Sentences with phrase «particular influence»

Of particular influence on the judge's decision was evidence of the role of free sugars in promoting tooth decay, given by an «impressive witness» with expertise in child oral health.
This show of twenty artists highlights in particular the influence of cinematography and video on contemporary painting and photography.
Each of the works in the exhibition touches on a myriad of scientific, religious and philosophical references to power that have held particular influence over the past hundred years.
In this lesson, students will explore more deeply one particular influence on our identities: the assumptions others make about each of us and the labels they use to describe us.
In particular they influence the set - ups of several systems, such as the gearbox and engine behavior, the sound, the four - wheel - drive system and electronic stability control.
Suda51: I got particular influence from Hotline Miami, I played both 1 and 2 and I felt they were fantastic games, on par with all the AAA games, and that game really changed my perspective of indie games, and what they're capable of.
In particular the influence of prenatal inflammation (chorio - amnionitis) on lung development is studied in a newly developed sheep model.
She has cited Marina Abramović and Joseph Beuys as particular influences.
Last year I tried in an article at Next Left, later revised for the New Statesman, to map the main new ideological currents in British politics, in particular those influencing debate amongst self - defined «progressives».
Improving its appeal is a sure - fire way to get female buyers interested, says Hyundai, recognising in particular the influence mums play in the SUV ownership decision.
The work employs a diverse lexicon of art historical references, but takes particular influence from notions developed during the Rococo period concerning the motivating effect that sinuous form exerts upon the beholder's gaze, leading it around the surface of the picture as if following a dancer.
Summoning particular influence from Isa Genzken, Cosima Von Bonin, Robert Rauschenberg and Rosemarie Trockel, he uses these figures as vectors through which to scrutinize the parameters of his own agency as artist working in New York today.
While studying sculpture, she developed a style steeped in classical references, with particular influence from the Old Masters.
Though his early works reveal the influence of Robert Henri and the Ashcan School of American painting, he would later abandon this Realist style in favor of experimentation with Post-Impressionism and Cubism, drawing particular influence from Cézanne and Matisse.
Mayan and Aztec hieroglyphs and architecture were particular influences on Nevelson's art, and like her contemporaries, the American abstract expressionist painters, Nevelson used repetition to suggest obsessional imagery welling up from the subconscious.
In particular the influence of the electron cyclotron maser instability will be investigated.
Tracing the particular influences behind anyone's conceptions is rarely a simple matter.
Much of the book is devoted to passages of prose and verse which have had a particular influence on the author.
Messi did not score in the World Cup, did not have any particular influence on the game against Germany, and was painted as the scapegoat.
Previous studies have shown that testosterone has a particular influence on verbal fluency.
For example, historical, economic, language and cultural ties all play a part — population movements with former colonies had particular influence; such as Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya with the UK, and Mali, Niger and Chad with France.
The early 2000's in particular influences me.»
I think, our culture has a particular influence on the female part of the whole continent which is so different from the European one, not to mention the Slavic and Asian countries.
There's a manga by Morohashi... the title would translate to «Whirr,» that sound, or something like that, that's a particular influence.
It's an exceptionally strange film, somewhere between a yakuza thriller and a ponderous reflection on the violent childishness of the criminal mind — only finally getting its due when Quentin Tarantino stepped in to offer U.S. distribution and certain themes began to show up in weirdo crime flicks like Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog (which itself culled themes from Branded to Kill and Le Samouraï, the latter of which Beat cited as a particular influence).
Akin has himself acknowledged the particular influence on Head - On of both Brecht and the films of his Brecht - influenced predecessor Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
His research focuses on judicial policymaking and in particular the influence of the courts on education.
One external network in particular influenced our design of MELAF professional development: the National Writing Project, a federally - funded network of 168 university - school collaborations which offer literacy - related professional development influenced by constructivist and developmental educational theories (Dewey, 1990; Vygotsky, 1965).
There's a manga by Morohashi... the title would translate to «Whirr,» that sound, or something like that, that's a particular influence.
There are multiple fights in the movie, but as Guerilla's Dennis Zopfi pointed out in the tweet below, two in particular influenced the design of Capcom's classic arcade game.
Fans and future fans - to - be seem to have a particular influence on the direction Halo Wars 2 is heading.
The materials chosen by Oderbolz often fluctuate between stability and ephemerality and have a particular influence on the viewer's physical and mental experience of a space.
The strong colors in his work reflect Brazilian tradition, but they are also the colors of European art; renaissance painting is a particular influence.
The Dutch masters of the Baroque era have been a particular influence on her, Jebavy says (she describes her work as «neo-baroque»), but her work seems quite different in approach.
Did he have any particular influence on you?
Is Duchamp a particular influence?
Each artist will showcase his or her work alongside one «historic» work they cite as having been of particular influence to them during the course of their career.
One particular influence was poet Charles Olson, who, in his essay «Projective Verse,» qualifies poetic language as «energy transferred from where the poet got it... all the way over to, the reader... a high - energy construct and, at all points, an energy - discharge.»
One particular influence was poet Charles Olson, who, in his essay «Projective Verse
His technical achievements became a paradigm for British art for the whole of the eighteenth century, and his later works in particular influenced the near abstract compositions of the next generation of British artists.
Saturday — Contexts explores the general conditions and ideas underlying the profession, the particular influences that shape an individual oeuvre, and the increasingly global framework of art production, discourse and distribution.
Sickert, a key member of the group is a particular influence for Yiadom - Boakye, she has said she admires his ability to describe a lot with very little, that «his mark - making often appears sparse and rough, graduating the tone from dark to light, working from the darkness at the back of the painting forwards into the light.
Four concrete trees made for a Modernist garden by French twins Joel and Jan Martel in 1925 were a particular influence.
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