particular method will be tested on humans....
Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing that we all ought to be carbon copies of one another but fundamentally I think we want to say that there is ONE PARTICULAR way to be fully human and fully alive and that ONE PARTICULAR way is unique to Jesus, not unique to us.
We think not only of objects as self - contained in particular regions of space and related to one another only externally, but we think of human selves that way, too.
If positive values tend to confirm relationships and negative values to fracture them, then the particular ways in which changes take place in the human scene will depend upon the systems of value which pertain.
For as well as theoretical reflection on the moral significance of a decision, there are other ways and means by which a human being can either become clear about the rightness and conformity to God's will of a decision, or at least improve the conditions for its correct formation: the general cultivation of courage, unselfishness, self - denial, the practice of the art of making vital particular decisions which can not be deduced by purely theoretical consideration as this art is taught by the masters of the spiritual life.
Paul Tillich defined this approach with particular clarity (and therefore in extreme form) in his «method of correlation»: «systematic theology proceeds in the following way: it makes an analysis of the human situation out of which the existential questions arise, and it demonstrates that the symbols used in the Christian message are the answers to these questions.»
The church is, one might say, inherently comic, for it makes divine and universal claims in very human and particular ways — a discrepancy evident to anyone who cares to look.
It meant that «the light of the Holy Spirit, which is given in a particular way to the pastors of the church,» as Humanae vitae describes it, does not guarantee lack of error or replace human analysis.
Can we reconceive theological education in such a way that (1) it clearly pertains to the totality of human life, in the public sphere as well as the private, because it bears on all of our powers; (2) it is adequate to genuine pluralism, both of the «Christian thing» and of the worlds in which the «Christian thing» is lived, by avoiding naiveté about historical and cultural conditioning without lapsing into relativism; (3) it can be the unifying overarching goal of theological education without requiring the tacit assumption that there is a universal structure or essence to education in general, or theological inquiry in particular, which inescapably denies genuine pluralism by claiming to be the universal common denominator to which everything may be reduced as variations on a theme; and (4) it can retrieve the strengths of both the «Athens» and the «Berlin» types of excellent schooling, without unintentionally subordinating one to the other?
Innocence of the ghastly conditions of their particular human crisis - grinding poverty, economic slavery, disease; malnutrition that stunts the development of the brain and maims intelligence; thwarted, inhibited stature, physical and psychological shockingly premature death - innocence of this awful truth is at a furious pace giving way to a new consciousness and conscience, to conscientization.
In arguing against the possibility of attaining to a neutral standpoint on matters of concern to religious persons, one begins with the axiom that all human activity — and so, by extension, all scholarly activity, all religious activity, and all interaction among serious religious persons — both implies and evinces a commitment to some particular metaphysic, some view as to the way things are and as to how human activity should proceed in that context.
So the real way Burke succumbed to «historicism» — or something like it — was in attributing too much significance to a particular political event, and so in having too little confidence in (or at least faith in) in the resilience of human nature.
Consequently, «salvation» becomes equivalent either with the prolongation of biological human life at all costs or with individual control over the way a particular life ends.
CH: Human beings, unlike the other animals, look ahead in a definite way and, because they have a language, they can generalize beyond any particular limit.
But God ordered his world in such a way that his own work within that world takes place not least through one of his creatures in particular, namely, the human beings who reflect his image... He has enlisted us to act as his stewards in the project of creation... So the objection about us trying to build God's kingdom by our own efforts, though it seems humble and pious, can actually be a way of hiding from responsibility, of keeping one's head well down when the boss is looking for volunteers...» (207).
When death comes, appraisal must also be made in the same way, for the total pattern of a given human life, made up as it is of a particular «routing» of occasions bound together in the fashion we indicated earlier, has also contributed, or failed to contribute, in its very totality, to the creative advance in good.
The natural law is a body of unchanging moral principles known not from revelation (though parallel to it) but by reason, principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct: to speak in this way of «the humanisation of sexuality» is simply the understanding of the natural law in particular human circumstances: there is no movement away from natural law - say, to revelation or ecclesial authority; we are stillwithin its ambit.
I mean, communicated from a divine source by Jesus Christ as God, through inspired prophets and wise men, apostles, teachers, the writers of the books of the Bible, councils of church leaders, popes, and so on, in such a way that the message has been transmitted in human language, clothed in the external forms of human thought, given, indeed, in the characteristic language and thought - forms of particular nations and cultures, but at the same time in such a way that its essential content has been unaffected by the human mind's fallibility, ignorance and feebleness of apprehension.
In particular, as Whitehead expressed the theme, human beings can live with truth, beauty and adventure, which are superlative ways of meeting the categoreal obligations as relevant to human life.
People feel called or drawn by God to act in particular ways, and mainstream theologians have emphasized that the way God works on the human heart and mind is persuasive.
The claim that God is uniquely present among us, sharing our common human lot as this one particular first - century Jew, is offensive the way apparently arbitrary, exclusivist, and arrogant claims often are.
Whereas the Harvard group would respond to particular extreme cases of environmental problems, the WCC group would ask for a fundamental change in the way human beings look at nature.
This is not an explicitly genital mode of contact, but it is a way of sexual living that makes its appeal to those who by religious vocation (e.g., monks and nuns) or a call to a particular kind of human service (e.g., Dag Hammarskjold) or some necessity (e.g., those who can not find a life partner or a homosexual comradeship available) are forced to live without a genital way of being sexual.
