Sentences with phrase «particular life»

Also: You don't want to apply with particular life insurance company on your own.
Dog foods are labeled for particular life stages, so start by finding foods for the appropriate stage.
Dogs in particular live in the * now *, and tho they remember past events they usually can adapt and go on without angst and obsessive reflection.
Experts are predicting that video, and in particular live video, is going to occupy a much bigger place in the news feed.
Our experienced staff will develop a program to fit the specific needs of your pet and your own particular living environment.
There are formulas specifically geared toward particular life stages, weight loss, breeds or therapeutic needs.
We should be surrounded by a zoo of transitional forms that can not be categorized as one particular life form.
In addition to these groups, the church can also provide group social relations to persons who are exposed to particular life stresses which make them emotionally vulnerable.
True human progress occurs over particular lives in the direction of wisdom and virtue.
Now, I found myself fighting to save a single particular life: my own.
Typically there are a few important questions that either «open» or «close» the path to particular life insurance policies.
SI: These women certainly have something valid to say and they have had very particular life experiences.
His own individuality, with all its vulnerability and particular life circumstances served as a source of inspiration for his art» (E. Meyer - Hermann, «Yes, I am also a woman.
Similarly, in personality theory, the search for ideographic standards by which to judge particular life styles or the mode of an individual life is fundamentally the search for criteria of patterning.
The services, which are provided by community organisations, target men at a range of relationship stages, including pre - and post-separation, and at particular life and relationship transitions, such as following the birth of a first child or the breakdown of a relationship.
Some seniors may look for very particular life insurance quotes such as funeral insurance quotes (also called burial insurance plans) to protect their families against unexpected final expenses.
What are those attributes changes particular life?
It is important to acknowledge that, like most congregations, they are very aware of the way in which they are free to shape their own particular lives around a wide variety of traditions and practices.
In past films, in particular The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Darjeeling Limited, Anderson has allowed the glorious moment to puncture the cohesiveness of the larger narrative.
But when the fears consistently interfere with normal activities — sleeping, going to school, doing the things required by the child's particular life stage, accomplishing the things he wants to accomplish — then help should be sought.
Over the past year, Facebook has set its sights on becoming a platform for video — in particular live video, something it has been paying a number of media companies to produce, in order to promote its streaming feature.
A switch to the game's hard difficulty is recommended for most here, but fortunately things pick up eventually once all the mechanics have been demonstrated, and the challenge rooms in particular live up to their name.
I don't think evolution is a fact, but genetic inheritance, random mutation and whether a particular living creature survives to procreate or not are facts.
To have faith is to take this particular life and death as decisive for one's relationship to God.
The possibility which this revelation offers us is that the individual life is greater than any particular life project.
Man - made environments vary according to the particular life - histories of the human groups that live by them.
Whereas ethics presents models for living, observed ethicist Margaret Farley, the garden image involves us in our particular life stories, with all the ambiguities involved.
It is impossible to pin down the particular life settings for these songs; no doubt they are various.
The narrative collapses from the universal point of view into the particular lives of a mundane, inauspicious couple.
The congregations that attract them must provide programs that have integrity and speak to their particular life experiences.
Consequently, «salvation» becomes equivalent either with the prolongation of biological human life at all costs or with individual control over the way a particular life ends.
For example, when working with children in the grammar school period and with their parents, it is important to understand the general growth issues and needs that are typical of the particular life stages of the children and of their parents.
(Roger Gould, «Adult Life Stages: Growth toward Self - Tolerance,» Psychology Today February 1975, p. 74) Potentializing, on an individual level, means the actualization of more and more of one's unused strengths, including the unique assets of one's particular life stage.
And though it is made explicit from time to time, this moral vision is communicated and reinforced mainly through the enactments of the particular lives, traditions, and institutions that constitute the living memory of our communities.
How do we know when the mystery of existence and the promise of God's future has been disclosed to us in our particular lives?
Apodictic law explicitly deals with cultic or theological concerns (e.g., 22:20); it is implicitly more closely related to the particular life of covenant Israel and the Yahweh faith.
This phenomenon is explained by negative frequency dependence: the idea that the rarer a particular life history strategy used by a species is, the higher its fitness will be.
An alternate interpretation offered in the CAHR report suggested that new human life exists once the process of fertilisation is complete; the embryo is more than simply a cluster of cells — for once destroyed, it is impossible to recreate that particular life [34].
I'm constantly adapting my style to the particular life phase I am in.
I have been described as, «Going with the flow», I enjoy traveling and meeting folks and making a difference in their particular life.
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