Sentences with phrase «particular political agenda»

They are motivated instead by nothing more than the desire to see a particular political agenda prevail, but they pretend to be the bearers of some mighty revelation, vouchsafed to them alone, leading one and all to a bright new world of greater inclusiveness and sensitivity.
First, the Religious Right has always been a sub-culture of leaders and organizations, committed to a particular political agenda, within the evangelical movement.
Coalitions of countries not known for their respect for the rule of law, or having a particular political agenda, may attempt to enforce their views on the international community.
Occasionally they will suggest that their particular political agenda may have influenced the decision to limit their time.
«What has become clear through this heavily litigated process is that listing the polar bear as a threatened species is not about protecting the polar bear but rather advancing a particular political agenda,» Sen. James Inhofe (R — Okla.) said in a statement.
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