Sentences with phrase «particular qualifications»

Were there particular qualifications that the interviewers emphasized that they were seeking in a successful candidate?
These might include the time and nature of your next job move, a promotion you are aiming at, or attaining particular qualifications or training.
She then points out more particular qualifications including her connections with media contacts.
Because even if particular qualifications aren't a prerequisite for a role, you might find that someone who has them has the upper hand.
You can discuss particular qualifications you have and / or highlights of your work experience.
If our secondary schools are going to develop the future leaders, active citizens, great parents and innovators that we need from our future adults, we need an accountability system that recognises those broader areas as well as the achievement of particular qualifications.
Since this cover letter was published to help everyone from a nanny to a chief financial officer, you'll have to change several elements in order to come up with a resume cover letter that seems tailored for your own particular qualifications.
Make sure you are not just restating what you list on your resume; instead, think of it as a summary of particular qualifications that make you the best fit for the job.
Completion of a course or series of MBG courses and any certificate or other evidence thereof provided by MBG may not be recognized by third - parties, including employers, governmental bodies and educational institutions, as imparting upon the participant any particular qualification, skill - set or fitness to practice or perform any particular task or profession, and MBG makes no representations or warranties to that effect.
There are no requirements needed to call yourself a life coach, and who knows, if you are lucky, even without experience or any particular qualifications, you might become successful.
A Department for Education spokesperson said: «If an awarding organisation like OCR chooses to offer a particular qualification it is incumbent upon them to make sure that they have sufficient high quality markers.
I've done it myself — with a book I didn't even have any particular qualifications to write, and I'm confident you can too.
None of them requires that you have particular qualifications and signing up for any one of them will take you but a few minutes.
You need to find out what they are willing to lend you, based on your particular qualifications.
Websites also offer lawyers a twenty - four hour marketing tool by calling attention to the particular qualifications of a lawyer or a law firm, explaining the scope of the legal services they provide and describing their clientele, and adding an electronic link to contact an individual lawyer.
How do your particular qualifications provide value to the client?
Nor do they have any particular qualification to do those things.
More significantly, Carson Air also discovered that Ms. Langford was missing a particular qualification which Transport Canada required of all pilots before allowing them to fly commercially.
It is not necessary to have particular qualifications, but you do have to prove that you are capable of taking care of children.
Your resume can be posted on electronic bulletin boards, be searched by key words by major corporate Human Resource departments, or be screened by recruiters with clients who are looking for someone with your particular qualifications.
To work as a pharmacy technician doesn't need a particular qualification, what you need is a little bit of math and writing skills, and the ability to learn on the job.
But while some jobs require a particular qualification (eg medicine), graduates from most subjects go in a whole host of different career directions, many of which bear little relation to their studies.
A strategy is then developed based upon your particular qualifications mix to best bring immediate focus from the hiring authority to the relevant concepts.
You also need to ask what training and support different employers will give you towards a particular qualification.
For many sales roles, your personality and aptitude for the profession may be viewed as more important than particular qualifications.
Those driven by money should consider which higher paying careers would be suitable for their particular qualifications and skill sets.
If there is a particular qualification or value the company emphasizes, do your best to relate your experience to those needs.
Job seekers could also count on the help of resume templates like these to properly explain their particular qualifications for a given job, just like any other.
Job aspirants may not require any particular qualifications to pursue a career as a small arm repairer but can acquire the necessary skills and expertise with on job training.
In fact, all you really need do is fill in the specifics, such as your particular qualifications for a job, though a template can make generalizations for each job.
Candidates do not need to list any formal education requirements on their resumes, nor do they need to possess any particular qualifications, though a general educational background is preferred.
An example of a sales resumes would show you some of the particular qualifications, such as:
Is there a particular qualification or responsibility listed in the job advertisement that resonates with you?
This will help the hiring manager instantly see how your particular qualifications will fit in with what the company needs and its goals.
So here, while you can take general pointers from a free resume, you have to make sure that the final draft of your resume is tailored to meet the requirements of the job and that it dovetails with the particular qualifications needed for it.
A focused resume will clearly address all of the employer's needs by concentrating on the particular qualifications that the job requires.
You do not need any particular qualifications or education to be a foster carer.
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