Sentences with phrase «particular schedule»

It makes sense, of course: SAHPs are not tied to particular schedules whereas working parents would have to take time off to run said errand, but jeez Louise, it's still super annoying.
You may get this type of calculation when you have a very particular schedule where the child may be residing with one parent from a certain time and date to a certain time and date.»
Rather you agree or don't agree with how that particular schedule is you should not give such harsh opinions.
ACE did not require any particular schedule, and each workbook (or «PACE») is completed at the child's own speed.
Likewise, there was the classic calendar as well as doubles, and both would provide a particular schedule.
Since classes don't follow any particular schedule, students can complete them as slowly or as quickly as time and preparedness allow.
The Governing Board is therefore legally bound to continue the LTT, but not required to administer the assessment on any particular schedule (2).
While we were encouraged to support each other with retweets and shares, we weren't committed to any particular schedule.
But before you adjust your dog for a particular schedule, you should make it a point to use the crate during different times of the day.
Puppy Veterinary care should follow a particular schedule.
Outdoor cats tend to come and go as they please, and not always according to a particular schedule.
There are oral, topical and injectable medications that ward off infestations, and each each one is given on a particular schedule.
Depending on your particular schedule, some excursions may not be possible to schedule during the week.
You can, and should, collect points in all of them whenever the opportunity fits into your particular schedule.
Loans do not need to be paid of on any particular schedule, or at all.
Now, you can study and learn wherever and whenever it fits into you particular schedule.
It is important to stick to a particular schedule, regardless of the block size debate.
The name of the sender of the letter so the doctor will know who the patient who can not go to a particular schedule is
Current custody laws have no presumption in favor of any particular schedule, whether 50/50 time - sharing or otherwise.
When moms can be assured that their children are doing okay and that a particular schedule is going to work for them, they can feel as if they are doing their best to be that «good» mom.
There are also a number of factors that go into deciding whether a particular schedule is the right fit for the family.
A child who has a specific desire should point to reasons why he thinks a particular schedule is in his best interest.
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