Sentences with phrase «particular little area»

Not exact matches

And while letting your child make a decision about whether or not they want to be tickled may not have been the point of that particular study, it's still an example of an area where we should let our little ones voice their own opinions and maybe even more importantly, learn that only they are in control of their own bodies.
Usually, City Council members follow the lead of the member who represents the area home to a proposed rezoning, and there has been little to suggest this particular rezoning process will be a departure from the norm.
The opening of this field adds onto the number of athletic fields open to all residents of Westchester County and is a very welcome addition in particular to this southern area of the county that has too few fields and too little open space.»
Have you ever felt super sore and rubbed that particular area and it hurts like hell when you do, but afterwards it feels a little less tight and painful?
Once you're the expert in that particular area, take on a little more.
This particular pair has a little detailing in the thigh area, but there's not much going on with the wash.
That is not to say it's entirely the same, as there are nice little touches of graphical flourishes and certain areas in particular do look a step up, but on the whole it has a lot of the same within it.
Some of the framing device is honestly a little bit flawed, considering that Judy could easily look over Rodentia, seeing even as a small rabbit she towers over the inhabitants of that particular area.
Another worried that the game's open world was a little too open for your average casual DQ fan: «There aren't any particular limits to the areas you can access, which means you can run into enemies far too powerful for you at times.
The most impressive things about The Little Foxes are, in no particular order, Bette Davis's performance (specifically her micro expressions), Patricia Collinge's supporting performance, director Wyler's composition, director Wyler's staging of the narrative (adapted by Lillian Hellman from her play and set in a constrained area but a living one), Herbert Marshall's performance, and Gregg Toland's photography.
All across the area, patients have spread into their own little areas and the crew walks up to one in particular.
This can be as simple as knowing a little bit about every student's background, if they are coming from another school, or if they have an interest in a particular area.
This made a lot of sense: There's significant evidence in cognitive science and brain science that suggests that, when particular areas of the brain are primed, people perform tasks a little bit better for a short time.
The one area where PoPoLoCrois mixes is it up a little is in its grid movement system, which allows you to move around the battlefield to spread out or gang up on a particular enemy.
The visuals are however a little inconsistent in their beauty in that the cities aren't as well modeled as they could be and in particular the shadows in said areas can look a little off.
Each area is now thick with secrets, and with little tricks that can be used to help turn the tide in your favour during any particular hunt.
If some area is for part of the year exceptionally variable this particular data may add greatly to the variance of the average while it tells little of the actual warming defined by energy flows.
Observation Both the Dutch and the Swiss (in particular) are showing the world how to make a lot out of a little: a lot of prosperity, security, democracy, quality healthcare, and equality... out of a scant endowment in land - area and resources.
K&L confirms that «because the majority of entry - level associates come to the firm having little practical experience in any particular area of the law, having a practice area preference is not essential.
Her divergence from the majority in both decisions rested on the view that judicial deference is based upon the principle of relative expertise or experience in a particular area, and thus this bare assertion of a presumption of deference simply because a statutory decision - maker is interpreting its home statute pays too little attention to whether the statutory decision - maker actually has sufficient expertise or experience to justify deference to its determination of a legal question (See Alliance Pipeline at para 80 and Alberta Teachers» Association at paras 82 — 89).
For example, Madam Justice Deschamps wrote a concurring opinion in Alberta Teachers» Association on the view that judicial deference is based upon the principle of relative expertise or experience in a particular area, and thus a bare assertion of a presumption of deference simply because a statutory decision - maker is interpreting its home statute pays too little attention to whether the statutory decision - maker actually has sufficient expertise or experience to justify deference to its determination of a legal question (Alberta Teachers» Association at paras 82 — 89).
She says the decision provides guidance as to how a particular provision of s. 12 of the Copyright Act is meant to function, and that there was little jurisprudence in the area before.
«Safety will be a particular focus in new or novel areas where there is little existing evidence of what happens in practice,» TfL writes in its policy document.
Gradually build up a little mental library of parts that are useful for your particular interest area.
A knack for communicating the findings clearly to other professionals within a business who will have usually have little - to no understanding of that particular area of expertise is also essential!
It allows your teenager or adolescent to focus on one goal area in particular, and dive a little deeper in their planning for each milestone.
However, the folks who don't like what you, the aforementioned and I say seem to simply be venting from the perspective of conditioned thinking, assuming that we are their particular enemies, when in fact we are trying to engage the slumbering areas of their brains into actually waking up to the reality of how the bureaucrats are insidiously creating an entrenched Oligarchy of «We know what is best for you all» controllers who have very little respect for their dues payers.
But there's one area in particular they feel agents need a little extra work: negotiation skills.
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