Sentences with phrase «particular virus»

In addition, because the test includes detailed genetic information about various strains of particular viruses, subtypes can be identified easily.
The vaccination plan for your pet should take into consideration not only the compulsory vaccines, but also vaccines against particular viruses or parasites that are known to infest your area or diseases that the breed of your dog is more vulnerable to.
To determine whether particular viruses were responsible for URI symptoms in different shelters, over 300 healthy cats across the nine shelters had their eyes and mouths sampled for genetic analyses designed to look for calicivirus, herpesvirus, and three other common viruses.
There is a meaning of the word «know» that is necessary to everyday discourse, in which we must accept that we can «know» the age of the earth in the same way we can «know» that a particular virus causes, say, chicken pox.
Sproat recommends that for something of this nature, you should call the Infant Risk Center hotline and ask them what the latest research indicates for breastfeeding and your particular virus.
«The reason researchers change the vaccine every year is that they want to specifically match the vaccine to the particular viruses that are circulating, such as H1N1.
We'll be able to look back in time and see, for instance, that this particular mom generated antibodies to this particular virus at the 17th week, and now her kid is autistic.»
The company claims its VLP approach allows it to manufacture a vaccine to match a particular virus strain in about three months.
It may be a particular virus or a particular bacterium.
«In this study we continued our previous work in the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, in which we showed that patients who had developed an Epstein - Barr virus infection after a transplant that led to a lymphoproliferative disease, could be helped by receiving immune cells specialized in eliminating that particular virus,» said first author Dr. Ifigeneia Tzannou, instructor of medicine in the section of hematology and oncology at Baylor College of Medicine.
Right or wrong about this particular virus, she deserves credit for awakening interest in CFS.»
Dr. Evans No we are saying that this particular virus based on what we are seeing clinical expression at this point and time, the introduction of the virus into the pig herd, the pigs have responded in the same way that they have responded to every other swine virus, or circulating influenza virus.
And so as David indicated this finding in itself is not an outstanding or an unusual event even specific to this particular virus circumstance.
World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible for predicting the influenza strains that will be most common during the next season and for giving recommendations on the particular virus strains that should be used for producing the vaccines for the next influenza season.
The particular virus responsible for the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa is Zaire ebolavirus.
«We did some experiments to assess whether the virus has potential for humans to become infected... it's probably unlikely that humans are likely to be infected by this particular virus,» he said.
Members of this class of drugs are usually highly specific against components of a particular virus, and mutations in the virus that change these components can make them ineffective.
The researchers found that in mice, infection with a particular virus triggers a surge in interleukin - 33 (IL - 33).
The study relates to a particular type of vaccine (killed) against a particular virus, influenza, though the findings might hold true for other killed vaccines and for those vaccines consisting only of proteins produced by GM in bacteria, yeast or insect cells, against diseases such as hepatitis B (HBV) and human papilloma virus (HPV, the causative agent of cervical cancer).
«This particular virus has lower vaccine effectiveness,» he said.
• Because no studies of this particular virus have been done on a large scale in dogs and cats, we are simply in uncharted territory and do not know.
One particular virus of cats that is often the root cause of sneezing is the feline herpes 1 virus (FHV1, rhinotrachitis).
A vaccine delivers a micro dose of a particular virus in order to provoke the immune system into a response.
The vaccine for H3N2 has only been approved for the prevention of that particular virus.
This particular virus is seen in wild and feral hosts like the coyote and fox so it is particularly important to maintain current vaccines in our domesticated pets.
Veterinary titer tests use the IgG class of immunoglobulin antibody to assess protective immunity to a particular virus, such as parvovirus or distemper.
While titers offer many benefits to the vaccine - wary pet owner by showing a measurement of antibody levels to a particular virus in the blood, there are some things to keep in mind when titer testing dogs.
In addition, it is possible for a pet to have a strong titer — even a very strong titer like 1:3200 and to be unprotected against a virus because the particular virus is controlled by cellular immunity or mechanisms other than antibodies.
Vaccination results in the production of antibodies against a particular virus.
From a particular virus known as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), through cell phone towers interfering with bees» ability to navigate, (this was later largely discounted as one of the numerous conspiracy theories and far - fetched hypotheses surrounding CCD), to high - levels of atmospheric CO2 messing with bees natural sense of self - regulation in the colony, ideas and opinions have come thick and fast.
Researchers suggested that although this particular virus does not pose a direct risk to human health as it only targets amoebae, the rise in global temperature and subsequent melting of the Earth's ice could herald the return of other lost viruses.
I learned that this particular virus represented a real threat, albeit it originated it 2006, and the warning now making the rounds in March 2008 erroneously links this virus to the «Life is Beautiful» worm virus, which was a hoax).
So far, this particular virus is missing the ability to spread efficiently and sustainably which is why a pandemic has not yet occurred.
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