Of course, there is still a long way to go before this particular method will be tested on humans (it was tested on mice), and an even longer way to go before it'll be used in medical therapies (if it ever will translate into therapies), but one thing is becoming clear: We need not compromise our moral principles and rush into government - funded embryo - destructive research.
It acts as a weathervane, pointing to the way a particular production of Twelfth Night understands itself: as something broad and harmless, or as a dark piece about human cruelty, or as something wavering between.
It is these four together, he says, in their inseparable but distinct inherence in one another, that create a way of dwelling on the earth that creates a space that allows human beings to be at home upon the earth, and that allows being to unveil itself in a particular way, at a particular moment.
It matters to God; hence it is meaningful to speak of the way in which, once we have come to the end of our life in this world, something abides — and that something is of enormous importance and gives dignity to our humanity, both for you and me as particular persons and also for human society in its total reality — a society of which each of us is a member, by virtue of our belonging together in what an Old Testament text beautifully calls «a bundle of life».
Yet this tactic arises from a particular way of viewing human experience and a particular way of interpreting the artist's concern for authenticity.
much like when a country can't divulge highly classified information publicly for obvious economic and military reasons, a professional soccer organization must keep certain things in - house so they don't devalue a player, expose a weakness, provide info that could give an opposing club leverage in future negotiations and / or give them vital intel regarding a future match, but when dishonesty becomes the norm the relationship between cub and fan will surely deteriorate... in our particular case, our club has done an absolutely atrocious job when it comes to cultivating a healthy and honest relationship with the media or their fans, which has contributed greatly to our lack of success in the transfer market... along with poor decisions involving weekly wages, we can't ever seem to get true market value for most of our outgoing players and other teams seem to squeeze every last cent out of us when we are looking to buy; why wouldn't they, when you go to the table with such a openly desperate and dysfunctional team like ours, you have all the leverage; made even worse by the fact that who wouldn't want to see our incredibly arrogant and thrifty manager squirm during the process... the real issue at this club is respect, a word that appears to be entirely lost on those within our hierarchy... this is the starting point from which all great relationships between club and supporters form... this doesn't mean that a team can't make mistakes along the way, that's just human nature, it's about how they chose to deal with these situations that will determine if this relationship flourishes or devolves..
While it is believed that these particular symbiotic strains have evolved over time as a way of kick - starting the digestive processes of very young humans, their discovery has prompted researchers to further investigate the possible benefits of other forms of probiotic bacteria during early childhood and adolescence.
I think biological determinism has a degree of human decency and kindness about it that is completely absent from the environmentalist view espoused by Puritans who want to make everyone behave in a particular way.
The word «song» is used in particular to describe the pattern of regular and predictable sounds made by some species of whales (notably the humpback) in a way that is reminiscent of human singing.
Pigs and humans also appear to respond in similar ways to dietary deficiencies — in particular, iron deficiencies, Dilger said.
Human challenge trials like this one are an extremely efficient way for scientists to tell whether a particular vaccine is effective, but they are rarely conducted because of the ethical dilemma of the risk it places on volunteers who are purposely exposed to a virus.
His group gives particular thought to ways in which scientists document and describe the nonrandom pattern of human genetic variation and its link to disease risks in different populations.
In particular, they will test if social threats and biological threats are processed in the same way, and whether membership in a social group has an effect on how humans respond to threats.
Pigs are natural hosts for influenza viruses that can infect humans, in particular the 2009 and, going way back, 1918 H1N1 flu strains.
In addition, as our knowledge of the human microbiome increases (the intestinal microbiota in particular), it is becoming increasingly clear that there are untold connections between the ways in which microbes act upon dietary items pre-consumption, and in turn, the ways in which these fermented dietary items influence our own microbiota.
Saturated fats are often believed to have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, but cacao's saturated fat content is entirely different because stearic acid is a particular fatty acid in that it does not elevate blood cholesterol levels the way other saturated fats can and studies have found that diets containing cocoa and chocolate have a neutral effect on blood cholesterol levels in humans.
However understand that you have to train your body in a particular way to truly to truly reap the benefits of using human growth hormone.
While it is believed that these particular symbiotic strains have evolved over time as a way of kick - starting the digestive processes of very young humans, their discovery has prompted researchers to further investigate the possible benefits of other forms of probiotic bacteria during early childhood and adolescence.
The ghastly bear - dinosaur hybrid with a human voice is a notable highlight, while Lena's particular fascination with cell division is mirrored in the way a thing might become a multitude of similar things.
Bloom: The way he shot Liv was particular... Arwen and Galadriel were shot very differently than Miranda Otto's character [Eowyn], who was one of the humans.
In particular, pay attention to the way Haynes and company utilize the motif of hands moving along a human body.
The Mars Diary aims to engage students in science by teaching them about real - life STEM projects that are exploring ways to get humans to Mars — in particular, the UK's human and robotics exploration programmes.
We understand that reading is the simplest way for human to derive and constructing meaning in order to gain a particular knowledge from a source.
Give particular consideration to how information is conveyed, how the events» effect on human beings is transmitted, how the story provokes an emotional response, and the ways that visuals are used to present things that text would normally be responsible for.
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