Sentences with phrase «particular mission»

This allows us to tailor the squad for particular missions, or for a particular play style.
Or perhaps event subtitles reminding the audience who's who, what particular mission names referred to, etc..
One particular mission left me with no clear way to progress.
Some missions allow you to take to the rooftops with the characters that are equipped with grappling hooks for example, and you may find that this is the better approach on particular missions.
There are hints of dog fighting in the game during particular missions, but they never materialize into much more than popping balloons.
We asking this harmless question because all United States Military operations in Africa are for particular missions
But for last month's strike on Islamic extremists in Libya, B - 2 Spirit stealth bombers «were chosen because we specifically needed that particular platform for the capabilities it brought for that particular mission,» Goldfein said.
They say they don't have a particular mission to invest in female entrepreneurs, rather they're looking for good investments.
I've met a lot of people who are living out their vocation based upon a call to a particular mission.
After lunch, Father Ed settles down to talk to me about his remarkable spiritual journey to the Ordinariate — the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow former Anglicans to become Catholics, bringing with them some of their Anglican traditions — and about what he sees as its particular mission, to revive authentic, English spirituality in the Catholic Church.
No disrespect to President Barack Obama or former President George W. Bush, but it is through the relentless efforts of our military, their unwavering commitment to duty, their love of country and each other that this particular mission has been accomplished.
It focuses on a particular mission in southern India, the American Madura Mission (AMM), started and funded by the first mission sending organization in North America, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) with its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts of the United States of America.
This particular mission is supported by several parishes, and now members of those parishes often join the street people for worship and breakfast.
From the earliest beginning of his public appearance he is conscious of his particular mission; from the first his words and work are overshadowed by the destiny which he took upon himself in an unknown hour, by the knowledge which preceded this resolve to sacrifice.
This consciousness of a particular mission may be a sudden inspired enlightenment, or it may come as a realization gained by painful, laborious struggle.
Academics want to pursue curiosity - driven basic research, while government labs are oriented toward their particular missions, and companies focus on profitability.
And if a particular mission — taking care of the poor children in your city — is what you really care about, then you should base your decision on efficacy, not efficiency.
He says the problem is often that particular mission agencies lack the expertise to explore the health consequences of their actions.
Work on astrophysical theory to interpret space - based observations receives little support from NASA, for instance, because it's not related to a particular mission, while NSF managers focus on ground - based data.
Marcia Smith, a veteran space policy analyst and consultant based in Arlington, Virginia, says the longer NASA avoids committing to a particular mission, the easier it will be for a subsequent administration to kill the proposal.
On these particular missions, the six astronauts were each allotted 2.5 hours per day to set up for exercise, complete a workout, and clean up after the session, with options to exercise on a cycle, treadmill, or doing resistance training.
If you aren't familiar with that particular mission, that's basically the equivalent of scoring a hundred touchdowns and flat - out winning the Super Bowl halfway through the first quarter.
You can tweak your car stats to make sure it meets the recommended upgrade level for a particular mission or race.
In one particular mission I was able to jump from a nearby mountaintop into a heavily armed camp.
However, it's not specified in the demo whether this particular mission is part of the story or simply side quest.
Overall, the gathering quests were interesting and a nice change of pace from the hunting, but the real prize is getting to chase down monsters and bring them down with whatever weapons you've chosen for a particular mission.
The film introduces each group and their particular mission, usually relating to the guarding or safe - keeping of one of the infinity stones.
Most organizations are founded with a particular mission and method for pursuing that mission.
Although there is clearly a great deal of support for SGOs that serve all students attending any school, there are also a significant number of donors who only want to contribute to particular missions.
In part, that's because, as organizations with a particular mission, many early sponsors chartered just one or two schools and thus lacked the capacity to do more than rely on the schools» boards to keep things running smoothly.
Assuming your particular mission profile demands a vehicle like this, is it worth stepping up to a Yukon or an Escalade?
Some people show up I won't spoil, but I will say this... could you really not go for this particular mission, Uryuu?
There are some new enemies in this particular mission, the pesky shielded Servitor being one of them.
There's a particular mission where you can receive a request from a New York publishing company to take certain pictures; you can get to the ending by just doing that alone.
We wanted to help both casual gamers who just may be stuck on a particular mission and hardcore gamers who are aiming for getting all the achievements of the game, so we created this site.
Since the mission mode assigns you a random character with each song, you could play for quite a long time before you are able to complete that particular mission.
Oh, and a word to the wise: the Mechanist is a villain from a series of Fallout comic books whose protagonist you assume the identity of during a particular mission.
Choosing the wrong weapons in the loadout might mean you can not complete a particular mission.
You can of course pick how you play through combat but I strongly suggest experimenting with the tactical view, there are particular missions that become a lot more manageable while using this view, which allows you to pause, scan the battlefield and assign specific orders out one stage at a time.
Except for one particular mission that has you acting undercover as a French spy, there are simply no surprises and very few genuine thrills found in - store that even dare to break the mould, and it's a real shame.
Tagging the backs of enemies in particular missions can be tiresome.
This particular mission in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker can be thought of as a Naruto - style version of Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan game.
This signifies at least this particular mission takes place after chapter 699, Naruto's battle with Sasuke at the end of the manga.
Once you start gaining marketshare during a particular mission Soup Co. will attack your base and try to wreck your operations.
This time it's Flying Shark that gets the treatment, but with an added twist in that each level has a particular mission to complete.
For example, throughout every mission, at precisely the same time during the evening, you will hear a gunshot, or a bell toll, or the lights will dim, with the causes of these mansion - wide occurrences remaining a mystery until you play that particular mission.
Players will have the ability to setup and customize their squad of 12 soldiers, choosing different soldier types and specialists based on a particular mission's objective.

Phrases with «particular mission»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z