Sentences with phrase «particular kind of dog»

Not all rescue dogs are Heinz 57: If you've got your heart set on a particular kind of dog, it's simple to track one down, either by searching internet rescue sites, or by contacting the national breed rescue.

Not exact matches

Dogs can do that because their noses contain 900 different types of olfactory receptors, chemical detectors in cells that respond to many different kinds of odor molecules in particular ways.
A companion dog is one that is kept solely for companionship, as opposed to breeding and training a dog for the purpose of making him do a particular kind of work.
This particular discourse began when an unsuspecting, well - intentioned future pet owner inquired about what kind of dog they should get.
If you look on Yelp, for instance, you'll get a good idea of what kinds of experiences other dog owners have had with a particular facility.
If a particular kind of toy causes the green - eyed monster to visit your dog, dump it.
Dogs with diabetes and older females are the most prone to UTIs, however there are several kinds of stones which develop in the bladder which form in particular conditions.
While a Poodle that goes into a competition needs a particular kind of cut, some other dogs perform better with a clipped tail.
The particular dogs from the regular kind of poodle can also be prone to hip dysplasia.
Irresponsible ownership primarily is: Irresponsible breeding Leaving your dog outside chained up with no human contact (or very little) Training your dog to fight Not giving your dog proper socialization with all kinds of people varying in age colour and sex Walking your dog off leash in public Not Spaying and neutering Not keeping your pet's shots up to date Not having your dog licensed by the city Not keeping your dog on a proper diet Not having a properly fenced yard Not having your dog obedience trained (These are in no particular order)
If you have your heart set on a particular type of pet, check back often — we have available all types of dogs, pure breeds, small dogs, large dogs, and our favorite the mutt that when people ask what kind of pet is that... we say an amazing mutt mix!
I regret starting the habit of feeding treats on a regular basis because the dog sometimes doesn't relax adequately, it is forever hopeful of something, so probably kinder to have a routine that it knows there is no chance of a tit - bit except at particular times.
Ask your veterinarian what kind of food might be best for your particular dog breed as well as age and any special needs.
We have been looking at dogs at the local animal shelter but we are kind of particular about breeds.
It may simply be that the dog is unable to digest a particular kind of food, such as in lactose intolerance.
Savvy dog fanciers understand the importance of locating the right training for their Staffie; a training that is kind and humane, dog friendly and taught by experts who have the skills to deal with their particular breed.
Note that there are many kinds of toys out there made of soft rubber — Gumabones is a particular brand name of a common sort of dog toy.
We've all experienced the kind of love a dog can provide for a family, but therapy dogs, in particular, help a wide array of people, often complete strangers.
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