Sentences with phrase «particular publisher»

The data that do exist are proprietary and cover different pockets of the market, for example, sales by particular publishers or retailers.
We use RSS as a guideline or a proxy for how much of an excerpt the particular publisher is willing to show.
«In the vast majority of cases there is almost universal agreement that any particular publisher or journal deserves to be on the list.
There may be schools that use digital courses of this particular publisher, but buy print products from the competition.
They aren't having to go through gatekeepers who could — and sometimes do — keep out excellent books because they «didn't resonate» or aren't of the right «message» for that particular publisher.
The credits can be used to buy any e-book on the Amazon ecosystem and does not have to be used with the particular publishers involved in the court case.
Cindy, I think the best thing to do would be to check with the vanity publisher to see what the standards are for that particular publisher.
It makes sharing books between friends easier, and truly encourages people to look for that particular publisher.
But, this clause is funny for another reason, too, since it recognizes that this particular publisher does not review books before publishing them — therefore, this clause allows them to terminate books after - the - fact when a self - published book's subject matter causes their customers to want to boycott their company entirely.
I think it's hard for those of us who don't have much clout with a particular publisher or part of the industry to add one more thing to scrutinize.
I've heard authors talk about a particular publisher they were using due to very low cost, but the errors made them rethink it.
I don't have any particular publisher in mind.
Every Monday, Ebook Review Central will publish a list of all the ebooks published by a particular publisher the previous month, with links to all the published reviews.
But all publishers are different, and you may still need a very focused approach to make that particular publisher understand why they should hire you, and not the other twenty editors who have also cold - called them that month.
Every Monday, Ebook Review Central will publish a list of all the ebooks published by a particular publisher the previous...
Think about how those particular publishers put everything behind that series and then, when the series is over, they have nothing to take its place.
On finishing this book the reader will have a framework to help determine whether a particular publisher is a traditional publisher, a cooperative publisher, a subsidized or vanity publisher or self - publisher.
That's why Writer Beware doesn't recommend or endorse any particular publishers (or agents): writers need to do the research themselves.
Hence, I tend to look at things not in terms of self - publishing or vanity publishing, but it terms of whether or not a particular publisher can get you into the distribution networks so that your book will show up in the bookstores.
Criticisms of proposals can range from «not interesting enough,» or «writer's credentials not strong enough for the subject,» to a subject matter not being «marketable,» a book not being «the right shape» for a particular publisher's list to it being «not big enough» (i.e. it won't sell enough copies).
A publisher identifier: This identifies the particular publisher within that larger grouping.
ISBN are always 13 digits long, and the numbers correspond with regional codes, particular publishers, editions, etc..
Further, a particular publisher comes with his own brand value that draws a certain audience to the book.
It's hard for a fair negotiation to take place as long as the original book contract is seen to bind the author to a particular publisher.
Fortunately, I didn't allow my excitement and craving for publication stop me from conducting a background check on that particular publisher, which ultimately led me to Writer Beware.
Fiction: It does depend on your genre and whether you are targeting a particular publisher.
If you have questions about a particular publisher I have files on well over 100 vanity publishers in the UK and also a few in the USA.
As the pitch process went on, they started noticing that several names on the net play high score list always came from this particular publisher.
But the same situation that led to the rise of Facebook Instant Articles despite them giving Facebook vastly more power over publishers will dictate things here: Facebook needs publishers» content, but it doesn't need any one particular publisher, and since the independent outlets could never unionize for a boycott since a few would likely scab and still publish there, they're all at the mercy of the social network.
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