Sentences with phrase «particular study found»

In fact, a particular study found that students were seven times more likely to recall information a week after they were presented with the information if they had recorded it in their notes.
The pulp of the berry is loaded with nutrients, and one particular study found that it actually worked to reduce fat deposits in otherwise healthy women.
According to WebMD, one particular study found that people who consumed about half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with food or in capsule form, burned approximately ten extra calories within the four hours of consuming it.
One particular study found that taking a cold shower after a high intensity interval training session, improved next day running performance.
This particular study found that marijuana use is associated with early development of psychosis.
One particular study found that levels of the extremely toxic metal, cadmium, were 48 per cent lower in organically grown produce, and pesticide residues were four times more likely to be found in conventionally grown crops.
According to WebMD, one particular study found that people who consumed about half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with food or in capsule form, burned approximately ten extra calories within the four hours of consuming it.

Not exact matches

When the researchers looked at data from that particular study, they found that taller boys and girls performed significantly better at age 3 on a test in which they had to point to pictures of different words.
A new study has found that nearly half of all Americans feel lonely — with young people in particular experiencing the brunt on the pain.
A small pilot study of schizophrenia patients found that a particular video game where the user has to land a rocket helped the patients control verbal hallucinations.
The authors claimed that an «Increasing numbers of academic studies are finding that mental health problems have been soaring among girls over the past 10 - and in particular five - years, coinciding with the period in which young people's use of social media has exploded.»
Indeed, in a 1999 study, Rolf Reber and Norbert Schwarz found that college students were significantly more likely to believe that statements that a particular city was in a particular town («Osorno is in Chile») were true when they were presented in highly visible shades of red and blue than when they were presented in moderately visible shades of green, yellow, and light blue.
But in light of their findings, the study's authors suggest that «the choice of hand - drying device should be considered carefully» in settings where infection is a particular concern, such as in hospitals and restaurants.
In a study, a group of researchers found that by taking a 40 - second break and simply looking at a computerized image of a green roof, employees» focus on a particular task improved.
Rand Fishkin started to tap into possible correlations between social media and search results in July 2011 when his study found that Facebook shares in particular correlated with higher search engine rankings.
Extensive studies of the content of American television, for example, have found that television programming repetitively presents a particular and consistent dramatic view of the world and life: what is good and what is bad, what has reality and what does not have reality, what power is and who holds power, how relationships should be conducted, and how one should behave in particular situations.
J. H. Ellens, in a major study of denominational broadcasting, found that there were three major determinants that influenced the particular format adopted by denominational executives for a particular religious program: economics, technology, and theology.
I used to use study bibles more often but often found their explanations either lacking substance or suggesting a particular doctrine stronger than they should.
Although he recognizes strands of the other approaches present in each theological position, he argues that a particular interpretation emerges in most situations as the most prominent, 22 and he enjoins Christians to reach their own «final» choice.23 The study of the struggle of congregations to grasp the relationship of Christ to their own culture suggests, however, that all four motifs are constantly in play: it is difficult to find one theme dominating the others.
During a presentation in London yesterday, Deglise released findings from a biennial study by Vinexpo and the IWSR into global wine and spirits trends, which showed, in particular, the expansion of the sparkling wine market worldwide.
Taken together with an earlier study finding injuries to cheerleaders in the basing / spotting position most common, the researchers said that «bases are at particular risk of injury from contact with another athlete during stunts,» and that» [f] uture research should focus on identifying ways to better protect bases during stunts.»
«Interestingly, [our] study did not find significant clustering of muscle - enhancing behaviors within schools,» said Eisenberg, which suggests that, «rather than being driven by a particular sports team coach or other features of a school social landscape, muscle - enhancing behaviors are widespread and influenced by factors beyond school, likely encompassing social and cultural variables such as media messages and social norms of behavior more broadly.»
• A study of Japanese new parents found no correlation between mothers» and fathers» depression (this may be a culturally specific finding, or a feature of this particular study) but found a strong link with the father's unemployment and — as many other studies have found — with unintended pregnancy (Nishimura & Ohashi, 2010).
«In two studies of breast - fed infants involving more than 3,000 children in Britain and New Zealand, breastfeeding was found to raise intelligence an average of nearly 7 IQ points if the children had a particular version of a gene called FADS2.
