Sentences with phrase «particular piece of equipment»

People would drive miles out of their way to donate gently used baby gear, often attaching loving notes describing how to use a particular piece of equipment.
He said: «Incidents of friendly fire are tragic, and are generally caused by a number of complex, inter-related factors - not by the lack of a particular piece of equipment.
Not only do you get specific workouts and training programs based on your goals and time constraints (often with supporting video content), she also explains why you are doing what you are doing — whether that be a certain rep range or using a particular piece of equipment.
If there are people immediately around a piece of equipment, I'll wait until they are resting, then ask them if they saw anyone using this particular piece of equipment.
Having the upgrade system in this fashion helps to make it more challenging because as you level a particular piece of equipment, the animals that you will need to hunt become of a variety that would be more difficult to hunt in the wild.
If you like a particular piece of equipment, you can just upgrade it at a shop with certain materials, so once you find equipment with your ideal skills, simply upgrade it to get it up to your level.
«It's not a particular piece of equipment, and it's not a particular company, big or small.
The important distinction being drawn in the Disley case related to the use to which the particular piece of equipment was put.
For example, if you were going for a construction trade apprenticeship, you might be shown a blueprint of a particular piece of equipment and asked to explain how it works.
Many times people have had special training for certain pieces of equipment which you might not have included in your CPOL Resume but a job position comes along that needs a person who can operate that particular piece of equipment.
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