Sentences with phrase «particular out of favor»

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People are most likely seeking your campaign out for information about a particular issue and / or a way to take action in favor of or against a position on an issue.
The Senator, speaking before the hearing, answered criticisms that some of the Senate districts are oddly shaped, in particular a new 63rd district carved out of part of New York's capital region, that appears designed to favor a Republican.
Too often school improvement efforts get attached to particular individuals and are rarely embedded deeply in the community which can doom efforts when these community leaders fall out of favor for one reason or another.
But again, if you go back to that particular trade a few weeks later, you will see 9 times out of 10 that the trade would have gone in your favor had you had the resolve to stay in it.
They invest in companies that have low P / E ratio, and stocks that have fallen out of favor with mainstream investors, either due to changing investor preferences, a poor quarterly earnings report, or hard times in a particular industry.
And consistent outperformance, if that's what you're looking for, it's very — if you're picking a particular philosophy or strategy, value stocks were out of favor during the»90s, and you looked really dumb for a long time until you got very, very smart.
It's a particular way in which to approach value investing, which is when you buy things that are extremely out of favor, and it is that lonely trade, as I described, it offers superior risk — superior return for lower risk.
Nonetheless, Cabral now appears to be well on his way to joining Cesar Millan and Victoria Stilwell among the pantheon of dog trainers favored by shelter personnel and rescuers who insist on believing, against the weight of centuries of evidence and experience and soaring numbers of deaths and disfigurements inflicted by «rescued» dogs, that pit bulls in particular can be trained out of high reactivity and impulsive aggression, and can be made «safe» despite histories of dangerous behavior.
The current chairman, Rajendra K. Pachauri, has frequently spoken out aggressively in favor of particular policies on emissions, while the panel is constrained to laying out «what if» scenarios.
In particular, I want to highlight three distinct but mutually reinforcing problems: three ways in which the shift to Big Data now playing out within the particular context of our system of advanced informational capitalism seems likely to reinforce certain values, and favor certain kinds of knowledge, over others.
Messing with dates: Length of time at a particular job, number of years experience in a particular field, recency of course work or training, and other time lines can make the difference between a desirable job candidate and one that falls out of favor.
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