Sentences with phrase «particular vegetable»

Including particular vegetables on your menus will ensure you get even more protein.
You have so many options in soup, so if you do not like particular vegetables, then do not worry because still you will have hundreds of option.
Both waves include unlimited particular vegetables characterized by high fiber and low calorie - density.
Hydration doesn't just come through a glass of water - eating plants, in particular vegetables offer water to our bodies too.
The book features over 150 recipes, each one highlighting a particular vegetable.
Roasting vegetables gives them a new flavor dynamic and if there's a particular vegetable that you're not very fond of, try roasting it before making up your mind completely.
You definitely have often found sour taste in soup, it may be because of added vinegar, lemon juice or any particular vegetable (like tomato etc).
I am not going to list any particular vegetables to use for this recipe.
I do that — get hooked on a particular vegetable and eat it incessantly.
Now, you could get into the nitty gritty of whether a particular vegetable should be eaten raw or cooked to get the most out of its nutrients.
If you're ever in doubt about the safety of a particular vegetable, you should consult with your veterinarian, especially if your dog has any health conditions.
If they find a particular vegetable especially delicious, they're going to want to fill up on that, and you might be unable to say no because vegetables are healthy, right?
If you're ever in doubt about the safety of a particular vegetable, you should consult with your veterinarian, especially if your dog has any health conditions.
If they find a particular vegetable especially delicious, they're going to want to fill up on that, and you might be unable to say no because vegetables are healthy, right?
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