Sentences with phrase «particular narrative»

Santiago's interest in storytelling, in particular narratives from African and Caribbean culture, comes alive in his practice, which aims to animate and reinsert these silenced histories into contemporary art and history.
you have a point but what is frustrating is the endless embellishment on behalf of arsenal fans to suit there particular narrative of what is wrong or right with arsenal.
Unlike a film like Frances Ha, there's not much particular narrative drive in this film.
I fought my way back from the ways that particular narrative made me feel invisible, and that fight lit a creative fire in me that has not only given me a career I love, but has instilled in me the grit it takes to weather the difficulties and rejection inherent in being a writer.
This work is comprised of nine 16 1/2 - foot - high free - standing wooden panels, and takes inspiration from D. W. Griffith's 1916 epic silent - film Intolerance, in particular the narrative's climax that unfolds in the court of ancient Babylon.
If your truth is only acceptance and belief in a particular narrative and interpretation, then in truth, you haven't really even started the journey to know the truth, you've merely duped yourself with a short - cut and ready - made answers.
In this particular narrative the fishermen alone were set apart for God's special use.
That is, the statement that Jesus made was specific to that particular group of Pharisees who were particularly stubborn to the way the Spirit was working through Jesus in that particular narrative.
We have particular narratives in our culture and I agree with the article we become uncomfortable when those narratives are questioned.
To be clear: it's not that Laca's lack of confidence isn't a problem, or that he shouldn't shoulder some of the blame for the defeat, but that we'd be missing just how big our problems really are right now if we focused on that particular narrative.
Exaggeration of otherwise innocent and irrelevant soundbytes taken out of context to fit a particular narrative, hoping they'll take a life of their own and become actual news (i.e. «the throw shit on the wall and see what sticks approach»).
12:46 - «It would be a serious mistake for this report to be used to promote or reinforce a particular narrative of any of the groups involved in the Troubles in Northern Ireland,» Sir Desmond says in his report.
If 10 Cloverfield Lane was the only film hawking this particular narrative, I wouldn't be too concerned, but sometimes it feels as if that's the only story available at the moment.
Cher is fun to spend time with, but as the movie hits its second act, it becomes clear that she is just drifting through the movie, rather than being set down any particular narrative road.
Although this particular narrative provides an intriguing look into the dark machinations of the competitive riding world, the choice to give the horse its own first - person narrative — a concept that worked in Anna Sewell's classic, Black Beauty, but not much else — perhaps takes the idea a bit too far.
Stories do not need to be linear or follow any particular narrative structure.
There are many many many studies that prove that gaming has no actual real world impact on behaviour, so the people who are trying to use gaming to push an agenda to change social behaviour to fit a particular narrative are actually wasting their time.
This work is one of the scarce times we see the artist in a performative role, which is necessary for this particular narrative to provide that «a-ha» moment Starling delivers with each piece.
Often referring to Greek plays, Hundley is not only interested in how those particular narratives are representations of our shared subconscious, but also how the recordings of those plays, for which there were never perfect versions or final drafts, physically and mentally manifest in perpetual reinterpretations.
While the outer books cast in resin represent a particular narrative or set of values, such as the commercial world or the public side of the self, the books captured inside offer a more personal and at times idiosyncratic collection of knowledge and our sense of the world.
She has described her paintings as being like «paragraphs or sentences», explaining that «I don't want to fix a particular narrative behind the work but to instead leave behind a suggestion of one.»
While in much of his past work he has referred to Greek plays, Hundley is not only interested in how those particular narratives are representations of our shared subconscious — he also has a deep interest in how the recordings of those plays, for which there were never perfect versions or final drafts, physically and mentally manifest in perpetual reinterpretations.
More recently, a particular narrative has evolved — contained in traditional stretched canvas — a cumulative transformation of combines that hints at a darker, perhaps imperfect world, where nightmares melt into cartoon dreams, referencing Gorky's influence.
«False Narratives» proposes multiple notions of narrative and means of creating narrative: the fact that a narrative can be implied, suggested (by), or projected (onto); and the difficulty of pinning down a particular narrative as fact, as true or false, as reliable.
Whilst I have particular narratives in mind when creating the work, the stories are also deliberately ambiguous allowing the viewers to interpret the work for themselves.
She does not set out with a particular narrative in mind, rather the painting itself dictates how she might assemble the work.
He pulls at the threads of a particular narrative of spiritual bankruptcy, in which modern man has killed the old gods and replaced them with his own image — which is not necessarily a good thing.
Her exhibition at Corvi - Mora in South London features new paintings which continue her interest in an evolving cast of characters — bold, sometimes confrontational subjects, sometimes conspicuously averting their gaze — without ever making explicit why and where they might be situated or any particular narrative.
What is also a major problem is how utterly tribal and hysterical to the point they'll report anything, so long as it fits a particular narrative, the press now are.
These spam attacks are often launched by those individuals who want to drive a particular narrative or profit from high transactions fees.
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