Sentences with phrase «particularly fond memory»

Schmachtenberg has a number of career highlights to look back on, and recalls one very large deal as a particularly fond memory: «One highlight relates to the successful bidding and signing and completion for Linde's three digit million investment into the multi-billion project financed petrochemical cluster established by Dow Chemicals and Saudi Aramco in the Middle East.
The Swiss champions are a regular fixture in the Champions League and have particularly fond memories against the Red Devils having knocked them out in the group stages of 2011/12 on a dramatic final match - day.
Fabregas will have particularly fond memories of this part of Merseyside: he has netted on his last two visits with Arsenal and in August 2009 set up two and scored a pair in a 6 - 1 win.
1) Do a themed night at home depending on your favourite country / type of food Is there one country that you both love because it brings back particularly fond memories?
She has particularly fond memories of the ongoing soap opera that makes up the day - to - day life of a large secondary school, because all tightly knit communities are full of stories: «For a writer, it's a perfect environment.
I have particularly fond memories of a game called Elite.

Not exact matches

One of my fondest memories of doctoral work was the day he ended our conference by saying, «Let's go drive around, you drive,» and we drove around town and just shot the breeze on a particularly sunny day.
All the staff was wonderfully friendly, and my daughter enjoyed chatting with everyone and playing in the playgrounds — the giant swings hold a particularly fond place in her memory.
I think my fandom for console RPGs has waned in recent years, particularly in the PS3 / XBox360 era, but I'll always have fond memories of them.
For instance, he recalls that «the execution of the first contract that I supported as legal counsel» was a particularly fond professional memory that «allowed him to learn that good preparation is key for a successful negotiation».
Windows Phone produced many fond memories, particularly stand - out devices like the Lumia 1020, but it largely represents a missed opportunity to adapt to an industry where phones, not PCs, are the center of the computing universe.
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