Sentences with phrase «particular learning styles»

Some of them use particular learning styles, while others are more flexible in how they help students to learn.
A few students attend an alternative school that uses instructional methodologies that nurture their particular learning styles.
Cultivates teachers» ability to identify students» particular learning styles, intelligences, strengths and weaknesses
But Mr. Kolb also says that the paper's bottom line is probably correct: There is no strong evidence that teachers should tailor their instruction to their students» particular learning styles.
Instead, all the 6th grade math teachers and students operate as a single team, and students are assigned to teachers and modes of instruction based on daily assessments and their particular learning styles.
Every student has particular learning styles, social and emotional concerns, and personality traits.
Not all students learn the same, which is why we surround your child with adults who believe all students can succeed when they are given the tools that fit their particular learning style.
The common myth for learning styles as an effective teaching and learning approach is that students will improve their learning if they are taught in their particular learning style (Evidence for Learning, 2017a).
Is it a good idea to design microlearning modules to suit a particular learning style and ignore the other learning styles?
Everyone has a particular learning style and preferences when it comes to taking a course and now you have options when attending traffic school that best suit your needs and schedule.
Extremely patient excellent at working without direction from teacher to fits child's particular learning style.
Psychoeducational testing can help to identify the particular learning style of a child, and determine if there is a learning disability, cognitive difficulties, or executive functioning problems which impede the learning process.

Not exact matches

We have learned only too well that such self - styled messengers of God can carry out deeds of unimaginable ferocity in the name of their particular vision of God.
Early in life each individual, according to Adler, learns a particular life - style — a structured pattern of behaving and responding, the aim of which is to maintain the minimal self - esteem and feelings of power that everyone must have to cope with life.
In the end, it all comes back to education: In the ideal world, a parent's decision about whether to allow a child to start playing or continue playing collision sports before high school under current rules of play (which are evolving in the direction of safety, fortunately, as seen, for instance, in USA Hockey's ban on body checking at the Pee Wee hockey level and below, and limits on full - contact practices instituted at every level of football, from Pop Warner, to high school, college, and the NFL), will be a conscious one; a decision in which the risks of participating in a particular sport - provided it is based on the most up - to - date information about those risks and a consideration of other risk factors that might come into play for their child, such as pre-existing learning disabilities (e.g. ADHD), chronic health conditions (e.g., a history of history of multiple concussions or seizures, history of migraines), or a reckless and overly aggressive style of play - are balanced against the benefits to the child of participating.
If you've got friends with different parenting styles, try taking the time to listen and learn about how and why they've decided to raise their children that particular way.
If you are comfortable with flexible structure, and your children are eager to learn, then this home education style may well work for your family, and there's no particular need to look further.
To bolster kids with weak skills in these areas, learning specialists teach a mix of specific strategies and alternative learning styles that complement or enhance a child's particular abilities.
Enthusiasts say that old - style pedagogy will teach the wrong skills in a future where people will work in groups brought together for the lifetime of a particular project, where they will constantly have to learn new skills, and where the traditional corporation, with its rigid hierarchical structure, will have lost ground to companies that dare to bring in more complex, self - governing management styles.
With a 12 - week meal plan you will learn not just how to eat according to The Thrive Diet, but also why this particular eating style is beneficial to your physical and mental health as well as to the health of the planet.
Yoga has a ton of different styles, forms and intensities, but hatha yoga, in particular, is a good choice for stress management — particularly if you've perfected the breathing style you learned earlier in this chapter.
~ Ashtanga - based Vinyasa is a great way to learn about this particular style of yoga while strengthening and stretching.
After a few applications and learning to use this particular style, I no longer had that issue.
Studies where teaching activities are targeted towards particular learners based on an identified learning «style» have not convincingly shown any major benefit, particularly for low attaining students.
Resource specialists in the center work with students who are having trouble identifying their learning styles, for example, or who are at a loss for ways to manage their particular difference.
A quasi-experimental repeated - measures design examined the effectiveness of (a) peer feedback for learning, more specifically, certain characteristics of the content and style of the provided feedback, and (b) a particular instructional intervention to support the use of the feedback.
Whether or not girls in single - sex schools are more likely to pursue science degrees or political careers, whether or not boys in single - sex schools are more likely to write poetry or pay attention in class, single - sex schools can allow educators to address the particular interests, strengths, learning styles, and developmental stages of a single sex while allowing boys and girls to concentrate on something other than the opposite sex — at least for a few brief hours each day.
The children are taught to be intuitive users of technology; rather than learning the intricacies of one particular operating system, software style, user interface or piece of hardware, they are given the skills to «find their way around» a wide variety of systems.
In late 2009, the panel concluded that an adequate evaluation of the learning styles hypothesis — the idea that optimal learning demands that students receive instruction tailored to their learning styles — requires a particular kind of study — AND IT HAS NOT BEEN DONE.
In its one - sided support for a particular style of math instruction, Elizabeth Green's article acts as a megaphone for these dog whistles, the misguided notions that, although seemingly innocuous to most people, are packed with meaning for partisans of inquiry - based learning.
She has particular knowledge and experience in understanding different learning styles and disabilities as well as a variety of emotional and behavioral issues affecting children and adolescents.
We developed the particular case discussed in this article, entitled «Building Bridges: An Investigation of Truss Design» (Masingila & Pfister, 2002), to engage teachers in thinking deeply about (a) actively involving students with a range of learning styles and abilities in learning and doing mathematics, (b) managing cooperative work, and (c) integrating mathematics and science ideas.
We know that a particular piece of instruction might be effective for some students, and not for others, so it seems plausible that if the instruction was specifically designed to take into account a particular student's preferred learning style, then it would be more effective for that student.
In the narrow sense, it denotes a particular style of moral training, one that reflects particular values as well as particular assumptions about the nature of children and how they learn.
Each thumbnail template represents a particular type of media piece — each related to a particular type of intelligence or learning style — in a familiar, easily identifiable format.
Students vary in at least three ways that make modifying instruction a wise strategy for teachers: Students differ (1) in their readiness to work with a particular idea or skill at a given time, (2) in pursuits or topics that they find interesting, and (3) in learning profiles that may be shaped by gender, culture, learning style, or intelligence preference.
You can also find subject - centered design in large college classes where teachers have a tendency to focus on a particular subject or discipline with little regard for individual learning styles.
Figuring out which types of weapons — swords, dual swords, axes, spears, and the curious hook - and - chain kusarigama, along with projectile weapons that are much more powerful than anything Dark Souls and Bloodborne players will be accustomed to — are best suited for certain enemies and your own particular playing style is important, but just as vital is learning how to manage it all.
In particular, this applies to the extremely vital art scene, which has strengthened learn influx of the American west coast in recent years.Today, it seems, is the painting in New York as lively as in the times of Abstract Expressionism in the 1950s and Pop Art in the 1960s - except that now a plurality of styles and forms of expression is observed.
In my research I learned that Soutine adored the Old Masters, Rembrandt in particular, and reworked many of their paintings in his own style.
In particular, students don't like to learn new user interface styles.
Sometimes the writer will want to interview you so they can get a feel for your style and learn more about your particular legal topics.
In particular, lawyers can learn to compose striking introductions to legal briefs by emulating the style and structure of the four symphonic movements.
Learn more about the aspects of this particular style by reviewing the resume example below and the helpful writing tips.
It also helps to provide a variety of educational opportunities on a particular product or system for different learning styles and ability levels.
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