While some scientific evidence does show that manipulating diet can affect bacterial levels in cattle's digestive system, these studies have not found that a particular feeding regimen can reliably reduce levels of E. coli O157: H7.
The women interviewed in Hoddinott's study concur: «First - time parents in particular can find the lack of time for activities unrelated to baby and «me time» a major challenge for which they are not prepared.
One particular study looked at a 190 cultures worldwide and only 13 of them found the breast sexy.
Instead, research and studies have found that co-sleeping and bed - sharing give children the capacity to fully engage with others, develop problem solving skills that children who sleep alone may not possess, and that human development is too complex to link with one particular idea or notion, whether it's bed - sharing or sleeping alone.
During a home study, our NYC contract social workers are trying to find the best match between what a child needs and what a particular prospective adoptive family has to offer.
Multiple studies in different countries have not found an increased incidence of aspiration since the change to supine sleeping.81, — , 83 There is often particular concern for aspiration when the infant has been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux.
And I only used the word «drugs» as a general term in my post, avoiding the reference to marijuana in particular because as many studies have found recently, it may very well have other valid medical uses.
The study found that, overall, a person's risk of getting dementia by any particular age is a fifth lower than it was 20 years ago (Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038 / ncomms11398).
While a clinician may find it difficult to parse whether a patient's stilted conversational manner is rooted in a lack of emotional connection or problems forming words, a brain scan in Belger's study made it clear, for example, that particular symptoms were more closely associated with disruption in the brain's emotional processing areas, whereas other symptoms were more closely associated with regions responsible for language and motor control.
«We found that a particular vaginal bacterium, Gardnerella vaginalis, did not cause infection during exposure to the urinary tract, but it damaged the cells on the surface of the bladder and caused E. coli from a previous UTI to start multiplying, leading to another bout of disease,» said the study's senior author, Amanda Lewis, PhD, an assistant professor of molecular microbiology and of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University.
«fMRI studies often find that when a task gets progressively harder, we see more activity in the brain, and the prefrontal cortex in particular.
«We have followed a less potent neutralizing lineage in this particular individual before, but now we have found a far more potent antibody and have been able to study its development over six years,» said first author Mattia Bonsignori, M.D., of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute.
In particular, while studying a trimer system consisting of three discrete metallic nanodisks of about 145 nanometers in diameter and 60 nanometers thick, the team found evidence for the presence of near - field, subwavelength - sized optical vortices and the circulation of electromagnetic energy (see image).
Another possible issue with attribution science, he says, is that the current generation of simulations simply may not be capable of capturing some of the subtle changes in the climate and oceans — a particular danger when it comes to studies that find no link to human activities.
Recent studies have found BMAA in seafood, suggesting that certain diets and locations may put people at particular risk.
But whereas the uncanny valley is normally used to describe the visual appearance of a robot or virtual character, this study finds that, given a particular appearance, emotional behavior alone can seem uncanny.
A new study finds that babies this age understand quite a bit about words — in particular, the relationships between nouns.
In particular, the study found that about a quarter of the fishers in the region use destructive fishing methods including explosives and poison, which were both outlawed by the Philippine government in 1932.
Instead of just letting scent compounds waft into the air, the plants use a particular molecule called a transporter protein to help move the compounds along, a new study found.
The new findings contrast with those from some other recent studies, although the researchers say some variation may be due to the particular flu seasons that were studied.
In a new study, researchers are taking joint biopsy tissue from patients at the start of a new therapy and then six weeks later to see if they can find a predictor gene sequence that will clearly identify which patients respond to a particular therapy.
«Now, through our new study, we show that lowering levels of a particular cohesin protein called Rad21 in embryonic zebrafish produces similar types of heart defects to those found in people with CdLS,» Associate Professor Horsfield says.
A recent study finds that different species of the fungi genus can do their dirty work only on particular host ants.
Newman's studies show that toddlers in particular can recognize speech in noise only at relatively soft noise levels, «and often they fail to do so at noise levels approximating those found in typical daycare centers,» she said.
Faraneh Vargha - Khadem, a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London who was not involved with the work, also applauds the study but is not sure how relevant the findings are to speech in particular.
The study, co-authored by Michigan State University economist Soren Anderson, found children are 39 percent more likely to buy a particular brand of automobile if their parents bought that brand.
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